Wasn't wrestling so much better back in the days where there wasn't so much flippy shi-
>>16240664People always loved flips. Jimmy Snuka was the most over guy in WWF for years because of his sack of shit splash.
>>16240664>>16240670They’re flipping for a reason unlike today
>>16240717What's the reason in these gifs?
>>16240664I ain’t gonna lie, it’s damn impressive he was able to catch him there.
>>16240670>crowd doesn't even popSome things never change.
>>16240724They're in awe watching poetry in motion.
>>16240664I wonder how much innovative and athletic and flippy wrestling there was in the 40's,50's etc that we don't know ofInstead when we think of old school wrestling only gorgeous george, lou thesz, buddy rogers come to mind
>>16240720Yeah that dude was fucking dead if he wasn't caught.
>>16240719So you don't know.
>>16240811No, I do not. Why don't you enlighten me, anon.
>>16240826Nah you do.
>>16240835I think you made a stupid statement that you can't support.
>>16240664Yeah that's still shit OP much like todays wrestlers who do it
>>16240852So, go watch NWA. That's about as close to old school wrestling as you'll find today.
>>16240852>Yeah that's still shit OP much like todays wrestlers who do itPoo hands typed this and got curry on their device.
>>16240664>>16240670Isn't this during the low point of wrestling, during Lou Thez's reign?
>>16240873Well, the springboard match was from France. https://youtu.be/cenS5gpiHPo?si=y4q5qRsUBjd2H8q3
>>16240865>Poo hands typed this and got curry on their device.
>>16240882fucking kek. the sound effects
>>16240670>pull off awesome moves during wrestling match>can't be recognized because it is shot in proto-potato quality much respect to whoever did the cool flips. great dusplay of athleticism
>>16240865>no one : ...>anon : indians, curry, poo in the loodid an aryan fellow steal your gf from you?
>>16240670What sits this apart from today’s flippy midget shit is the flow. It flows smoothly.
>>16240882monochrome niggas thought this real lmfao why were they so stupid bros
>>16240670This seems much more like a real struggle unlike Cole vs Gargano for example.Maybe it's just the shittier camera.
>>16240717Fucking Christ, how often do flips happen in real fights?They did them for the same reason guys now do: They got over!
>>16241079Shes hot, but her smile takes her down a notch, weird.
>>16240664Rey Mysterio launcher (men were smaller back then)>>16240670While this does flow ok and actually contains believable impacts (unlike gAyEW gymnastics), the extra backflip dude does isn’t necessary at all and still takes me out of itLike others ITT have mentioned it’d probably look like sloppy dogshit if filmed with today’s 4K cameras.
>>16240849But enough about you.
>>16241160she has the housewife laugh
>>16241151>real fights?i'm not defending that shit but this reasoning is stupid - it's presented (or at least was at one point) as a wrestling match with rules with a specific discipline. It's wasn't supposed to look like a real fight, it was supposed to look like a real wrestling match which is a distinction. Maybe worked MMA, brawls and hardcore matches are/were supposed to look like "real fights"
>>16240664that shit is so Based that wwe incorporated it into their latest toy