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>Liv Morgan goes for a swim:
full size
Vote for Kamala

Or else
Fuck off and take your political trash somewhere else
>dragon lee singles match
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Joe Tessitore got bumped off BACKLASH?!?!
not watching dwaynetty's movie
people like you is why i vote against her
KWABW (Kek what a blue wave)
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>seth turned becky into a man
>becky turned seth into a woman
bring this back HHH
I won't lie I'm happy the third hour ended since I can catch the last dance of What We Do In Shadows but I don't know how we're ending the series with Guillermo as a finance bro, Lazlo's creation and the secret roommate probably running the Vampire Society
That Montez fords been so uppity later he needs some Backlash, yagetwhadimmasay?
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What are the political implication of showing vag in Saudi Arabia?
I'm hungry but I'm trying to lose weight and save money. I'm not going to order DoorDash tonight bros. I'll go to bed hungry.
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The fuck you gonna do redditor faggot? Go on the internet and threaten to kys? Isn't that Monday for you anyway lmao
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all im gonna say is that if there is more bs like the counting taking longer than a day again, there will probably be fraud again
Just start buying cans of soup. Eat a fucking soup whenever you get a hunger pang.
creeds not in saudi? julius got them banned i bet.
>they're doing the chants
based, Saudi crowds are officially better than US ones now
I'm not american [spoiler]not pajeet too[/spoiler]
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Where is he bros?
To be honest, I don't know what Zelina needs to do to get a push. I think k she's really great.
penis was too big
Drink green tea, it's an appetite suppressant. If you don't like drinking it, just take the capsules.
>not chanting death to america
Saudis ngmi
is dragon lee blonde? his eyebrows looked blonde there
Not really a soup guy

I might try this, thank you.
I'm surprised Seth did get thrown off the roof of the tallest building there for dressing like that. They've got some real zealots over there.
baked chic peas. Two cans fill out a baking sheet. 400 degrees for an hour. Save them in a Tupperware container. It's all protein and satisfies the "crunch" urge with a snack.
she needs to leave LWO and do a run in NXT when the next draft rolls around tbdesu
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There's no fucking way Chad loses to Dragon fucking Lee, right?
Where's the flag Chad?
Or else what?
Dragon Lee never revealed his face?
gable needs a belt, unbelievable that someone this talented is so low down the card
Please tell me you didn't vote for that mask-wearing faggot.
or else the tick on that dude's face is coming for you
nasty flip
I wonder if they'll even break 1.2
Based Chad is killing him
Can't enter Saudis for his war crimes against the Iraq people
Riots are going to happen everywhere if Kamala loses. Is what what you want, you redhat nazi? You want cops shooting at minorities?
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Ugly and disgusting
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Dragon Lee ain't no Komander or Fenix or Hologram I'll tell you that shit
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>almost 24k views in 30 minutes
I hate that high flying shit wrestling

