don't mind me just posting the most beautiful woman ever involved in wrestling
>>16277036too bad she had tranny hair
>>16277036As a sports entertainer,Eva Marie > charlotte flair
>>16277036That's not Alexa Bliss
>>16277316That's a Jew though
>>16277320Slanderous lie
>>16277320She wears a cross.
>>16277349>Jews can't convert to other religions
>>16277360>there existed only jewish traders in central europewonder what they did each time they kicked them out. just lived completely without vendors and markets for a couple decades?
>>16277036Nah still Jade
>>16277360>jews steal german name>that means everyone with that name is a jew
the most beautiful woman ever in wrestling was fandango's first valet. happy to say she didn't stick around and avoided getting defecated on.
Eva should return every 2 years and just absolutely destroy random women clean and then disappear without a trace. Would be kino
No one matches up to Stacy Keibler
>>16277333I wish she looked at me like that after a fun night of teasing her that I have a monster 10 inch, coke can girth sized dick, only for me the whip out my 4.5 inch dick that has issues staying hard unless constantly stimulated due to bad circulation that I have never gotten check because I live in America and health care is expensive
>>16277316She a cute
>>16277376Kaufman literally means merchant
>>16277036she is as hot as she is useless
>>16277959>there are no german merchants
>another useless pajeet coomer thread
That's funny because I don't see Kimberly Page anywhere. >t. not ddp
>>16277371I want her to use my face as a seat after she finishes a sweaty workout session
>>16277316Correct, the most beautiful wrestler is not Alexa Bliss.
>>16277036How did WWE fumble her?
>>16279212You still need to be able to wrestle at a basic lev
>>16278469t. ddp's benefactor
>>16277036But enough about Makih
>>16279810Just let her manage someone
>>16278358there unironically werent
>>16278469ddp is 100% gay for refusing to have children with this queen
>>16281838Her plastic surgeon should be thrown in jail to rot
>>16284054100% natural beauty
>>16277036OP here, wrong image my bad
>>16277036I think the most beautiful woman ever involved in wrestling has hips anon
>>16277371So many filters that this looks like an Overwatch character
>>16277240Turn on your monitor
>>16281838>>16284144trans until proven otherwise
>>16277036This board would call her a m-- >>16277240Took all of one reply. This board sure knows a lot about trannies