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Previous: >>16102535

Big discussion about Giulia.

October 22nd 8 PM EST
>Giulia & Stephanie vs Fatal Influence

October 27th 7 PM EST
>Giulia & Stephanie vs Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade at Halloween Havoc
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Jerry Fish
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She needs too gain weight asap
in muscles
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2300 Arena is a historical place.
Giulia's conquest of America started here, when she pinned a tranny.
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cool promo
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Main Event time
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Idk if I can keep sitting through NXT to see Giulia in the future. It's just terrible. I'll watch her highlights YouTube.
You can just keep it on background.
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commercial break during main event, fucking shit
i typed break intentionally, don't gms me
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Are they showing version without commercials anywhere?
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Kino shot
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We finally got a new donna
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took some time
now I know how the marvelfags felt when the avengers happened
frens forever
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Jacy took some beating. Something fell off of her while she crawled to the corner.
Vaquer is like if you created a really hot woman in a lab
autumn bronze Giulia
Giulia and Steph having conversations pretending to understand each other
vaquer in ddm would have been kino
promo in three languages
Remember to vote for Giulia
Did Giulia ever wear a suit?
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They bound because they stiffed each other.
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I wonder if Giulia and Steph fought over Columbus Day.
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won't stop, can't stop
Juria's writing improving.
I wonder what iconic tag team name
Giulia will come up with
Beautiful Madness going on
Big Dave liked the main event and Giulia specificially. She will get the stars in due time
*fist bows*
>quoting Diddy
what did she mean by this
kids like rap
Giulia is cool
I don't get that viewership and demographic talk.
One show has Horny Madness duo, and other is not.
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>Horny Madness
dimes tag team name
I need a nxt gf bros
Are halloween suits mandatory on halloween havoc?
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I want surprise cuddles from Utami
Don't care.
Have never cared.
Will never care.
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I want those feet inside of my mouth
Real Giulia is the friends she makes along the way.
crazy that she's even hotter in nxt
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Giulia is the most beautiful woman
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Did they?
It's implied
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You tell me.
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Stephanie looks bonked if you play with contrast.
Good looking players
I know what happened. Giulia seen latest Marigold show, and bet she could do the scissor dive.
Love it when Giulia does that Giulia type stuff
How do they communicate? Google translate?
Yeah with me
Nowadays you can just talking into a phone, and computer voice will spew translation.
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cold blooded
Carny speak. All wrestlers learn it in any true professional wrestling school.
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waiting for the leaks
Begging for it
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I hope Bozilla and Giulia reunite in the WWE someday
She already has one bionic arm dude
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>She already has one bionic arm dude
I don't get it.
I miss when Giulia and Suzu were together

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