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he really should've won the feud with Sami instead of forgetting about it to job to the Wyatts, desu
I wish I had emergency pizza in my walls.
Dragon lee is kill??
What a short career he had.
Condolences to Rush
Why Isn't Rey vs Chad?
gable will win and then go against rey
because he's actually good?
He's one of Paul's biggest dropped balls
needs bwc
im more pissed that they spent months with the Otis Gable storyline just to never even have a blowoff match and he fucks off to job to Bo
hes gonna job to rey also kek
yes and yes
Chad's gonna hirumo Lee
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Komander and Fletcher stole the fucking show this past Saturday, fuck outta here
that was shoot the hottest storyline on raw for months, not only did it not get a good conclusion, but now otis/AA is never on tv and gable jobs every other week
Sorry, if you're not one of Paul's favorite vanilla midgets you dont get shit. Gable was white hot and they just fucking buried him. He gets psychology, he's skilled, he's a real athlete and he jobs to a skinnyfat scruffy looking hobo Mudslime who cant wrestle because Sami was willing to worship Satan more than Gable was
these dudes are killing each other in a random match
theyre gonna get released from the company lol
He's gabling up!
shades of breakker-dragunov
wtf lol
Only a retard could vote for this womeme. Besides that she's hideous
>after all that build up and shit Bo Dallas' big return goes straight into the obligatory Miz feud
Busting their bodies to try and get over because they know booking won't do it for them. Tale as old as time.
>AEW match
Get this cringe AEW shit off my tv...
is it just me or did that superplex look kinda shaky? like riskier/closer than an average one
dynamite shit doesn't draw
Who’s bleeding?
oh look here comes the deadbeat dad
imagine if chad gable was a couple inches taller
Chad is always delivering guys, I hate what they done to him after his feud with Otis. FUCK HHH
Why did Gable get a tattoo?
Dragon Lee's finish looked really cool.
That was a neat match
I'll have to watch it again but I think Lee wasn't set and Gable knocked him off balance and he just brute forced it.
>Aew match
No transexuals in the ring
imagine if they made gable angle's son instead of jason jordan
That standing reverse suplex was fucking awesome looking holy hell
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>face wins due to interference
da fuq Uncle Paul
he's got a fuckboy bleached curls
he almost dropped him
>And Dom
>polite clapping from the saudis
Based Gunther
chad gable is FtM
Jesus fucking christ give my man Chad a fucing win for once. Has any member of American Made won a single match???
have they been making Gunther more of a tweener lately?
Gunther is the current day Brock.
He wins 99% of his matches and only jobs in the highest ppv matches
gunther vs punk at survivor series not happening then
>30 minute main event
I think we're going to get to Gunther vs Kaiser
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Damn Priest really lost all his pop
Based tweener gunther taking the L like a grown man instead of being a whinny bitch heel
>face turn gunther
>and dom
kek again
Matches like that just make me miss Lucha Underground
>three capable performers
>and dom
Is he really?
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>its already the main fucking event
Stone this zesty kaffir
Wish Undertaker
Who else has been such a loser they break up with their faction but still do the exact same gimmick as them anyways
Did he? Where is it I didn't catch it.

I think he's fine at 5'8 but he needs to stop being super lean. Bulk up, sit around 15-20% bodyfat, get nice and thick, he'll look better heavier (just like Gunther.)


They should seriously bring that back and make an angle out of the results being swapped or something. It'd be kino.

Triple Nose eternal 50/50 booking, nobody can be strong, everybody looks weak. drop hot storylines for god knows why. Shawn would be a better booker for the company.
gunther is still supposed to be a heel but he's been minorly going into business for himself by adopting the comedian gimmick. "funniest man in germany" is going to get over regardless of whether you're a heel or not
>Callum Drift

it is wild how shit this is going to be
Minus the 10 minute ad for Dwayne's latest "blockbuster".
Temu taker
>action christmas movie
nuke hollywood
How can Kaiser and Gunther talk in english so clean but Iyo and Kairi can't talk for shit?
Dwayne Johnson as CALLUM DRIFT
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Didn't the Rock and Chris Evans feud on the set of this movie?
Priest new theme is not over with me, bros
I wish it was streaming somewhere. I wasn't a wrestling fan when it was airing but everyone speaks highly of it.
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>this led to nothing because Triple H coincidently lost interest in Gable after he signed his new contract
He literally has nothing else. What's he gonna do, clean up his appearance and be a white meat babyface? lol, lmao, he's locked in now
>2 zesty niggas, Sheamus, and Dirty Dimes Dom
i wonder whos gonna win
Jesus christ this looks like a dimeless movie. Dwayne, time to hang this hat too.
Oh yea wanted to watch this
i do recall being in a conversation about wwe wrestlers vs aew wrestlers getting into hollywood
was it not that twatter thread about jade cargill switching to wwe to get more film opportunities and i just brought up the rock in it
The fact the Rock is making this to appease his wife after hiring her brother as his assistant is a true statement to how far nepotism can go
so you don't know?
Because English is a mutilated hybrid of his native language and Japanese is a completely unrelated structurally dissimilar language from the other side of the planet.
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Dombros how we feeling about this one?
japanese and english are so much more distant than german and english, how is that hard to understand
they should of let him keep this one
I couldn't do this. I'd drop her.
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This supposed to condemn or turn people on?
the movie about Hunter and all the cock is way fuinnier
English has been the main language in Europe for decades now. It's the reason why Malakai doesn't have much of an accent despite being Dutch.
he's the only straight man in this match, i hope he doesn't catch something from rubbing up again damian "archer of insideme" priest, seth "freakoff" rollins or shea "drew's bottom" mus.
It's the classic move of "we know you won't go anywhere else". Take an up-and-coming guy who's hot, build him up, promise him a big push and title and pay bump if he stays, he re-signs, then you throw him back to midcard and let him rot. You got the ratings bump and the merch sales from him and you just NEED to give that TV time to the Samoan mafia.
Imagine If Dom was single in real life, how Cuck Matthews would cope?
I'm pretty sure Damien is a stupid selfmark so he probably asked for the new theme and is hoping to be (back)archer of infamy again
>"We can finally do a London Bridge!"
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why isn't the rest of judgment day escorting dom to the ring? at least liv and raquel
Last known footage of Michael "The Miz" Mizanin
And this got recommended by a supposed "based" movie reviewer as "unbiased" lol, thankfully I have given up on all the trash coming out of hollywood.
Dom is going over
you are literally fucking braindead retarded. i hope you die.
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saudi arabia loves the fella
>season 11
DSP about to ask for more money
have you not been spoiled? fucking shemus of all people beat on dominik,they are buried dominik
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Why couldn't troof just forgive him? :(
Dom has gotta ditch the top.
It's amazing that he now admits that it was his account, as if everyone didn't know it already.
apology for poor english

