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>didn't let omega be the first champ when he was in the best shape of his life from his time in NJPW, and now hes career is pretty much finished
>first two title runs were literally ex WWE shitters
>khan removes cody and omega from booking duties
>somehow get cm punk
>finally champ but breaks his foot being a retard
>ok he can come back
>in mean time Bryan R. Danielson and Adam Cole also sign
>you do Danielson vs Omega and sell 20k tickets cause they have a match and Grand Slam
>you don't fucking follow this up at all for some retarded fucking reason
>you don't put the belt on Danielson who is red hot for some fucking retarded reason
>you give it to some zesty cowboy instead who started tanking ratings
>bring back Punk and do an angle with Moxley
>it was actually pretty good but lasted 1 fucking week and not only that you debut a returning MJF for some retarded fucking reason instead of building a story about who is under the devil mask
>Your retarded EVPs start spreading rumors left and right about your top guy and you don't do shit about it
>Punk decides to beat the shit out of them for leaking stuff
>you suspend them all
>you get a new show and put Punk in charge
>you tell him none of the faggots who are friends with the EVPs will be there
>they still show up and you don't do shit about it
>they start more trouble
>Punk as a Real World Championship gimmick going
>is going to put over Ricky Starks and then feud with jay White to put him over cause he's been a fucking jobber since signing with AEW
>Some stupid twink starts shit at All In
>punk chokes him and cause of this you fire him
>the last interesting person in your dogshit company
>you don't even force all the guys involved to have a match to draw money cause there is real heat there
>instead you fire the top guy and now your toybox is dying and no one gives a fuck anymore

what did tony khan mean by this?
not reading all that little e-drone bro
why does he deepthroat the bottle when he drinks?
>little e drone
but enough about 95% of aews roster
ok you got me.
i kneel
I'm not reading that however Tony has never done a single good thing in aew
AEW became WWE when Punk was around. Series finale of the AEW that was born out of the original All In was Hangman winning the title.
Pretty sure an edrone wouldn't quit WWE like most of the past WWE names left on AEW's have
whens the next decent series start?
my thoughts exactly
I read it all. To summarize:
>"It's not Phil's fault AEW is dead."
And it was pretty much already all botched up by then, but at least it happened.
>>Your retarded EVPs start spreading rumors left and right about your top guy and you don't do shit about it
Source? I mean, literally every journo has said it didn't come from the Bucks camp and several have hinted it was Dax.
>dax was trying to get punk fired all along

lmao no one believes this you retard
I hated how AEW changed when Punk got there.
>Booking week to week like SDL
>Production starts mirroring SDL
>Stage design mirrors SDL
>Promo packages mirror SDL
>The fucking wrestlers are all Exfed
It was garbage. I liked AEW when it was an alternative, not Diet Coke WWE. I was hopeful that he'd course correct but it's been a year now and he's continuing to hire every WWE cast off while ignoring his loyal guys.
Dax was trying to stage a coup with Punk ousting the Elite, you dumbass.
>fire a cancer that was ruining everything
>the young cucks start trotting around a half empty arena the day punk was fired
>everyone was so happy he was gone and now aew can be great again
>the moment he leaves ratings tank
>permanent 200-300k stop watching your dogshit altogether cause they were punk fans
>tranny retards still say he wasn't a draw tho
>actually punk killed it cause..... HE JUST DID OK
lmao you dumb fucking trannies can never get your narratives right, just like a faggot leftist
Alvarez literally called out Dax as the guy leaking all the shit about Punk to make the Bucks look bad and even told him to deny it if it was untrue - Dax blocked Alvarez for a few weeks lmao

