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Bautistabros our response?
What more is there to say?
ironic since his political career is gonna be six feet under after he jobs to mommy
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Whos the little slut on Takers lap
Why are there so many nonces here now?
No milly? No 10ky? Kek what an anti-draw bitch.
So does he only interview people who are exceedingly close to death or what?
that's gAyEW tier viewership, it's joever
Brit board, unfortunately.
2 WWE HOFs on one podcast. Bitchtista couldn't handle it.
Yes, the elites like Elon Musk & the entire state of Israel really hate him!
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It's over
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Kamala won
Does this retard know the whole thing was fake?
Well Glenn didnt type that tweet and yes he probably would know its fake
The marks are in the ring, brother.
>they didn't let just any Jamal or incel drive up to the drive-thru

Gee I wonder why.
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>You do know Drumpf didn't work an 8 hour shift, don't you?
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>see this
>go to reddit
>find thread
>enjoy the salt
hard working americans are at work right now. check the number around this time tomorrow
We like Taker now? Why? He's been a chuds for many years
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>6.6k watching
It's just /pol/tards invading because he's talking to a wrestler. /pw/ has always been a left-wing board.
it's kind of amazing how anti dimes undy is outside of WWE, there's fucking anime girls jiggling keys to people who have x10 his viewership.
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Biker Taker was always certified dime repellent, and that was basically just him playing himself. Plus his promos were always dog shit anyway, so who wants to listen to hours of him yapping on.
Taker's daughter is hot.
Joshipedos really are a loyal fanbase.
To be fair it premiered at a time when most American adults are at work right now.
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mmm say that to his face and you'll eat some pure strikes
It was cool until he brought out his daughter then i was cringing
Whos that little piece bouncing on the Takemeister?
Did she take turns sitting on everybody else laps like Stephanie?
Bitchtista ETHERED
My friend I offer this advice in complete sincerity. Delete this tweet immediately.
yup they start rambling about the olympic tranny even though she wasnt a tranny. Shoot stopped watching there
Ryback was right
This is such an incredibly tone deaf and ironic post, republicans really are retarded
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>New Yorker born into wealth
>Not the elite
The absolute brainwashing these magatards are on is unreal
They throw fits over Taylor Swift about how she doesn't know what the average person goes through but will gargle Elons nuts
Him talking to the daughter, who obviously couldn't give any less of a fuck, was cringe, but calling the ugly olympic woman a tranny is pretty funny
who is that young lady?
Did he mention Batista at all?
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>trannies completely missing the point of Kane’s argument
Trannies being retards with zero reading comprehension as usual
>leftists calling Kamala “mommy” now
Jesus Christ, you bootlickers are fucking disgusting.
Funny how you make fun of trannies by posting a trannime reaction image
>Not an "elite"
This retarded faggot inherited $413 Milly from his dad and still went bankrupt multiple times
>doesn't know how campaigning works
Anon campaigning is about convincing the lower IQ normies. You have to make easy to understand moronic posts like that to reach them. It works like this on both sides. Why do you think the left only talks about muh abortion and muh orange fascist man bad?
What does bankruptcy mean?
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4chan used to spend its time harrassing and making fun of embarrassing right-wing religious morons like the Westboro Baptist Church. That would have been back when you were still wearing diapers, my dear election tourist.
Cute Daughter. I hope she's Funny as well
Kek what an antidraw bitch
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How exactly did this cunt lose money on a casino that he never had to pay for?
4chan is counter-culture. Now that it's trendy and mainstream to be atheist and liberal the counter-culture is to be trad Catholic and hyper religious.
>4chan is counter-culture
This nigga realizes hes a fucking pro wrestling "journalist," right? Now thats sad
huh? what does that mean?
that was the end of the podcast, tranny
So you don't know?
Well, that's why I'm asking, no?
You tell me
it was "fake" until one random brazillian popped up there and begged him to not let the US become a dictatorship hellhole like shitzil, then it became real.