when were you when the miz dies?

i was sat at home eating baked chickpeas when hunter ring

‘miz is kill’

he should only do this if he roids the fuck up, if he's gonna stay skinnyfat natty he should keep the costume
corey was great as a play-by-play on smackdown but he fucking sucks as a color commentator
the top is smart af, it has padding to lesson the damage he takes
or japs are just too stupid to learn a language?
How come all them weeaboos in US can learn japanese but not the other way around?
Kenny is a leaf for christs sake AND a wrestler.. he speaks jap, french and english for sure
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Seth was looking great for weeks and now he’s back on this ridiculous zesty shit
Nobody in the roster is more popular and bring more heat than Dominik right now and I'm not even Domfag
Punishment was an arrangement of Infamy theme though.
What's that weird yellow shit on Sheamus' biceps?
Bronson needs to squish the zest out of him again
This match could be KINO
kenny is a faggot mark
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i home too. loss bigly. sad
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WTF is Seth wearing? It looks like Too Cool's pants
bruises, retard.
>john Deere
These niggers want you to pay a monthly fee to use their products
Why are they on the same spot on each bicep though?
based arab kid Seth enjoyer
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dom should steal samoa joe's nope
i feel like it would fit his character perfectly. and he is polynesian anyway, why not incorporate that too with all the mexican shit?
taking shoulder bumps like a real nigga, that is why.
>3 bissexual mans jumping on Dominik Mysterio
>72 vrigins, maybe more
I mean he wants to be the face/tweener version of him he came to from NXT with.
I wish I could lick liv’s thighs
mmmm tastes like enzo
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Canned RAW threads are much slower eh?
they know who's the alpha
something something fate of the world tomorrow something something
it's sheamus
Dom could easily get away with a Punkish physique
not a single white person in this match
>wait that might actually be fun
kek Cole
>isnt aware of the one man who's in control of them all
i hope you mean punk 10 years ago instead of gassed to the gills punk of today
Dom's real father is Owen Hart so he's only one quarter Mexican
Dom is a white man from San Diego
based kill all honkies
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is there a shoot reason why they don't give sheamus back the lobster head theme instead of the dimeless shit he has now
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Sheamus is the whitest man that ever lived doe?
wasn't this invented by messicans?
Sheamus is real white skin
This is a good match
Seth is a literal aryan
Triple Gay hates kino apparently
Fucking Dominik needs to take roids!!!!
Cuz then they have to pay royalties to Jim Johnston
maybe he likes the viking one, he only got the lobster head for like a few weeks
everyone knows Irish are the negros of the white race
>8 mins left
Honestly he should be more acrobatic If he won't take the roids
Modern women love twinks
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>Larry the lobster lookin'
is dom considered a luchador
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>holiday ads already
Can't these bloodsuckers at least wait until Thanksgiving week?
Dom is the perfect chickenshit heel. Him getting buff would detract from his character. This is levels beyond you.
People still celebrate Christmas?
goddamn sheamo over is saudi
I know this is a dangerous opinion to express on /pw/ but I think Saudi Arabia is actually a bad country
Rollins has been butchering the pedigree for years
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Seff's gear makes him look like a jobber GEEK
they love sheamus in arabia
but dom isn't even cheating to win, he's just following liv around
>4 man randomly turns into a 5 man
Im okay with this
Dominik should do oblivion on Damian
>"The auzzilla"
New shirt incoming I see
>Dom wins
>Finn Balor gets mad it wasnt him

