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BASED. The fans will fucking SCREECH We Want Dijak until Tony gives us what the people want.
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Dijak is an under the radar KWABOTY candidate.
Remember when he thought the crowd at RAW was chanting for Dijak after he got fired but then a video of it came out and it was only 1 guy doing it?
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why didn't you post the whole thing
that's really sad, I don't even want to meme on him, that's just fucking sad
>just haha unless...?
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Jesus Christ.
I like him and I think he's talented enough to be in a big company, so this is actually quite sad
Dijak is stupid. All he needs to do is spend 2 years in NJPW and win an IWGP title. Then Tony will sign him. It's that fucking simple.
i boyed him in nxt...
AEW: All Effeminate Wrestling
what an asshole
Doesn't he have beef with some of the guys that work at AEW?
I think it was over the second Booker just screamed “WHO?” when he appeared in NXT. What was that about?
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>mfw my favorite wrestler of February 2024 e-begging...no..e-groveling... e-debasing himself for a gig in the company from the retarded söyjack flippy I was glad to see gone from WWE after being ignored by his former besties, Manny and Mansoor for months after they leached the scoop of his release from him..

Man, post NXT White & Gold is rough. No lube or nothing. Someone please spit on it.
People were saying WWE would regret letting him go btw
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Dont care didnt read
Rico is too kind not to give him a pity reply, which he did
>haha. But yeah either way let me know
I feel like crying.
“Haha this is great I’ll give it a think”
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I will instantly raise my opinion of Ricoshit if he replies this to him and start using his proper name
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wtf did i just read
Can't hate on him for trying. Your parents are still supporting your useless ass
>WWE fumbled this guy!
The government and stretched out spandex are supporting your fat ass.
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This is more embarassing than when Bronson Reed/Jonah was released and was begging for a job anywhere else. Then again it worked out well for him in the end so maybe there's something in being really pathetic.
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this is legitimately the saddest shit i've ever seen, even if it's post-ironic
Redditors aren't people.
it feels like he's trying to be self-deprecating about it, but he really wants the job, which makes it even sadder and cringier
Dijak talked too much shit and now he can't get hired. All he had to do is say nothing and he'd already have an AEW contract like his buddies.
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this dude is a fucking loser holy shit
Road dog did stuff like this too and called Tony handsome
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>I've been wrestling quite a bit lately so the extra rest won't kill me haha
good gravy this was a hard read
wrestling is dead and buried
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The "haha" makes it more painful.
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good GOD, Dijak. Why is he always a little bitch?
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Ok, this is not funny anymore
>I could definitely be your partner. I'd probably show more.
Tony is never hiring or booking Dijak after it was pretty much confirmed Dijak was leaking shit to SRS
That wouldn't be a problem because AEW talent talk to the dirt sheets all the time
the real problem is that both the Bucks and Kenny Omega hate Dijak, hence, he isn't getting a job anytime soon
why would they hate him?
just Twitter drama, and Kenny called him "Donovan Dickhead" once
after the was released he even went to the dirt sheets to talk about how he wasn't being serious
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Why doesn't this dude try to go to TNA?
It's fucking hilarious AEW signed MxM but they refuse to sign him
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This is too cringe to read....
Mxm can be used as a funny jobber comedy group. What exactly does dijak bring? Aew has angry buff jobber guys who bring less drama
imagine being a bigger loser on twitter than ricochet. finna yikes
I think Kenny called him a dickhead
remember when edrones had to pretend that this guy had "bantz" and was "really witty" on twitter?
tony please ignore this fag
He probably could have figured into the EVP vs AEW thing as like an enforcer for Tony or some decent upper midcard spot but he let his shitposting affect his professional standings