What a kwab
ok who leaked that that Colt Cabana was fired when he wasn't?
Dax causing shit you fucking moron.
Can you show me a single piece of evidence that the Bucks spread any rumor at all? Punks deranged schizo rant isn't a source.
>dax is actually best friends with hangman adam page and was looking out for his bff colt cabana so he told everyone punk got him fired
just pls stfu retard lol
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>multiple lines about tony being a fucking retarded and fumbling not only omega, but the danielson debut
>deranged fucking tranny can't stop thinking about cm punk so he thinks OP's post is only about cm punk
Where's the source? Who said Colt was fired? Who reported that he was gone from the company?
Holy shit you're dense as fuck
>Dax gets in close with Punk
>Sees opportunity to oust the Bucks
>"Hey Punk I heard the Bucks are telling people you got Colt fired. You gonna take that?"
they literally asked tony in the fucking brawl out scrum why did punk get cabana thrown out of aew and demoted
Who's they? Show me a news article about Colt getting fired.
For me, it was Dax cozying up to Edge as soon as Punk was fired. They literally trademarked Rated FTR kek.
I liked how MJF seen right through them and refused to let them ride his coattails to the main event.
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>is going to put over Ricky Starks
Yeah because that would have put butts in seats. That's would have been the worst thing on the entire list and it's not even close.
stfu, you're excited about the main event at full Gear having orange cassidy in it or the ridiculous daniel garcia push lol
>Omega was in the best shape of his life from his time in NJPW

He was already starting to break down in 2018
>debut a returning
Orange is over, is fighting from beneath and will lose anyway, Starks has never been over and you know for a fact you'd be painting it as a massive negative that their so called biggest star lost to him and still didn't get over.
Yeah people seem to forget that Starks was already pushed hard as a heel and couldn't get over. Besides, there's no way he was winning that feud given Punk was angling for a rubber match with MJF.
>>somehow get cm punk
>>finally champ but breaks his foot being a retard
Putting the title on Punk was as dumb as putting the title on Jericho
So you would have put it on omega first?>>16294425
OC has a better catalogue than Starks and it's not even close. Enjoy your Samoans.
>>Your retarded EVPs start spreading rumors left and right
This never happened, Phil. It's been confirmed that Dax was the leaker
Not WWE related, but Punk also got Tony to buy ROH
He finally grew a pair and got rid of cuck man Phil?
I haven't been watching recently, got the quick rundown?
>>the moment he leaves ratings tank
They were tanking while Phil was still there. This idea that AEW wouldn't be ice cold right now if they kept Punk is retarded
Nice reading comprehension, dumb fuck
There's an interesting report from several AEW folk here
The tldr is
>Phil did get Colt removed from tapings, frequently
>Everyone knew this from Colt and Tony himself
>Tony lied to protect Phil due to "a legal issue"
>Most of Phil's interviews post AEW have lots of distortions and untruths in them but he knows Tony can't respond publically
>Meltzer expected several names to eventually talk about the truth when they leave AEW but some are discouraged now that Phil is in WWE as it would be career suicide
>The truth about Brawl Out is known within the locker room but no one's allowed to talk about it under NDA, the "official" story from Phil's camp isn't true
>Tony tries to smooth things over with the locker room but "top star after top star" told him that Punk isn't on AEWs side
>Hangman is praised for his professional handling of himself by not responding to Phil's bait and is said to be a company guy through and through, doesn't want to harm AEW or people's paydays
>Strong hints that Dax is the guy stirring the pot as he didn't agree with FTRs use in 2020-2021 and that the Bucks were the reason for this despite the Bucks having no booking power since late 2019
I hated that period of AEW 2bh
>Tune in to Dynamite
>15 minute ROH segment
>10 minute AEW segment
>2 Lucha shitters come out for a heatless match
>Match between 2 AEW guys ends with a NJPW/AAA/RoH wrestler coming out for a stare down
>Random ROH title match between 2 people I have no clue about and who aren't introduced
Dynamite was like this for ages. And it sucked. Rampage was even worse. I remember the last episode of Rampage I watched live - it had 2 ROH matches, a NJPW match and a Lucha shitter match on it. This isn't why I watch AEW tony.
lol by the time anyone "leaves" AEW Phil will have long since flamed outta WWE

