Why is Hunter wasting him in the midcard when he's been the most over non part-timer for the past 2 years?
because hes good for the midcard
>>16274418He sucks
>>16274429he's the most over wrestler besides roman, cody and punk
You fags are so used to Vince schizo 'everyone gets a title reign' booking. Roman had a 4 year reign. Cody isn't losing right now.Hes a good US champ to have
>>16274418Plans don't change.
>>16274447And he's good for the midcard.
>>16274459yeah but he needs better opponents
>>16274429why is this so hard for people to understand? it's like they want the midcard to be full of guys who aren't over because as soon as they get a bit of buzz they should go straight to the world titles
>>16274418So you'd rather go back to the dimeless Kofi Kingston vs Dolph Ziggler for 10 years midcard? Should Road Dogg have been WWF Champion? Having popular midcarders is good. Knight can't work a long WWE main event style. Can you see LA Knight wrestling 40 minutes at WrestleMania?
>>16274447if you have a guy who's over as your midcard champ, people are invested in the midcard
>>16274418He is doing good right now and helping the US title scene. He will get his time at the top even if its a short run have patience. There are a ton of wrestlers they have right now.
>>16274418the Main Event is kinda full arm
So are you telling me The Miz ain't awesome despite being a midcarder too?