Isn't it offensive to imply that all Samoans, Tongas, and Maori are related to each other?A group of Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans wouldn't all be in a faction called "The Bloodline"
>>16291344I hope they bring back Samoa Joe just to put him in the Bloodline
>>16291344Initially it was an Anaoi extended family thing.I think Solo perverting it by adding any nasty coconut nigger he can is part of the storyline but idk if they said it out loud
Bring back Prince Iaukea
>>16291344Some of them are family by blood pact anon
>>16291399is that a thing? (I'm white btw)
>>16291344>>16291354thats literally the story. do you people have no ability to detect subtlety? romans bloodline was all actual real life family + heyman who was a close family friend, sami was the odd one out which is why he was only an honorary member. but now solo's bloodline is adding people from the outside which is why theyre the heels here. im sure roman will acknowledge it at some point in the buildup to roman v solo match
>>16291402Yes, it's Polynesian thing, blood brother pacts that join families together
>>16291399>family >by blood pactIs that you tell yourself when you're raising Jamal's kid "by blood pact" lol (I'm implying you have HIV lmao)
>>16291421OP here, I don't watch :)