>didn't agree with FTR winning gold months after debuting and joining the promotion's top heel faction

lmfao no he didn't

nigga where the fuck have you been? He fired Phil last September
Other boards and doing other things, and I work, you know
Last big AEW drama I remember was Cody going to WWE, seems Punk did the same, I told you all that AEW was a work by the Khans to get viewership back to WWE with younger demographic, a loss leader if you will.
Also at that time pwuh was unusable if you wanted to discuss AEW
>>didn't agree with FTR winning gold months after debuting and joining the promotion's top heel faction
On his podcast he was saying that the Pinnacle, which was obviously designed to act as a heater faction for MJF, should have been used to get Tully and FTR more over. Dude has MC syndrome.
Don't forget that FTR ended Kenny and Hangers kino title run.
Ah, so you've been in the nuthouse, got it.
>>Phil did get Colt removed from tapings, frequently
This is what Hanger was referencing when he mentioned behind the scenes stuff in the workers rights promo. It's why Punk eventually hade Page removed from Collision. He had Matt Hardy and Christopher Daniels removed from Collision because they sided with the Elite. He yelled at Jack Perry because he sided with the Elite, and then ran to the dirtsheets and tried to ruin his career by saying he was trying top get out of work.
Phil sounds like a prick
How old are you, anon?
>Private Party wins Tag titles from the bucks no less.
>Garcia is booked to win TNT tile at Full Gear.
>Darby or Orange are built to win AEW title from Mox.
>Statlander will most likely win TBS from Mone
>Next Week's PPV literally features just 3 exfed wrestlers, with only one of them(Lashley) being certain of being put over an AEW guy(Yes Swerve is honorary AEW wrestler not fed).
>The rest of the card is made up of RoH/AEW originals who were there from the start with some NJPW guys thrown in.
What are you one about? If anything Tony at least learned something since Punk and started prioritizing his OG talent rather than the next guy coming over for a paycheck.
>>Statlander will most likely win TBS from Mone
bruh, you know that ain't happening
kek this one got the cord squeelin
Old enough to know the same thing about you the doctors do.

He had Brother Zay removed from Collision because he was associated with Matt Hardy on-screen when Zay was just trying to get reps in while his partner was out indefinitely with injury.
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>>Private Party wins Tag titles from the bucks no less.
>>Garcia is booked to win TNT tile at Full Gear.
>>Darby or Orange are built to win AEW title from Mox.
>>Statlander will most likely win TBS from Mone
>>Next Week's PPV literally features just 3 exfed wrestlers, with only one of them(Lashley) being certain of being put over an AEW guy(Yes Swerve is honorary AEW wrestler not fed).
>>The rest of the card is made up of RoH/AEW originals who were there from the start with some NJPW guys thrown in.

>that'll put butts in seats
I would say it's 50-50, she held the title for a while now and her losing it will most likely be by Kamille costing her which will be the catalyst for her to join MPV and so on.
Reigns is a shoot bitch kek
>Some stupid twink starts shit at All In
This is false. Phil was the instigator
>punk chokes him and cause of this you fire him
Tried to choke him. Failed just like his MMA career.
>He had Brother Zay removed from Collision because he was associated with Matt Hardy on-screen when Zay was just trying to get reps in while his partner was out indefinitely with injury.
Facts. I forgot about that
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He made a guy on your roster look like a bitch alright LMAO
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He's course correcting the production and storylines little bro, keep up
I don't frequent the forums but do you have the post Alvarez made where he basically said the whole thing was Dax being a snake and spreading shit?
Honestly pretty mental, and none of it is backed up by anyone but Punk, Cornette and his grifter lawyer
oh wow he beat up a guy who jobbed to Cole.

Reigns got powershamed by Danielson months removed from him needing to retire from chronic injuries kek
If hangman winning the title is the series finale then it is in contention for the worst endings of all time
No title CLB?
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Forgot about the best match and the real draw

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