You know that people works during these hours and aren't miserable vagabonds like (You) anon
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>Hack of your cock for Harris
how's that?
He was always a huge faggot
Cornetty's gotta be blowing a gasket right now.
good job sir
That was a lifetime ago. Things have changed. Now it's the liberals who are batshit craycray and get mocked
Republicans want less government except when it comes to sexuality and gender then you want to control your life. I hate every single christcuck.
Just leave children alone, stop trying to normalize your degeneracy, and use birth control. It's not that difficult.
kill yourself
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STOP 'miring Take's daughter! We have Izzy for that, memba Izzy?! She's not "too old" now, u r !
How old is she?
idk but not old enough
This is a Kaia Faith Calaway board now, chud

Old enough to start wrestling
That's kinda wholesome. What was his daughter doing there, did she ask The President a question?
you'd think a board built around filtering truth from narrative would have a better idea about who is the better candidate for potus
kek imagine losing the respect of thousands of fans for 24k views. Taker really is a jobber
She talked to him about girl's sports and he said he's gonna keep trannies out, said imagine if Taker transitioned and she had to play against him. Then he asked her to make sure her dad only posted pictures of them sitting down cause he looks equal to him there, he doesn't want to look like a small man. It was cuter than it writes
did she really? taker brainwashing his poor kid
Thanks for the feedback.

You're pro-tranny in female sports? I don't think she's the one who is brainwashed.
I don't get the hysteria the right has for trans athletes when there's barely any. Most people can only name the swimmer and no one else.
Yes, the Iranian is a tranny. This was confirmed by the IBA, which banned him after genetic tests proved he has XY sex-chromosomes. The Olympics literally just took his word for it and then claimed it as fact.


and read the definition of woman

“Women/Female/Girl” means an individual with chromosome XX. For this purpose, the boxers can be submitted to a random and/or targeted gender test to confirm the above, which will serve for the gender eligibility criteria for the IBA Competitions.

So the criteria is the chromosomes if he failed it is because he has XY chromosomes. Simple as bro, he is a man.

And the rules about gender are in page 17 section 4.

it doesnt matter if there's 'barely any', all it takes is one male in a female league to invalidate and destroy the entire thing
>i'm not bothered by child predators, it's not like there's many
try not voting for one
Still voting Biden
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>6.6k watching a live premiere
are those meant to be bad numbers
have you seen twitch
now you're gonna tell me undertaker isn't actually a zombie..........
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imagine actually wasting time in your day watching this
Ehhhh after seeing Taker's daughter suddenly Im not so into izzy.
>i can only focus on one thing at a time
you should see someone about that
Carder posting was always in thinly-veiled reverence.
>Takes pure numbers and numbers alone into account
>Doesn't see channel size, live viewer counts, anything
>This is the intelligence of Taker's average detractor
I don't think I want to be on team batista any more. These are regular fuckin views for his channel.
>Millionaire does publicity stunt "working" the fries for an hour.

Imagine falling for this shit, doesn't matter if Reps or Dems do it.
nice strawman
wow you're so smart
>actually it's not meant to draw!
- you and aewtists when something gets no views
The politics equivalent of "this isn't CM Punk talking to Triple H, it's Phil Brooks talking to Paul Levesque"
What don't you people understand about audience numbers
These. Are. Regular. Views. For. His. Pod. Cast.
It currently has ~160k views. Doing better than his last episode. This. Is. Normal.
nta but what kind of views did you expect from a 600k youtube channel
especially for a live feed
>they just talk about wrestling the whole time
I wasn't expecting this
6.6k live on youtube/twitch/kick/etc is pretty decent. Especially for a podcast people will skim through later in most cases.
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What else are they gonna talk about? Policy? LMAO
Anon we’re all very impressed by how above it all you are
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KamalaKings, what do we do? Is it over?
no, you just dumb as shit
My girlfriend and her daughter are both trans. Should we leave the country? I’m literally shaking.
Does the hick faggot co-host talk much?
nigga that IS a draw for youtube numbers
GOAT president, GOAT wrestler and entertainer. <3
Carder has been brainwashed by his christcuck conservatard wife
because back in 2016 it wasn't as prevalent as it is today, it was there but common sense still prevailed then in 2020 it all went to shit.
Popular support.
In 2016, a man didn't win a gold medal in women's Olympic boxing.
Pushing the policy through would've gotten heat from a lot more people than he would get now.
It's just like working another country into thinking you support them.
Nigga are you on Kane's page 24/7?
His campaign is just doing better stuff, most every time you see her it's either just on stage or in an office that reminds people of work meetings
Takers new wife looks a little young. Is that hangman page sitting next to him??
Zamn. What a Happy Dad
What does the gold olympic medalist have to do with trans people?
Who's the guest? They are a
This. Based.
You're asking why there's so many nonces on a site that used to have a hidden /cp/ board and regularly posted hardcore child porn in /b/?
That was a good move to have her align herself to isreal. It made one of my politically charged friends shut up.
no lie detected
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He could've had michael jackson on the podcast and the views wouldn't've changed. Views don't fly in JUST because you have someone on UNLESS they are somewhat related to your topics. See the Kane episode, a big outlier in the usual shit because it's the brothers talking.
I don't care for politics, but he's really photogenic.
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extra salt, we have great salt, the best
Kek Literally untrue. Popular people advertise where they go and their fans watch their stuff. We're 1 month away from the elections. His fans will watch anything he does.Why do you think the biggest celebrities draw the most views in talk show YT channels. Hell even in wrestling channels like Sheamus' one the most popular wrestlers have the most views. This was a failure and we both know it
it grew back. don't worry about it
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God damn what a time to be alive
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he's the GOAT, simple as
I can't believe Kamala didn't do this first. It's almost like she was lying about working at McDonalds during college as a Law Student. Because all law students work fast food to pay the bills.
>Yes the man who has been shot at twice this year should have gone to a random Mc Donalds without it being secured beforehand

