What are your thoughts on Alba Fyre as an overall performer during her time in WWE so far?
>two threads about herWhat happened to her?
>>16164016In an alternative non-Marxist timeline, she raises our Aryan children in Scottish prairies where I farm without ever knowing about the nearby existence of a race-betraying Jew-loving nation called English
>>16164016Holy yumola
why the long chin?
>>16167120The butch in the lesbian witch tag team
She was great as women's champion in NXT UK. Wish she would get a singles push.
>>16164016she's way better than her fat slut tag partner
Is she Irish or Scottish, I'm from Northern Ireland and this face looks very Irish not gonna lie, the way that it's very long and flat is very common among our women it either works really well or makes you look like a goonies character and she got the latter.
>>16167156>>16169219She looks like Moira from Overwatch, throw her into a stable with Zaria and let Isla Donk get a singles push.
>>16164016>be extremely over in NXT UK>come to america>they change your name and gimmick>promoted to main roster>get stuck in a tag team with a girl less talented but better lookingbravo huntershe is a great wrestler. even today, she is usually the best part of any women's tag match unless iyo is in the ring too. don't just take that from me, look at what the cagematch smarks rate her. i feel like she could get over again if she wasn't stuck in the women's tag vortex. if they really go through with introducing those women's midcard belts, they should split the witches up and let alba compete for the workrate one while isla gets sent to chelsea's nu-divas bimbo league for the other one.