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the 'cord didn't want us to see this one

Yeah, we fancy like Applebee's on a date night (that's right)
Got that Bourbon Street steak with the Oreo shake (ay)
Get some whipped cream on the top too (gotta add that whipped cream)
Two straws, one check, girl, I got you (girl, I got you)
Bougie like Natty in the styrofoam (styrofoam)
Squeaky-squeakin' in the truck bed all the way home (all the way home)
With some Alabama-jamma, she my Dixieland delight (hey)
That's how we do, how we do, fancy like
kek what a cancelled show
MLW shits on that
Trev is going to avoid this thread like he avoids standing up
fraid so
>competition doesn't matter now
>AEW does shit ratings without competition
>AEW does shit ratings with competition.
Lol what a fucking retard.
They're closing in on gcw numbers
WBD going to cancel Collision next. dynamite will follow suit
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Resorting to Rampage to try and cope away the abysmal Smackdown numbers huh?
For England, James?
They only lost a couple dozen thousand guys when everyone and their mother was watching Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson, those are some pretty dedicated cultist holdouts.
trampage was cancelled
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I don't think mlw gets that much but that is like TNA on destination america numbers what are they doing?
No Rampagey?
No 700y?
No milly?
2 more weeks #StopTheDeal
You're not taking about the $150 deal are ya? Remember when you said they were going to get a billy? 2 more weeks. #IncreaseTheDeal
Bro why would AEW Fans even watch it? It's 100% cancelled and Tony hasn't been putting anything worth a damn on it.
Pathetic Cancelled Show LMAO
>monkE see
>monkE do
This got PorkWheels going nuts.
I have never seen this picture of Shelly Duval before.
>No milly?
You realize Smackdown is less another 250k loss to be joining that club right? This is the show that's home to the Bloodline and WWE champion Cody Rhodes. Your Wrestlemania main event. And it's close to getting no milly
Just make Rampage the Youtube show like days of AEW Dark. I thought Dark was a good way to test run talents and see who's worth pushing or not.
Rampage is a dead brand though. Think Heat in 2005. AEW's ended it regardless so they can rebrand and relaunch a new show in the place of where they'd usually tape it
Obviously that didn't work since Tony still pushes total shitters
The fucking Wasteland of Poop Dick Wrestling.
it's actually shocking to me that almost 200k people watched this. truly is something for everyone out there i guess
Ratings do not matter
Key demo
Mega ultra 3 year deal
Super max broadcast partner

Listen guys, stats dont bite.
Rampage has been a nothing show for a long ass time. It was probably silently cancelled long before it even got those shitty ratings.
is Collision in the graveyard slot now? that fight didn't start until like 11:30
I mean Rampages ratings really don't matter, since it's getting cancelled LMFAO
Afraid so
kek what a cancelled dimeless gay show for retards and empty seats
So if Hampage got cancelled what does that say for Collision? Some weeks Hampage gets better ratings.
I can't wait for reruns of Space Jam to do better ratings in Rampages slot
Well put
I don't get it, why do E drones present Rampage being canceled as something tragic?
Not even AEW fans care about Rampage, it has like one decent episode per year.
It's gone.
DAMN what a massive fucking failure of a company
I can't even laugh at this... It's tragic.
Why is it so hard to understand that AEW fans(or chads, insider term) have better things to do on a Friday night than staying at home watching wrestling?
That didn't use to be the case, what changed?
>R-record profits though...
Is it a bad thing
Jesus Christ that's a terrible rating
Fuck that’s bad. Seriously what can save them?
Holy grimola

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