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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


11.3 Mahiro Kiryu's Hometown Triumphant Return ~Tokyo Joshi Ambition~ @ G Messe Gunma Main Hall C, Takasaki (VOD)[13:00 JST]
11.9 TJPW Bright Eyes @ Historic Washington Hall, Seattle [14:00 PST]
11.10 Looking around the world, isn't Japan really amazing? @ Ryogoku KFC Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[12:30 JST]
11.11 DDT×TJPW×DEFY TRIANGLER DTD @ Historic Washington Hall, Seattle [16:00 PST]
11.16 The Mountain Top 2024 @ EDION Arena Osaka 2nd Stadium, Osaka (VOD)[12:30 JST]
11.22 TJPW LIVE TOUR 2024 AUTUMN @ Shinjuku FACE, Tokyo (LIVE)[19:00 JST]

1st for VENY!
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good show
I actually missed KFC Hall so its good that we have another show there
Fuck off OP, stop being an autistic fag.

Real thread
why split up the threads after one was already made?
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Who will challenge Miu?
dont get why they koda is booking a korakuen event right before their big new years one
why make a thread 2 hours before the last one even hit bump limit?
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i think it will be mizuki but while looking at who she already faced, i noticed that miu already surpassed the previous reigns so either shes going to have it for a year or shes about to lose it. since this is her first reign, i think it will be the latter.
suzume just lost the tag belts so it could be her but I think the ip belt is calling her.
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>kodas favorite
>has never won the big one
Stop being a retard, you know what I'm talking about. It's not funny, it's autistic and annoying.
wow there really isn’t another newly built up player to win the PoP title. TK is going to have to rely on the veterans again unless Maki drops the tag titles and finally wins the PoP.
making a new after we already have one? yeah it's very autistic, spergy, and annoying
at least this time we have no clue who will be the next champion. makes things more interesting.
This is a damn good list until you see the number of times theyve won the pop belt but I guess the only people complaining are the ones that have been watching for a long time.
I havent watchted or browsed the threads for a while why is runa leaving??
>I havent watchted or browsed the threads for a while
press x to doubt
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New years themed event vs Ittenyon event?

Ittenyon always does well, esp with the people traveling to town, and I guess they have a deal to use Korakuen like this.
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a nighttime kh show must be weird
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2 for 1 combo
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who can stop them?
should have done a free all womens show like last time
gcw players
yammy has odd shaped legs
aw sweet Lois two tjpw threads
I think Koda dropped Go Girl. The year is about to end and they never announced the 5th.
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[Sad News]
The portraits are in fact edited.
shame. i remember the roster saying how nice it smelled. the womens only sections at least sell well.
is this hako?
these are Hako photos for Mizuki's event. they are not official tjpw portraits
well that answered my questions. id love to know the identity of our new photographer.

itoh is live
live riding my cock
its another female. forgot which wrestler posted a bts pic of some photoshoot and you could see her.

Love HIMAWARI and her gruff excited voice
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now this shade of color is awesome unironically
cant see it because you have to have a wu account and I forgot my password
It brings out her eyes
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What a goofy ass laugh. I love her
Destined for the IP belt
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>yuka sakazaki shirt

speaking of yuka, check out her hey ew interview halloween edition
Not watching
Nah I'm watching the sunflower
well when you have the time. its very tjpw-esque. i wish we could do more skits like this.
Based gonna watch this
HYPE is basically a big skit show now
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She’s steaming on instagram at the same time
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Ehhh streaming on 2 phones? Is she a drug dealer?
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Misao's closest friends
kek what a scary bunch (kwasb)
shes teasing her return match
>misao vs raku
is that a threat?
their 2022 singles match was kino and she should win her first match back desu
Love and miss Yuka.
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best psycho eyes
Staring deep into my soul
Only if you're threatened by fun
ok that was actually kinda funny you win
thats just how PaMi normally looks btw
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HIMAWARI has 2 jobs and works hard to afford 2 phones and eat out twice a day
kek what a schizophrenic hypocrite
>reeee you know what i mean read my mind you retard
nah fuck off, you made a thread an hour after this one
>Mizuki's hometown Kobe show Jan 11th
>Aino's hometown Yokohama show Jan 12th
Damn. They're really trying to kill Kiso with all the truck driving and reffing before replacing him
have our girls said anything about the japanese election
>Tokyo to Kobe for 8 hours
>Kobe to Yokohama for 7 hours
>Then Yokohama to Tokyo for 2 hours
Just let the man retire jesus
HIMAWARI quickly said she voted but not who for. That's a bit atypical for Nippon, they don't really talk about politics even during an election. Everyone just assumes the LDP wins again and is ok with the status quo so most stay home. Even voting puts HIMAWARI in the 30% minority who actually vote at all
Politically active sunflower
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Big soft office lady butt
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>tfw crowds won't scream DAISUKEEEE at the start of every show once he's gone
The LDP is expected to lose seats in this election. People are mad at them over a few different things, so I guess everyone being so riled up is why they’re being more vocal about voting
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Yeah but assumption is still they'll be by far the biggest party. Even after years of scandals, inflation, the sudden resignation of party leaders for less popular alternatives, they have the highest approval rating of any party.

