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Draw a yen
The yen is worthless now, Mr. Inoki.
Give me the Inoki chin and bod and I will
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Inoki-san I can't. I have failed you.
Lookin real jacked, baby
No shit. The guy who draws it is dead.
Grim indeed
It's been a long time
Recommend me Inoki matches, Inokibros.
Kek what an argenSHITian tier currency
Antonio Inoki vs Murder Grampa (Young)

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He got the chin, draws dimes, just needs to get the bod.
>vs. Sakaguchi 2, '74
>vs. Fujiwara '86
>vs. Dick Murdoch '87
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Why doesn't his dad share his 'roids with him?
Got links?
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8 8 88
Inoki vs Fujinami
Shoot haven't paid a single penny for wrestling since Survivor Series (2003) and I don't know if I should trust my credit card to them japs.
No way to watch these matches for free? A month-long free trial maybe?
>I don't know if I should trust my credit card to them japs.
I've been paying for a decade, it's fine.
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This >>16282717
Here's a link
Inoki vs Fujinami 8 8 88 is the greatest match in NJPW's history in my humble opinion.
>Taller than his father
>Chin is bigger than his father
Is he really his father?
>>vs. Fujiwara '86
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Is this achievable natty?
Everything in Japan during Inoki's time was natty

Holy grimola
The yen was strong back in the 60s, 70s and the 80s. What the fuck went wrong?
I couldn't even out-draw you, inoki
Antonio Inoki retired in the 90s and the yen's value dropped as a result.
Hogan vs Inoki is the only match you need to watch, brother.
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We don't imply that here.
What? In 70s dollar was like ~300 yen. And some say Plaza Accord actually fucked up Japanese economic.
popped me brother
The Japanese economic bubble popped in 1991 brother.
kek saved
Baba was the biggest yen draw desu
Antonio Inoki vs. Karl Gotch
What’s his best match against Andre?
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Antonio Inoki drew all the yens, there's no yen left to draw.
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My favorite is Inoki vs Andre 1986. This was the first time ever one of them wins the match properly. In all of their previous matches from the early 70s to the mid 80s, they were either via double count outs or by a ref's decisions.
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Their match in '76. And it's surreal to watch Andre being so mobile.
Inoki and Andre always have the best David vs. Goliath type of matches.
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>A Gotch match that isn't in black and white
Anything for you, Inoki.
vs Tenryu '94
I like that match they did in Brazil. The one where Inoki entangles Andre with the ropes and kicks the shit out of him.
That last shot is incredible holy shit
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I don't know why I just realized that Andre looks like a character out of the Jojo Bizarre Adventure manga series.
wtf is this real
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As real as this gif.
So THIS is where HBK got his floppy sells from
pretty sure DIMES INOKI drew like 300,000 people to a stadium in north korea
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>No one recommended Inoki's ******½ match yet
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Extremely yen match, but impossible to appreciate fully without the context of the WAR invasion.
Fat retard had it coming
Why did Inoki shoot on his namesake?
>but impossible to appreciate fully without the context
Honestly, lots of feuds in 80s and 90s NJPW are like that. Some matches got elevated in my book when I read up on how they happened.
Inoki found out that he sneaked into his room backstage and helped himself to his ice cream stash.
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>The one where Inoki entangles Andre with the ropes and kicks the shit out of him.
Kino spot.
How do I achieve this bod?
Raw fish, noodles, and slapping people in the mouth for 5 hours a day.
Bill Burr narrating this is really good too
Watch the Inoki training
Also this helps >>16287682
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Agreed. Inoki vs Muta has been my favorite Inoki match since I read about how it came to be.
>Open vid expecting neck training
>See this
Inoki never fails my expectations
How do they not break their necks?
I was always curious about Inoki vs. Muta. How did this feud start?
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Only dimes drawers can do it.
was it a work?
Initially until it turned into a shoot.
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The backstory of this match is Choshu and Tenryu were having a tag match with Muto and Chono. Right after the match started, Tenryu threw Muto out of the ring, grabbed a mic, and shouted
Muto then left the ring and went backstage. Chono then was forced to have a handicap match with Choshu and Tenryu. After some time, Muta finally appeared, wearing the Muta outfit. The crowd popped like schizos here. He then dominated the match, but Choshu finished off Chono with his Riki Lariat, so Muta lost it and started beating everyone up with an object and misting their faces. Inoki came out after witnessing the chaos happening, stared at Muta. Muta knelt on one knee and kept closing on Inoki. When he was very close to him, he misted him all of a sudden. A few days later, this match was announced, and Inoki said this would be the first event in the road to his retirement, which lasted 4 years.
The Great Antonio worked himself into a shoot.
Japanese wrestling is just better. It's so over the top it's like a movie or some shit, but it's so based.
KWAB tier currency
Hogan beat Inoki’s ass
I bet none of the new Young Lions, including the ones from the last class, can do this.
They're shoot estranged

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