Why would a heel join up with Rick O'Shea
Lol yeah Tony hire more uppity bitches, see how that works out.
He's got a family so probably wants that money mark payday
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>haha unless...?
Jesus Christ...
Kenny can forgive Punk but not Dijak?
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Man I thought he was gonna wait until Keith Lee returned before he posted cringe like this
Kenny knows that punk was actually right plus punk soloed Kenny and two of his friends in a shoot so he probably doesn't want any more of that smoke.
Holy shit you guys are autistic
This has to be a KWABOTY honorific mention at least
still Tony, I'm afraid
The main award goes to Tony or Vince no doubt, hence why I said that this should be an honorific mention at least.
Don't cry Dijak we all genuinely feel for you. Really sad shit, please try to have a wonderful day.
I'm really not shocked that /pw/ can't recognize shit posting
Yeah sure man. Whatever.
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>I'm really not shocked that /pw/ can't recognize shit posting
He's going to Benoit himself
This dude's kids will one day stumble upon their father's patheticness which he cried out into the ether for the whole world to witness.
This is the same as all those retarded thots spreading their buttcheeks and doing chinese cartoon dances on the internet.
How can future generations maintain even a modicum of respect for their parents or elders with shit like this floating around forever? Social media was a mistake.
>simping for kwabjak
pathetic kek
Why not send a direct message?
>i was merely pretending haha
yeah stfu KWABjak
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Jesus Christ man. Have some self respect.
There hasn't been a more obvious case of a wrestler getting their shit shoved in here since KWABhausen.
Why the fuck would he post this publicly?
good lord this is easily KWAB of the Month contender
He's officially in the top 5 KWABOTY
he's friends with SRS so that should tell you everything you need to know
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Holy grimola
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He's trying to get the fans to think this is cool and demand it because he really doesn't want to work at Valvoline for the rest of his life changing oil.
stop samefagging
okay bro no prob haha .... unless ...?
I would honestly prefer to kill myself than low key beg for a job in AEW on social media for everyone to see
>low key
He's being rather high key about it.
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Please tell me he's being ironic
He is but not really
Shit's so cringe irony ain't gonna save it.
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>Dear Tony, I tweet you but you still won't book me. I thought you might remember all those matches I had with Keith Lee.
It takes a special level of pathetic to have no shame in posting this
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Dijak, what the fuck are you doing bro?
>haha just being silly bro unless you actually were thinking of giving me a job, would be cool to be in the main event I live right around the block
If I'd have money I'd pay you to do the whole song
Remember when he got let go. Showed up on mxm's stream, half of it was crying about being wasted, the other half was sucking off the Bucks. Kek guess it didn't work
Do you guys actually not understand that he's writing this to be funny?
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That's the worst part of it
Jesus. Did he think this was a DM? Reeks of the same rambling desperation a middle schooler has when he's texting his crush about wanting to her to be his girlfriend even though he never talks to her.
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I was trying to think about more or to change his long ass post into the song but figured it's best to do 2 good lines than fuck it up trying too hard. Maybe I'll keep working on it and make a post in the future the next time he embarrasses himself. I'll even try to MS Paint his face over Stan.
jesus christ. i used to like dijak a lot but holy shit what a fucking loser
is that tess
Just hire him Tony, and debut him on Collision.
Utterly horrendous
same vibe
People here are so afraid of getting worked that they’re actually getting worked. Based Dijak.
poor kid
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nah this is embarrassing as fuck and Dijak should never have posted it
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>I saw an ad from a local promotion with Dijak as a headliner
It's over. Besides he's too tall for AEW. If he's lucky TNA might give him a call.
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Dijak has gone insane
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Here you go, I got inspiration and at least did a couple verses.

>Dear Rico, It's cool to see you become a big star. You might remember me from back when I was T-Bar. I'm sorry about all of the Retribution stuff. I was just following orders and hope I wasn't too rough. Anyways I see you need a partner for a tag. And I still have all my gear packed in my bag. If you need me I live 26 minutes away. You could tell Tony to give me gas money for the pay. You should have my number because I texted you before. But if you don't need me it's ok I'm a little sore. Anyways I hope you hit me back, maybe chat. And good luck with your match man, this is Donovan.
>My feds gone cold I'm wondering why. The ratings always fall.
>My daddy's wallet will not empty. But I can't book at all.
>And even if I could it will all be gay, and will never draw a mill'
>It reminds me that I need new toys. I need new toys.
>Dear Tony, I tweet you but you still won't book me. I thought you might remember all those matches I had with Keith Lee. If you didn't want to talk to me outside PWG, you didn't have to. But you could have said hi for me to Nick and Matthew. They're like my fucking brothers, man. We traveled all of the roads. I was waiting outside for hours and you just left to go do blow. That's pretty shitty man, you said you liked my matches. Meltzer says they're good and you like him more than I do. I ain't mad, though I just don't like being lied to. Remember when we met in Jacksonville you said if I follow you, you'd follow back. See everything you book is real and I respect you cause you tell it. My wife is jealous 'cause I talk about you 24/7. But she don't know wrestling like we do, no one does. She doesn't know what it was like for marks like us growing up. You gotta DM me man, I'll be the biggest star you'll ever lose. Sincecerly yours, Dijak PS: You could bring in Slapjack too
Fuckin' SAD!
This thread really revealing how incredibly fucking stupid the people on this board are holy shit
Shouldn't you be tucking in your kids right about now, Donovan?
Room temperature IQ
I've never seen a more pathetic wrestler except ricochet
Big Sneed got a clue real fucking fast after we trolled his youtube page as a rib, Trans Rights Bar continues prove that he was always a faggot.
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can't tell if he name dropped his children for sympathy that he has a family to feed or to imply that he's close to pulling a Benoit if AEW doesn't hire him
kek fucking priceless! Man, you are a good lyrics chad! Respect!
>ahahaha fuck all the other promotions I can say whatever I want I'm employed for life!
>aaaaah help me other promotions I'm jobless!
Isn't he in MLW?
>Show more

