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How soon until women get this banned?


Previous thread:
I just keep getting Community Policy when it comes to kissing - Tried with three pictures of two people standing side by side, doesn't matter if it's male on female, female on female, or even male on male. How do you get that to work?
Did try something silly like 'Hogan oversells' and it worked though.
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MODS this chinese datafarming ip-grabbing aislop bullshit is clearly advertising and should not be allowed
she wont do shit
a fucking pro wrestler isnt gonna get a chinese app banned
doesn't even look like her
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At least make it /pw/ related and not just some joshi/womeme shit.
your not that interesting lil bro
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>whats a statistic science
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>turned into a loli
Oh I'm so scared of some chinese desk jogger knowing that I create dumb cringe wrestling memes online for my own amusement.
Better say that outloud so NSA, FBI, and CIA can hear it through the spychip installed on my phone and the confirm it through the backdoor access on my computer all though I'm a bit afraid what they will think of me posting on /pw/ .. yikes, what a conundrum,...
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What makes fat men so irresistible to female wrestlers?
older generations thought artificial intelligence would destroy the world but it turns out it just cucks you
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the spaintaker
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Can women be psyopped into finding morbidly obese men attractive?
It's weird you can't see how much of an existential threat this shit is
it's weird you give a fuck
It's quite normal to give a fuck about the impending destruction of the human race
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yes absolutely there's no limit to what a think stupid women can be brainwashed into
you're really gay holy shit
lmao fucking mark
stop working yourself into a shoot
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stop worrying. the tech is shit and will never improve.
yeah there are people who think it will eventually become indistinguishiable from the real thing, but that kind of thinking is flawed. taken on a graph from 1780 to 1970, advances in transport should had have us all travelling at the speed of light by now.
furthermore, even before AI image generation, our society was already being filled daily with useless, trite content.
literal rape. you're going to prison
Doesn't matter. I'll be dead before it gets bad.
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oh shit
Womeme's general board
If the Chinese have AI like this at the consumer level, it's over for the West.
One on the left looks like her soul is getting sucked out, like that scene in Hercules.
This was really good until it wasn't.
It was her dear stablemate.
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>225 minutes
jeets going crazy over kissing, are we in the 60s?
any ideas on prompts for making diarhea/poop? already tried "explosion of brown fudge" "wet brown nuggets" "chocolate liquid stream" and similar ones.
pic related
literally me
seek help
Chocolate fountain
hey Vince
been trying to get one of Gigi SHITTING on me but I can't get it to work
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I remember trying to get that thing to do things with this Alexa Bliss pic and it just fucking fell apart.
Well it wouldn't be a problem if people didn't post their shit online. It's only a matter of time until it gets nerfed
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Jake charged me 100$ for this pic.
Why do people ruin these things with men
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don't like it? leave
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reminds me of this kid at school that had some condition where he couldn't close his mouth and when he talked, his tongue just flapped around
tam on the left
It's shit now, but in 2 years there'll be tools allowing you to do manual live animation with AI image/video generation so you can control the movements yourself.
The studios already developed and use this shit, Adobe's slotting it into their shitty software and the FOSS competition will make it work as well.

All it costs is enough electricity to power the whole world for 50 years per day.
A small price to pay for seeing Stephanie get undressed in the ring during her enhanced phase.
You didn't read his whole post. Speculation about how much this tech will improve is just that - speculation. Right now, it's not that good after the novelty wears off.
Terrible worked punch from Jake.
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What could have been, if the Hulkster didn't take up wrestling.
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a glimpse into austin's mind on that day
I did read his whole post.
AI tools only just started being optimised for NPUs, a novel component in computer processors.
It's similar to how 3D video could be done by your CPU in the 90s, but GPUs massively accelerated 3D rendering and made it more power efficient.

People will make it more functional, less shit, and more useful.
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Oh man. Do I dare upload my photo with Hana Kimura?
AI is dangerous...but awesome fun at the same time
>people make funny videos
>race destroyed
lol humans are fragile as fuck i guess
did you try “lumpy chili con carne”
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poor roxy.. why did he ignore her :(
She fucking stinks
I will wear my Tesla powered armor made by Elon Must to kill the AI overloads and save humanity
>everything has to be about woman and sex
you coomers ruined the entire world putting woman on a pedestal
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The AI will hack those
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Phew, I thought she lost them
Same here. I want to shitpost with Tony and Vince seething and then kissing each other but I just can't seem to find the right keywords for it since I keep getting rejected by the server for breaking the community policy.
And I fucking waited for 2+ hours for that.
I have made girls kiss a bunch of times today. Just say two friends passionately kiss
What got him so worked up?
Ha! It almost looks like she says
>Found it.
Looks like a bunch of Pringles came out of her ass
You read his whole post now take his whole post up your ass BITCH.
I must've struck a core truth
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tried for finner. close enough.
Hulkster of Puppets
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>Tessitore.py has crashed

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