im fucking retarded and dont know shit about wrestling whats a heel and face
CMLL is a face, WWE is a heel, TNA is a tweener, and AEW is a jobber. Glad I could help, retard. (:
>>16291431this should explain it
>>16291431>faceGood guy, moralfag, or generally a guy the crowd likes enough to cheer him>heelBad guy, general prick, sadist or cowardly faggot, is supposed to get booed (but sometimes doesn't)Then you have the "Tweener", who's supposed to be in-between categories (a "good" bad guy) but its arguable this doesn't exist and is a reddit term. Stone Cold Steve Austin was considered this even though his character was a fucking piece of shit for all intents and purposes.Heel & Face works differently in Mexico and Japan than in USA