>you tell me>many are saying this>care to extrapolate? >huh what you mean? >fraid so>we do say that word here>gotta love _______, you just gotta!>__________ in your path>AAAANNNNNDDDD NEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW
>>16117610>t. Mommy issues
>>16117610>grim>Who's the Jannetty?
>>16117625but enough about you >>16117610>but enough about you>I mean folks, where's the lie? >promo's good
>>16117610>>16117625>>16117632>>16117667a bit esoteric, no?
>i look like this and say this
>>16117699Nah you are
>>16117610many are indeed saying this
>>16117805Are they really?
soI knew this this guy who
study /pw/ and get back to me
>>16117874So you don’t know
>>16117935Anything is possible
>>16117610ok how u kno
>>16118825promo's bad
>>16117610>turn on your monitor
>>16118936Explain all my success then
>>16117610We don't sign our posts here
>>16118991Okay but what does Ryback think about this?
>>16118984being a convicted child rapist doesn't necessitate good promo skills
>20 posts>no planet retard
>>16119527No one asked about what planet you’re the president of.
someone check on bald ftr
>>16118830study cagematch and get back to me
>>16117610>in your pathThat’s not from here
>>16119667Maybe on you're planet retard
>>16117610fine speech
>>16119919but even farther
>>16117610turn your monitor on
>>16119919FUCKING A MAN
>>16117610Trans icon Rhea Ripley
IT'S STILL REAL TO ME, DAMNITand the t-shirts are too tight, BillyI'M PISSED NOW
>>16119974But enough about me
>>16117610>>__________ in your pathThis is was an /sp/ meme first
>>16120056Guess who was a part of /sp/ before they broke up the stable?
>>16117610[x news] subject (age)
>>16118976>turn your monitor on
>>16117610>digression Jones over here
>>16120876Link three times in the archive that this has been said. You can't. Stop augmenting already established things.
>>16120869I got brainrot reading this
>>16121054Turn your monitor on
>>16121039I win
>>16121088photoshop lick my sbc
>>16121112cope harder
I can’t with this app
>>16117610In who's path?
>>16117610>>AAAANNNNNDDDD NEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWThis one works be into a shoot because it attempts to devalue the prestigious KWABOTY award by claiming whatever random faggot who had some minor shit happen to them is now in the running.
>>16117610YOu'll finna know it!!
What are the most effective /pw/-isms on other boards that aren't wise to the business?
>>16121905You tell me
>>16121905we don't use that word here
>>16121905"Why don't you tell us?" and "Okay, how you know?" always works them into paragraph posting.