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Next shows
October 31st, "The 14th Goddess of Stardom Tag League in TAKAMATSU", Takamatsu Symbol Tower, 6:30PM JST (VOD)
>RED GODDESS: Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo (Peach*Rock) vs Maika & HANAKO (Cup High Mate)
>RED GODDESS: Hazuki & Koguma (FWC) vs Tam Nakano & Sayaka Kurara (Tokimeki Purin a la Mode)
>BLUE GODDESS: Natsupoi & Saori Anou (Natsu & Saori) vs Yuna Mizumori & Aya Sakura (Sakuradamon)
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241031_takamatsu/?mc_id=1099

November 2nd, "The 14th Goddess of Stardom Tag League in MUNAKATA", Munakata Yurix, Fukuoka, 4:00PM JST
>RED GODDESS: Tam Nakano & Sayaka Kurara (Tokimeki Purin a la Mode) vs Tomoka Inaba & Ranna Yagami (Inaba and Yagami)
>RED GODDESS: AZM & Miyu Amasaki (02line) vs Natsuko Tora & Ruaka (BMI2000)
>BLUE GODDESS: Natsupoi & Saori Anou (Natsu & Saori) vs Hina & Lady C (Team Classroom)
>BLUE GODDESS: Yuna Mizumori & Aya Sakura (Sakuradamon) vs Mei Seira & Kohaku (Star Fox)
>BLUE GODDESS: Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki (Mad Tiger) vs Rina & Inaba Azusa (DEVIL/PRINCESS)
>rest of card tba https://wwr-stardom.com/schedule/20241102_munakata/?mc_id=1108

Previous >>16155809
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Kitto is the same kind of player Mina is now
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Hot and charismatic? We already knew that
kitto was always desperate and pathetic
A boob player
Greggs sausage roll, a woman of impeccable taste!
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This was STARS at one point
Puffy cheeks faction
Mayu would argue.
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When Tam was plotting
love zoom zoom
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>See you again someday.
Want to feast on her anus
Dream Threesome
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We got something far more based. Sadly fatmike seethes in jealousy over Based Eel and politicked her out of the company.
She shit that out the next day
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azm ready for a norfman now instead of the soft souf poofter she calls daddy
momo watanabe is wwr's mvp
this is an AI image
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Please stop shitting headcanon outta your ass
Maika is fat and ugly lmao
Obesity is no laughing matter anon
saya iida has been must see wrestling for years
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On da world mow
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i wonder if she got a meal deal
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no thanks I'm good
all the uncles have no eyes because they know momo with a single title is something they won't be seeing
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Konami and Momo need to be pictured with a steak bake now
kyushu pro, one of our numerous sister feds
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Rossy is rolling in his grave
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which player(s) would look better with cameltoe?
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How embarrassing. That would never happen in the wwr.
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Love RED
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sapporo sucks, drink asahi like a real alcoholic
Love her feet bros
no one can tell any difference between sapporo and kirin and asahi if you pour it into a glass first
it's all the exact same shit
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crusty gilf feet
Sapporo sponsors NJPW. Can't upset them.
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Nah asahi is light and crisp, sapporo is heavy
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calling generic pisslager "heavy" is about as ridiculous a take as calling mayonnaise spicy
post more stardom feet
stop telling me what to post
starlight korean
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I would tolerate this ugly ass dog for Aya's sake
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I have never met a woman worth tolerating a chihuahua for
chihuahuas are based
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I want this back
Breast-based players are fun desu
Breast oriented
>borrowing money from fans
Lmao what? Assman is really down bad
Monke Mike, give her a banana daiquiri
Compared to asahi it absolutely is. Stop being a faggot
He needs his liquid funds for paying lawyers to counter sue Diana and twitter trannies like Ari.
Maika is super sweaty after every match and I don't remember her always being a sweater. Maybe its the short hair that makes it easier to see
Aya dog looks like Aya
She has cute sweat. It’s like she glistens
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> Today, I am Yagami, who has been training my body and mind in personal training
>Recently, Yagami has been trying to spend her time with a smile, and if she can make everyone even a little more positive, then happy happy!
>This week we're on a trip to Kyushu! The Goddess official tournament has also started! Let's do our best!
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This anon knows what he's talking about
red to bred
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>and I don't remember her always being a sweater
sorry to hear about your alzheimer's grandpa
I want to dine on a little red pork
Love this cougars tight body
Imagine if she had she current haircut but it was the natural black instead, pure sex
Yeah I guess it is fat mike fag samefagging hour
It looks like that was a couple hours ago

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