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Is Adam Cole dying?

This is a genuine question, why does he look so sickly?
Yeah. Tony shot a pozzed load down his throat just like Brodie.
>cole starts hulking out
>crowd immediately deflates
>Is Adam Cole dying?
yes, we are all dying slowly every day
maybe on planet mortal
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>Is Adam Cole dying?
No just his career lol
There has to come a point where you stop ignoring how bad he looks, right? At least bake it into his gimmick that hes a fucking loser geek?
I would hope so
No, we are not. That is not how life biology works.
>If you only knew how bad things really are
The way yall talk about his physique is so fucking weird.
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no, hes just pale with a shitty spray tan and very low t / non existent dht levels.
hiya adam
Cole looked chubby last night.
If it was spray tan it would've gotten all over Buddy's body too, not to mention the canvas
why is he yellow like his liver is failing?
welp maybe its just jaundice
his complete lack of masculinity while trying to act like a bad ass is still objectively more disgusting
With all the people with and dead from lung problems in aew I wouldn’t be surprised if Tony has “lucky” black mold he takes to every show. It would also explain his behavior and writing.
dude seriously needs to go to the hospital and get some tests done.
AIDS, sadly
Nobody’s got aids.
There's something about the camera angles or the lenses they use or something that makes AEW guys look even smaller than they are.
Remember when Punk started crying about Adam Cole in the scrum after his debut? What was that about?
He's always looked like this. He's always looked like a skinnier and slightly taller Irish bog-man. Like a Finn or a JD McDonagh. He's just aging.
>Irish bog-man
How did I not notice this before
Finn and JD are fit.
He was injured with a shattered foot for a year and you can't do any weightlifting with a shattered foot. Please understand.
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He was never big but he didn't look this floppy before.
He's getting older and it seems like he spends a lot of his off time sitting and playing video games. When you're not constantly on the road, getting paid peanuts, and always hungry it changes things.
This yellow nigga looks like he has jaundice
He looks yellow like the dude from Sin City. This is AEW's top babyface? Haha!
He's trying to look like a Japanese wrestler
They don't call him chugs for nothing.
Well it's either really cheap spraytan, liver failure or he's so pasty that when he drinks his pumpkin spice latte he turns to that color..
Probably spray tan. Malakai had some when he shook Cole’s hand.
I read this in Tony Soprano’s voice
Every day older is another speck of sand going down the hour glass edging us closer to death. I see your point that our bodies may not yet be going through a process of dying, but the work that your body is doing every day wears on it over time or creates chain reactions that could lead to your end.
Kek it do be that way
I actually thought he looked better now than the last time he was on tv. Or that Samoa Joe match from the first Owen cup.
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>Every day older is another speck of sand going down the hour glass edging us closer to death.
correct. dont understand why that is a hard concept for some people on this thread to grasp. cole is almost 40 his best physical health is behind him. not that he was in good shape when he was young but again by the time an athlete reaches 40 they are mostly done and about to retire
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Do you guys think Paul would speak up about Adam Cole letting himself go, or keep quiet like Tony?
Lmao look at his breasts jiggling
Sethetty buried by no dimes manlet tranny fed'ers
That whatever it was at the end looked so fake. It obviously didn't hurt at all.
I think he'd be too happy to have his boy back to care. He'd immediately win the heavyweight championship and hold it forever.
Why is he going bald then?
Oh Joe, you are too kind.
He really should be a manager its embarrassing to see him in the ring. The crowd were booing him and cheering Buddy, no-one wanted to see him win.
Vince was right.
I like how Atom jiggles more than fucking fatass Smoe Joe
He should just shave that hair off or get it shorter, it looks so bad on him. Also, if you look like he does why are you showing so much skin? Cover up, wrestling trunks should only be for someone who is in half decent shape at least.
Why is he so fucking yellow
I know the dude had a crushed angle but he couldn't hit the bench?
This. Dude needs some dumbells while he streams.
Wrestling isn’t real. Hope that helps!
Neither is Britt sleeping next to you Adam.
Why is he so yellow

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