>in canada... they're smarks!>in mexico... they're smarks!>in japan... they're smarks!>in america... they're based!
>>16163950Image brought to you by someone that has barely watched any mexican or japanese wrestling.
I remember when this was used on wrestling forums all over the internetyes it was based
>>16163950And yet in all regions its still fake.
Is it any wonder that Canada has only produced midcard shitters like Bret and his retarded family, Benoit and Jericho?
>>16164074I wish finner posting wouldn't have died
>>16163950You know that shits fake right
Do canadians even give a shit about pro wrestling
>>16164026but they produced the Undisputed GOATest of all time, Kenny Omega
>>16163950Many are saying this
>>16163950And the UK?
>>16164337nah mexican wrestling is real