>nobody today can talk at all>this causes nobody to have any gimmicks beyond LE WRESTLER>wrestling is so damn boring because of it
>>16284658there are fuck tons of gimmicks in wwe though
It really amazing that most of the wrestlers and fans today grew up on Austin, Hulk and Rock as the biggest stars and decided that Billy Kidman was the one they needed to try and copy.
>>16284669>austinla knight>hulk hogancody rhodes>booker ttrick williams>mcfoleykevin owens
>>16284680Imagine thinking anything Cody does or says compares to even the weakest Hulk Hogan promo
>>16284669Kidman was based thoughhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-Y9D4wT2FM
>>16284680>Hulk Hogan>Lispy McLisp
>>16284669lmao remember when Kidman was in the Flock and Raven had him hooked on heroin?
>>16284669It's Shawn who everyone tries to copy from
>>16284781Shawn was a good promo though
>>16284774Remember when they wanted hulk hogan to put kidman over
>>16284658because WWE and most other feds are now scared of people like Austin and Hogan. Big personalities like that have a tendency to be controversial and these companies are scared of that. So they end up going with "safe" choices and (big surprise) most of those "safe" choices are BORING. If you want someone who is a good trash talker, you cant go with safe corporate choices and expect it be authentic. >>16284680lol nice bait bro
>>16284669kidman mogs most of today's aew and wwe roster
>>16284955Have these fools learned nothing?
itt 50 year old men desperately clinging to the one time in their life they were happy
>>16284973>controversy creates cashtruer words were never spoken
>>16284658Shitty mic skills have nothing to do with the bookers doling out gimmicks to the roster or not. There were plenty of guys who worked high concept gimmicks in the past but also had lackluster mic skills. Gangrel is a great example because his gimmick was so cool but he was probably one of the worst promos of all time.
>>16284658indies didnt care about that and wanted little guys who played video games to spam movez for viral clips. the indies dont develop characters and no one teaches them shit theyll listen to because they spent to so much time being awful
>>16284965How? Hairwise? Framewise? He was shit