That approval rating is 20%. But the opposition parties haven't united at all and the main one, the CDP, has a crazy low approval rating of 6.6%. Opposition parties just don't have that much credibility or name value. It's like being TNA in a world of WWE. Even when WWE is doing shit they're the big beast. Politics in Japan really is just the LDP or the LDP bullying another small party into a coalition.
Good night, Mokamaniacs!
30% percent of lesbians in their 20s?
We're so lucky to have Haru and
>Aino's hometown Yokohama show
Huh? Aino is from Okayama which is out near Hiroshima.
Oh yeah she's so done. Never coming back either. Or she'll have a Marika run that makes you wish she didn't.
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
Genuinely would be shocked no one recruits Runa for gravure
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Spooky Szn:
Day 27
I'm not schizophrenic.
Haru lost her only friend.
shoko didn't leave though
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>In addition to HIMAWARI, Wakana Uehara (who debuted the same day as HIMAWARI), Toga, Shino Suzuki, Haru Kazashiro, and Runa Okubo also debuted in 2023.
>“The six of us each have unique personalities, so it was probably easy to find what role I wanted to play. Wakana-san has a glitzy, star-like presence, Shino-san is clumsy but endearing (laughs)—even in daily life, like how Haru, still a student, helps her when she spills her food. Toga has a cool look and an enviable physique, while Runa and Haru have the overwhelming appeal of being teenagers. Runa has power; Haru is agile and quick. Among us six, I'm by far the smallest, so relying on power alone didn’t feel convincing. I thought I’d combine humor with strength, something I really wanted to try. Being part of this group inspired me to pursue my current style.”
>At the "Next Gen Tournament ’23," held late last year and featuring all six newcomers, HIMAWARI narrowly lost in the finals to Uehara, ending as the runner-up. In this year’s "Next Generation Tournament ’24," Okubo had to sit out due to injury, but the five remaining participants were joined by new recruits Chika Nanase, Kira Summer, and Uta Takami, creating an eight-person tournament. Hopes were high that HIMAWARI would claim victory this year, but she faced an unexpected first-round defeat to Toga at the October 13 event in Kasukabe.
>"This year, I really didn’t want to face Wakana-san in the first round. She’s my rival, but I haven’t won against her in a singles match yet. I kept thinking, ‘Please, no,’ but I ended up losing to Toga, my next least preferred opponent. Many fans told me they wanted me to face Wakana in the finals and win, so losing was disappointing. Seeing all the fans in Kasukabe wearing my T-shirts and buying tickets for the finals... I feel I let them down. It’s not just disappointing; I also feel bad for not meeting their expectations.”
>Although the tournament didn’t end as she’d hoped, her impressive consistency despite just a year and a half in the ring has been evident to her fans. This is also shown by her frequent bookings in high-profile matches, such as singles matches against foreign wrestlers and chaotic, unpredictable matchups.
>"I enjoy being in those kinds of matches (laughs). When I’m in a match that makes me think, ‘What’s going to happen here?’ I dive right in, and the more I get drawn into it, the more fun it is. The more unpredictable it is, the more excited I get, and it’s definitely a growth experience, so I hope I keep getting booked for those types of matches."
>At the same time, she has her sights set on a title belt.
>"The tournament winner gets a title shot, so I feel like I’ve drifted a bit further away. Of course, I’d love to take on any opportunity, but going for a title isn’t easy."
>HIMAWARI’s iconic long hair also draws attention. In fact, she hasn’t cut the back of her hair in over 25 years.
>"My mom actually started me on this. I didn’t have much hair as a baby because it was naturally thin and grew sparsely. So she decided to let it grow as much as it could, and it’s been long ever since (laughs). I grew up with long hair, so it felt natural as I got taller. Now, it’s down to the back of my knees when fully down. I thought about cutting it when I turned 20, but I got a role in a play where the director asked me to keep it long…so I never cut it. There are downsides to having long hair, like getting accidentally stepped on in matches, and it’s very noticeable if a strand falls out. People at the dojo immediately spot it and say, ‘Oh, it’s HIMAWARI’s hair!’ (laughs). It’s a hassle for cleaning, and it clogs the shower every time.”
>Looking to the future, HIMAWARI shares her aspirations.
>"Anyone holding a belt has to be strong—of course, but I also want to bring a sense of humor to it. Being strong is a given, but being able to do comedic things while holding the belt would show I’m a well-rounded wrestler. I want to be the kind of champion who’s strong but also has that extra bit of charm.”
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How the FUCK is it even possible for a woman to be this perfect?
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>Runa and Haru have the overwhelming appeal of being teenagers
The sunflower understands
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Oh look, Wakana is eating again.
Oh god no she's eating Mei Suruga!
Lets see your best
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They need to lock Wakana in her hotel room in Seattle to keep her away from that gay fish market thing they have there.
Runa was pulled because her parents don't want her to end up like this
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wait a minute
oh no...
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>[Today's breaking news]
>Hyper Misawo's return match will be held at the Shinjuku FACE tournament on Friday, November 22nd!

