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WrestleMania 41 already breaking records.
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>e tards celebrating getting jewed again
>paying 10k for nosebleed seats
lmfao e-drones a dumb
You poor or something?
Wasting money to create an illusion of affluence is poorbrain.

Imagine those lips pressed on your taint.
Wrestlemania tickets are like nothing to me in terms of money. I guess life just feels different when you're rich.
They're nothing to me in any terms. Smackdown was cancelled because its audience was poor btw.
i dont have to imagine brother -HH
Smackdown actually got a deal for even more money. I think WWE fans in general are pretty rich since the ticket sell out so quickly. I wonder why other promotions can't sell expensive tickets like that.
>dude trust me
They had to move to 3 hours to get that and it's not that much more after inflation and all that.
And stupid people waste their money. Go to the ghetto and count the gold chains and rims.
All you need to do is look at how quickly the tickets sold out. Meanwhile poors keep crying about the prices.
Yeah, great day for the pay day loan people
>the ticket sell

Having billions of Rupees doesn't make you rich.

They were already making less-per-hour on USA before you factor in a 3rd hour.
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>WWE fans are willing to pay 10 grand for shitty seats
>AEW literally can't give away tickets to their bingo hall shows
sounds like they'll be staying poor
The great thing about e-chads is that they're rich as fuck so this won't even make a dent in their balances
AEW fans don't buy AEW tickets because they're busy buying sex toys, dolls, video games, etc, and not supporting AEW.
no one believes this
What do they mean by “best”? Like, in terms of number of tickets sold or in terms of money made?
It has to be though, we have the objective proof. Meanwhile we're told AEW fans are rich and educated but the 5-year anniversary Dynamite couldn't even do 5,000 tickets.
She is the sexiest fucking woman in wrestling by far. No wonder Phil still thinks about Jungle Boy all the time lmao
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AJ Lee is sexier, tranny.
kek so much this. AEWpoors just don't know what it's like to be rich handsome and successful.
>Punk out of nowhere

Seek help for your PDS.


Kek cook that fraud.
Wau, Meltzers "AEW fans are more wealthy" comments really got to you faggots, didn't it?
Stop letting him live rent free in your head.

Trying to twist paying yesteryear floor seat prices as today's cheap seats of the rafters and pretending is like a whole new level of mark. There's being a consumer, then there is being a cash cow that boot licks while he pays.
Sounds like a whole new breed of mark... some sort of advanced money mark combined online boot licker: a moarker, a $mork?
Or just iMark since it's the same market plan working that Apple inc uses "It's premium quality because it's expensive" and not the other way around. Even worse, it's what Tony uses to justify his toy purchases to daddy.

You can't look good paying scalpers prizes directly to the company, while the company is bragging online about how much money they make out of you and your ilk and wish they did it sooner so some khazarians in a boardroom can have extra millions for his Christmas bonus. The 200% mark up ain't going to any of the people you actually like in the shows, not in the amounts you think.

And for what? To own some fed run buy the retarded son of a multi-billionaire that's basically a charity foundation for elderly and retarded wrestlers? Their fans that can't keep their story straight for 5 minutes about whether demo or ratings matter and are convinced some old fags star stickers are worth anything?
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You seem mad, lil bro. You poor or something?
Maybe on planet retard
if you can't see why 1k for nosebleeds are bad then you're a braindead retard
gAyEW have decent prices but then I'd have to pay to watch facehumping and that's not my thing
they won't like this bump this will make them seethe
kek this got the 'cord squealing
Well most WWE fans likely get neetbux, but one thing I have noticed is whenever they go to the commentary team the fans behind them either seem bored or embarrassed to be caught on camera. Like you're on screen, why aren't you going nuts and waving to your ma or something? It's almost like these people are paid to be there..
The ticket prices are insane. $10,000 to sit in the 5th row for both shows. $900 or so to sit in the last row for both shows. Wrestling should cost that much for a non-secondary market ticket.
Just like Fair-minded Anon, half your comments are smart, and the other half are pure retard garbage.

If tickets you would sell for $300 are going to be marked up to $600 by scalpers anyway, then you sell them for $600. Why in the entire fuck would you give scalpers and resellers a free payday? Just stupid.
No sliding!
the day obese smarks die off
But GAYEW trannoids told me Egods are poor...
>seething at how Rich are EGODS
Trannoids need to seethe constantly because their lives are that miserable
Just a sad state of living
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>>seething at how Rich are EGODS
afraid so.
based beyond belief
white hot company, unlike gAyEW
Holy based
>gAyEWtoid lost in the woods at the thought of a white hot company selling tickets in accordance with their hotness
sorry that you can't get a free ticket with a burger like over in Trannymite city
they really want free tickets though, that should count for something
More like Ari Emanuel price gouging stupid people. Fraid so
Wrong, based Lachlan said drones are inbred, retarded, and poor which is why he canceled smackdown>>16176231
Is that why they got a new TV deally for much more money than previously.. Tony must be some kind of genius to do that, right
AEW hogs squealing in here kek
..or WBD is beyond retarded? they lost NBA after all lmao
GAYEW will end like Joker 2 and thats a good thing
There's ads all over the ring apron now and that's only just the beginning. Tony got $0 for those, it's part of the "Media rights deal"
Ring *skirt
this wasn't on their plans
dear oh dear
Red hot promotion doing red hot promotion things
gAyEWtists can never relate
>WrestleMania 41 already breaking records
No shit when the nosebleeds are $1500
Yep yep
Hogwheels didn't like this one

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