Imagine being so shit at politics that your only hope is the other guy gets murdered.
Progressives are the worst people alive. They're barely people
i watch a few different streamers 6k is good considering some of the bigger streamers will say 8000 viewers but in reality it can be around 1.5k . many buy viewbots
true, they know the only shot they have at winning his him dying so they can make their base surge that's why two republicans tried to kill him
I mean it's still false tho
I worked as a janitor at Harvard solving unsolvable equations on a hallway chalk board when I wasn't too busy beating up my elementary school bully, so I believe her
Yeah I know how the dude operates, i've seen him everywhere since 2016, but this one I just hadn't seen anything advertised from his side.
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No, you're just a seething faggot. With extra salt.
this is some advanced retardation
It's still false tho, and given your answer you seem to be the one seething.
i don't like talking politics here it's supposed to be about wrestling but just as an aside, i always thought it would be really funny if somebody blew RFK Jr's brains out.
he thinks Sirhan Sirhan is innocent so why not let Sirhan out and see if he want to kill both RFKs
Does she have social media?
Bautista should do a podcast with Harris. Imagine the goldmine of cringe lol
He's an XY-chromosome male man.
He's being portrayed however as a transgender in storyline.
Who were brainwashed by the extreme left. I don't care what you put on your voter card 12-14 yrs ago.
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>i don't like talking politics
>Sirhan Sirhan
Kinda seems like you do.
The greatest lie 4channers tell themselves is that every board is an island unto itself. Doesn't matter if you're a /v/fag, a /fit/chud, or a /gif/perv... you're only here because the rest of the internet won't accept you. That's why nothing is "off topic" on 4chan. We're the asshole of society all begging for anons to give a shit.
This nigga doesn't know what kayfabe means
>billionaire, not elite
kane confirmed retarded
Oh so he's only pretending to be retarded
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This anon gets it.
>wrestler is a worker
What a shock
And? I actually liked the episode otherwise. I didnt understand the point of him doing a UFC or Football podcast until now
>Republican politician acts like a retard
What a shock
>he believes in Democrats and Republicans
lmao mark
>"Oh huh they're all just as bad"
Sry man Republicans are still retarded
Why are Republicans obsessed with trannies?
I get being against encouraging kids to trans, but the womens sports shit is retarded. Like nobody gives a fuck about women's sports. I dont know why were pretending to now
Its more real than Kamala Harris, daughter of a famous Biomedical Scientist and a Standford Economist, growing up "middle class"
>muh trans in sports
fucking christ how embarrassing
these people didn't care about women's sports until they could make it a culture war issue. transphobes are pathetic.
If you incels ever have children, you'd understand
Go fuck yourself faggot, its a non-issue
You will never be a woman, freakazoid
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So why did prowrestling get rid of intergender matches?

AEW is on the wrong side of history, pal.
how has this thread not been deleted
>Bautistabros our response?
no slidey
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What about every billionaire except Elon?
Check the chromosomes
Stop the steal
dude taco bell is trash now. AND expensive. back in the early 2000s, 4 or 5 of us would pile into a subaru with $9 bucks between all of us, and we'd all get full to the brim for that nine dollars. now nine bucks will MAYBE feed one teenager.
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Meanwhile if you saw /b/ posters from 2006 you would tell them to go back to /pol/
cause it's pro wrestling related and it was posted on /pw/? how had you not been aborted?
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>real mcdonalds
>real people
>real orders
>real food
>real president

