[Culinary News]Wakana Uehara found a great deal on donuts at the supermarket.
based discount hunting player
Gotta love the ol' donas baratas
>>16260041Her sad eyes almost have a faint flicker of happiness
>>16260041those are garbage tier donuts
>>16260069thats just glitter on her face
>>16260041that's a fairly small amount of donuts for an averaged sized person
>>16260135Does the average American really eat 12 donuts every day?
>>16260135She's more than average sized in at least one area
>>16260041Obese player
>>16260041I want to take Wakana to Tim Horton's and clear the place out of Tim Bits.
voraciously licking Wakana's donut hole
>>16260143Yes. I just ate 13 for lunch actually