Welp, it ain't him lol.
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Nicely done kek
Why does kenny’s opinion even matter anymore?
>fight forever was his baby and was a catastrophe
>joshi division was his baby and was a catastrophe
>didnt draw as champ
>hasnt wrestled in years
>didnt fund the fed
He's the soul of the company and always has been
Oh brother
Is this fresh? Fresh new cringe or some old stuff? Because context and timing matters
From a couple of weeks ago
Ricochet should hire him to be Samantha’s foot slave, but only after he offers the job to me
Fuck man, here you go
do you understand that he failed?
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>writing this to be funny
>words words words
kek what a kwab
This is a funny bit. (I don't have the image of the guy standing but pretend it's there)
Are you guys stupid or something? Can you not see the obvious joke?
yes, AEW.
You're the joke, Donovan.
What is the context that you think you have that makes this ironic? I'm not even meme'ing but I assume this is the same poster defending it and he must have reason or context for this line of thought?
Whats the really obvious joke thats being missed?
I guess AI doesn't know how Stan goes, but thanks anyways.
Assuming you are posting in good faith its an extremely obvious parody from the first time, the entire thing is obviously silly playing up the trope of the pathetic worker who wants to be booked. The entire concept of the post is obviously a joke, Riochet is not actually picking a mystery partner anon, its the booker that decides who is in a match.
I assume almost all of the posts in this thread are from the same 3 or so autistic posters. You'd have to be either extremely mentally stunted and with no ability to read people's intentions, or (more likely) just memeing because Donovan Dijak is probably a designated lolcow for them.
If you weren't memeing and you genuinely thought it was a real post all I can say is that if you'd been a fan in the 90s you would still think its real.
Just like Dijak you are explaining the joke waaaay too much. Maybe it was funny at first but the fact he kept going for 5 more paragraphs just shows either he was serious, or he's just not funny or charismatic, which is why he got released in the first place. It's going from ironic to autistic and now I think you are either Donovan himself or even sadder you are his one true autistic fan to keep defending him this hard.
>no ability to read people's intentions,
Yeah that's you. Everyone here's able to see beyond the fake facade of irony into his real intention which is to ask for a job, while you can't see past the first layer of intention. Are you from reddit perchance?
It doesn't need to succeed in amusing you to be a joke. The main difference is: is he genuinely writing 500 words, publicly begging Riccoshit to be in the main event, referencing his kid's bed time and asking to share the gas money for the car ride, or is he not? The surprising answer: he is not. This is a bit. A performance. A lie. If you can't see that, you are in fact retarded (either autistic, they struggle with untruths or just very low IQ).
And if this is an example of Dijak "performing" then it's no wonder he got released and has to beg for bookings on twitter because no one wants him.
He needs a hug (from Tony)
If it was me, I'd have posted:
>Huh, I'm only about 26 minutes away from that arena...
And that'd be it. Just drum up a bit of mystery, without making a fool of yourself.
still a fag
>dijak unironically entering this thread to do damage control
sorry bud you're done!
>sorry for the retribution stuff
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You can either be a clown online on your work account or you can be taken seriously as a talent, it ain't that hard to grasp bro.

ib4 "Muh Ratio meme so popular. Dijak twitter page is the coolest place to hang out" Dude, you became a different character outside the show and not a good one, you don't get paid by tweet characters and replies you dork.

Dijak better pray Tony finds your poorly written "comedy" funny enough to offer you a job because everyone else saw this as desperate cry for help for person who is not witty or funny but pretending to be one.
This is exactly what one of Soros' hired thugs they were larping as would say.
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Keep trying Dijak my bro...
Big Toné is a GOOD GUY who loves to have FUN
If you trying hard enough then maybe he will offer you a ROH contract


You lonely fat fuck virgins who live in your mom's basement really can't when a guy is just joking with one of his friends? Are you really going to go that far and admit you are a friendless fucking moron?

Grow the fuck up and stop stalking wrestler's social pages. They don't know you lil bro
What does the R. Stand for
99.99% of the population doesn't know you either, T-BAR.
Very cringe situation indeed.
Road dogg begging for a job was really sad and when it didn't happen he then lashed out against Tony haha
>They don't know you lil bro
That's the point of being anonymous, idiot.

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