>but they closed off the area and made it for his supporters only since multiple people have tried to assassinate him over the course of a few months so IT DOESN'T COUNT

not a peep from these disingenuous bitch faggots about harris actually kicking people OUT of a little shit hole food joint in shitsburgh for an ACTUALLY fake photo op where she did nothing but prove how fake she's always been.
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Why would you shoot someone you support?
Is your narrative that JFK was assassinated by a Democrat and it was an example of the left eating their own?
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Democrats are the ones constantly bringing it up in speeches and political releases
Hillary Clinton lost and black Hillary Clinton will lose again cause they are anti dimes
This was pure trolling and it was primarily aimed at Israel-worshipping right-wingers anyway. Figures that a modern day /pol/yp would think those people were literal Nazis like them.
Huh? Whats wrong with supporting Isreal?
trvth nvke
>outdrawn by vtubers
kane lost it when he traded libertarianism for conservatism desu
It's OVER for Baptisia.
When did beard and lumberjack shirt fags that used to get bullied all the time make the switch? I swear that guy looks exactly like the kind of fag that used to get so much shit years ago
Nigger you couldn’t even run DOS
It's almost like people don't like the current group of people with power that controls narratives and silences criticism toward them. I have not forgotten about the religious "think of the children" zealots, but their power has greatly diminished while liberal media and tech has seized the power.
>pretend action hero
As opposed to the real action heroes?
so, we're all just writing in Dave Meltzer in November or what?
people have been conflating the terms "elite" and "establishment" for almost a decade now
Calhoun’s ability to capture the imagination 44 years after his last match is amazing
Baron's shoot 6'9. That's a big guy.
i thought this was a joke
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soon more than dynamite
She has a womb and a uterus, so you think men can conceive? based progressive chad
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No he doesn't.
Both people are WWE hall of famers.
back to page 1
Thinks only religious people are right wing.

Atheists right wingers against niggers and trannies. Turn 46% into 100% and help them there
>shilling for REPUBLICANS unironically
fucking retards are dumber than the lefties they claim to hate
Slurring your words there big dog
Bottom guy looks like a nu-UFC fighter
>michelle mccool but hebe
how many cases of jack do i need to bring so i can hit it?
Huh? What is there to say about it?
Man you can talk politics on the board all day but if you say you want to drink Carmella's tit milk you get an instant ban. Fuck this shithole
Im not a Kamalafag but this onions neckbeard talking about “manhood” toward a literal former professional wrestler is funny
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King Cobra pulls movie viewers than this lol
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You wanna know what's funny? Both Undertaker and Kane had the most dark and Satanic gimmicks, yet both of them are Republicans who support Trump. Usually it's cringy edge-lord Satanic atheists who love those types of gimmicks. Imagine their surprise that one of their favorite wrestlers are Republican Trump supporter? Gotta love triggering these self-mutilated self-hating woke-cucks. They're usually spouting "Christ-cuck" or "Conservatard" because these woke trannies are miserable and full of anger. What a sad life they live.
>the elites hate him
Don’t google Miriam Adelson.
She's not a threat. George Soros, Bill Gates, Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Dr. Fauci and countless other rich and evil DemoKKKrats are the real threat.
Please explain to me how Trump’s single biggest donor who is Israeli dual-citizen that lives in Israel more than American who wants Trump to go to war with Iran so Israel can expand its territory into the greater Israel is not a threat you stupid fucking faggot.
the richest man in the world backs trump
Tony Khan is the face of whites dudes for Harris
Just three ugly ass mother fucking bitch niggers hanging out
Stay triggered you antisemitic tranny loving commie/nazi groomer.
>no response
King cobra's viewers also don't have jobs or families and sit around hoping to watch someone slightly more strange than them. He's strange in an endearing way, they're just strange.
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center 2nd row looks like a ghoul from fallout kek
I vote for whoever makes.america white again, and makes trannies hamg themselves.
The closest to Starship Trooper future is Trump, so id rather have him than some curry cunt
Based deadman
>still not a milly
yup cheetos is losing again
Only if the DemoKKKrats cheat again bruh.
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Big Elon makes special guest appearance
The Khans are Trump supporters lol
Um, source?
Since when curry-shitters are white?
your world might be wrestling but tiny's family isn't even close to the richest in the world
>leftards and cucks "everything is political bro"
>Seethe uncontrollably when a celebrity has wrong think.

Gee almost like previous generations had this figured out and to maintain a cohesion you need to compartmentalize shit.
All Leftards are cucks anon. Over 90 percent of them watch Cuckold porn in Commiefornia alone, the most pro-Democrat state. A lot of Leftists are into watching their girlfriends fuck another guy.
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Why Taker can't be a good father and forces his child to trans with hormone treatment and puberty blockers like Dax?
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BASED Utopia bro
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More like Granny?

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