>considered one of the best talkers in the business>can't get through a single promo without stammering and mixing up wordsHow does he get away with it?
He's hot
>>16115369unironically got promo mogged by carmelo hayes and santos escobar
Autistic charisma.
>>16115377And Logan and even Andrade. YA INCELS XDD
>>16115388>that squishy belly Kek, what a cute little marshmallow.
>>16115369undeniable kavorka
>>16115388Do you have the one of her wearing his shirt?
He's the promo equivalent of Tonga Loa
>>16115374Based Bayley
>>16115369He talks like a cartoonish cool greaser and has a catchphrase.
Why’d they use him in the Slim Jim commercials?
>>16115369Why do trannies hate based Eli so much?
>>16116481YA INCEL
>>16115369>b-but he didn't even say the thing flawlessly thoughit's about the emotion and the delivery.you might be too autistic to appreciate what reddit told you that you'd enjoy watching, lil bro.
>>16116705And he just has a great voice which you can't teach. No matter how perfectly you say the words nobody wants to hear a nasally timid voice.