This is so obvious
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The capitalist-driven, devoid of God Ecksmas? Yes.
BASED Bronson
What's their favorite RPGs? Is it Final Fantasy 7?
did rey invent the 619?
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Aww man, I wanted to see Dominick versus Gunther...
almost was a good ending there
it already happened and it was very good, one of his best matches
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>Gunther vs Priest
>Priest again

if Gunther loses credibility is because of his shit opponents
literally anyone but priest shouldve won. we have already seen this match :(
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i wanted either dom or sheamus to win
i would have accepted seth, just because he wasn't priest
for fucks sake, if they job gunther out to priest i'll actually drink fucking ocean water
So uhhh where has Bron Breakker been? Not allowed in Saudi Arabia?
Dom shoulda won
not completely by himself but it was his original signature move, first to use it in matches
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>if priest gets the belt back from gunther
Fuck Triple H, give Dom a fucking chance
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>tfw sneed and priest enjoyer
Lame finish. Should have given this one to Dom
Gunther LOST credibility by jobbing to fucking Sami. That killed him for me and my friends. We were all major Gunther marks and him losing to a homeless ginger just completely ruined the character for us.
wtf is that nancy
And it was a MOTY contender.
I'll be your alibi, you were here talking about Dijak being a KWABOTY when it happened.
I thought those were Russians
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we already got moty
its time for the same event
Dom vs Gunther would have been hilarious. Sheamus vs Gunther would have been another great stiff as hell big man match. Seth vs Gunther would have sucked because Seth would drag Goonther down to his level. We've already seen this match and Priest can barely keep up. Why? Why?
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This is it
Fuck you triple h you gay nigger
Should have been Dom vs Gunther, then Rey comes in because Dom is getting smashed and dad has to try and save him. Then Gunther vs Rey. That would be a good 3 month storyline
certainly looks like her. wtf is this?
preist is so fucking boring
>The one winner no one wanted
HHH stinks.
He's tall, decently muscled (I think he needs to up his dosage and really try to gain weight), but he just looks lame. He has no presence. He doesn't have the "it" factor. Dom's got it, Gable's got it, Gunther's got it, etc. It's not just the ability to cut a promo or work the crowd, it's an almost intangible layer of innate believability in the character. It can't be faked or trained or bought. It can only be, or not be.
I don't get it, Dom doesn't need to win the belt but at least let him try you know? Priest vs Gunther is boring as hell. Also we can have Kaiser vs Judgement Day too as bonus
kaiser vs finn would draw the house and possibly start to rehabilitate finn
He had his moments but he's just getting worse and worse. I don't know if they're just saving all the good stuff for the run to the rumble and mania or what, but from the late 90s to the late 2000s it was literally banger after banger after banger almost every fucking show and PPV. Now it's just bleh. It's meh. It's nothing.
Ludwig Kaiser vs Carlito would be hilarious
he's getting crushed by the pressure, he's no Vince.
How would it play out in your mind?

You think so? He's got one of the biggest egos in the business and really plays favorites. He's been in the business since the 90s. You think he can't handle setting the card and state of the company?
Those bangers were all on the talent, not the booking. Today they have NO talent.
Even the midcarders were over like crazy. The office took guys with talent and set them up properly. Nowadays its 1 out of 10 guys with potential talent and 1 out of 10 potential guys with talent who actually HAVE talent. And the company just fucking refuses to give anybody the proper setup. We all know why, it's because the talent cannot under any circumstances eclipse the brand in any way. So fucking gay.
>How come all them weeaboos in US can learn japanese
truth apologizes to priestetty
kek r-truth is too precious
R-Truth is allowed in the ethnostate
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Didn't answer the question queerboy
Can't imagine wanting to go put on a good show in front of these smelly desert people. Jesus Christ.
you just know this was written by some fat liberal with a rape kink
Is it legal to show camel toe in Saudi
>Good luck in your fatal five-way
Truth new a SNEED was coming
I wanna lick that leather so bad bros

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