>>161598872 faggots doing faggot things
>>16159968we don't blog here
>>16159968you and who else?
>>16159968but enough about you and your dad bonding.
>>16159887Hulk Hogan, Donald Trump, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra... Just looking at this picture will make hair grow on your balls even if you're the girliest of all faggots.
>>16160219Endless dimes. Just needs MJ.
>>16159968But enough about Tony.
>>16159887>imagine he most based thing you can imagine: only more based than that
>>16159887Finally someone tan enough that Hulk would put them over.
>>16159991All the real niggas gave that man Hulkster the pass
>>16159887Would Hulkster put over Trump clean for the title, bros?
>>16160630he started that rant off with "you know me, I'm not racist" so it's ok
Why is the Hulkester trying so hard to get Trump over?
>>16159968But enough about your fatherly activities.
>>16160681dimes recognize dimes, also Trump is more over than Hogan
9 days left, MAGAchuds. 9 days until you lose harder than you lost in 1865 and 1945.
>>16159887Can’t wait for the Cornette meltdown
>>16160811keep coping troon, your meltdown is gonna be delicious
>>16159887That’s kinda cute actually
>>16159991BASED beyond
>>16159887just 2 GOATS
>>16161108what are you, some kind of fag?
>>16160681he's going to wrestlemania 9 himself into being president, brother
>>16160443Yeah that's real
>>16160811Mommy Kamala bout to drop 90 milly on the Orange Felon. Fraid so
>>16161562maybe on planet retard
>>16160443wow, Hogan is a good kisser