How HYPE'D are you?
kek based
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What a horny devil
What's up with the wart on her palm? Or is that a blister?
will be tributing this pic later
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I wanted Rika to pour the fruit cup over Misao's head but this is how it came out.
do one of them hugging or misao spraying rika, whichever looks the best
some Jap fan mentioned that Misao said she would be back by Ittenyon during her WU stream chat. sucks that none of us know Japanese but I did like the surprise.
7 months seems pretty damn fast for a return after breaking your ankle but hey im not complaining. its great that she can continue her yearly tradition.
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it takes 3 months to heal a broken ankle for the average person. those 4 extra months are for athletes.
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Rika x Misao is alive
Someone is excited lol
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toga's buttery teeth
those mouths are demonic
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Mizuki is for sexuals
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nah u r
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yes i am mizuki hello
Checked! Holy BASED!!!
Now do Suzume and Arisu

kino is back on the menu boys
Who is she going to wrestle?
vs kiso in a loser quits so koda can write off kiso
Did she raid Boltin Oleg's closet?

What prompts do you use to get them to kiss?

So far “kissing” just keeps making the A.I. tell me the results are not appropriate, and it won’t let me watch the video after making me wait lol.
haruna neko did a phoenix splash
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dont really want her doing overseas matches any time soon except for daikaijupro. as for tjpw, im looking forward to her inevitable match against aja. aja will finally fall.
HYPE 3 will be on a truck and kiso has to drive it for 2 hours straight and ref the matches
"Misao kisses Rika on the cheek"
I have tried three times and it won't let me now. :(
Yeah the only real difference is LDP and Komeito will bring another party into their coalition. Almost certainly DPP and maybe Ishin. There's a reasonable chance Japan ends up more conservative if Ishida has to drop leadership. whole thing is mild by western standards.
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Aja has nice tits
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This one came out better.
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Soon, Rambros.
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>"Through pro wrestling, I got to learn about all kinds of different worlds, but honestly, I’m not usually that interested in things—I tend to get bored quickly. But now, looking back, I feel like those days when I was passionate about pro wrestling were really great."
Haru is never getting that rubber match
Barely looks like Aja and why is the blood exploding when Aja pulls her arm away?
Haru beat her most recently, so that will have to do. Also Haru will probably stick around long enough to get more singles wins than Runa and actually beat a senior.
Haru will be champ within two years.
Okubo Runa x Haru AI por favor
Looks like moe from men on a mission
>Hey guys. How are you?

>Yesterday was the show. It was fun!
>Matches with Tatsumi are fun.
>As I said, my condition is better now and I had a fun match yesterday!
>Ahh, I really learned the importance of keeping your physical condition in check this year

>And I've been loving passing the microphone to the audience during my entrance lately!

>I am making my entrance and the crowd look somewhat like they know the words. >So I randomly go to the audience and suddenly turn the microphone on someone and have them sing.
>Everyone was so surprised yesterday? I heard a surprised yell!

>I want to make my entrance like Ikemen, like John Moxley, like Nick Gage. If it's a big match, I might as well do it in full
>Perhaps my entrance alone will give you the feeling of having seen one match. I came up with that idea yesterday.

>And last night I had a hamburger, fries, cola and curry rice. I ate too much!

>Oh, and thanks for coming to the stream

>I will do a stream again this weekend! Same time on Sunday. let's talk shit!

>thankyou, fuck you
>maki x
>Oh, and the tick bite is still red I hope it goes away soon!
its ogre
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the eel broke her ribs in mexico so I'm not sure how she'll face raku and pom next week
eels don't have ribs
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The Sovl of Tjpw
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Uta almost died on yesterday's stream
The soul of planet retard
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ai pls sers
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That's you alright
this aislop fucking sucks stop posting it
>Eagles fan
Heh heh handegg
Limitations of AI, they all became white ladies.
lots of tjpw players watched the OCHA NORMA shows yesterday
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Moka's ice cream of the day
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nobody from tjpw will be in it

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