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Tick tock

miz still got it
>Miz v Kross

This sounds like the dullest match of all-time lmao, who's the face?
Miz is so good he might make Karen Kross interesting
Too bad he can't make that happen to you
Calm down Karrion and enjoy the Miz rub, lol.
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You betrayed R-Truth. How did that make you feel? No matter. I'm going to make you feel, no, taste... pain.
>grabs cravate hold
>does bosed knee strikes
They aren’t in a feud, retard.
>miz in 2024
Based Miz somehow making Karen Kross and the Wyatts interesting.
miz got paired with diy last year and couldn't get them over, i think thats the litmus test whether you should be employed or not
is this shoot, brother?
Why does Triple H keep trying to push this timeless shitter
he like his black and gold indie retards, and here's the proof: Dunne still employed, DIY still employed, Sneed.
>Miz counters
>"We don't cotton to freaks round these parts, scram weirdo!"
>Hits the Skullcrushing Finale
Kross's peak was getting a Metallica promo package in NXT
I liked them together.
Sneed is gigadimes.
Knowing it's impossible to get the diy reddit midgets over should be the litmus test for being allowed to watch wrestling.
You know you hit something actually good when nobody even bats an eye on the fact you did your best to hide AoP out of the segment and nobody cared.
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>Bo recovers while laughing
>grabs mic while still laying down
>"Oh yeah? Well I don't polycotton to coping tropes"
miztourage lore is crazy
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Bo was dressing like a Wyatt at times during it too.
Honestly the new angle with DIY is pretty good. Champa's been carrying it with his aggressive expression. Action and intensity go a long way for a wrestling, that's what carried the AE.
Feels like they're redoing the DIY split from NXT. I hope they switch it around this time though and have Gargano be a chicken shit heel and Ciampa be a pissed off babyface. I find it impossible to feel babyface sympathy for Gargano.
i think they're both turning heel, but idk. they're also doing a street profits tease at the exact same time.
What's going on here? Are Miz and Kross heels or antiheroes? Didn't Miz just turn heel on Truth recently?
the miz is being manipulated by kross who is starving his ego and feeding his soul
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>who is starving his ego and feeding his soul
Miz is the GOAT.
There's a whole topic to be had about introducing someone as one thing and turning them into another being the recipe for success in wrestling. Like someone can't really be a great face unless they've been the heel, exceptions to the rule apply of course.
To me Gargano's face is in that uncanny/secret rapist valley, like metaphorically too. He comes of as babyface cosplayer, someone who's seen what being a face is like from Marvel movies but he doesn't really fundamentally understand how to act like it outside being in a costume. "If I look like one of my marvel heroes, the kids in the audience will like me so I'll be over and I'll also be a hero " - sort of logic loop without the real build up.

And that translates to the DIY angle as well - the audience is supposed to care about Ciampa chimping out but what's the basis? Ciampa was basically glued on to DIY again by someone, he was getting slowly over as a scrappy solo act (sans kneepad roll downs) it wasn't born out of anything real on main roster TV time - so how is Ciampa the bad guy for getting frustrated about the tag not working, in kayfabe. Why should anyone care unless they were dumb enough to buy the DIY shirt?
They're having fun, maggle.
Well if H has any credibility as a booker, he'll make Ciampa a tweener who is rightfully angry at Motor City's blatant favortism, and Johnny will be the chicken heel partner who agrees with Ciampa but takes his anger to more dirty tactics.
Kross is kino
The AWESOME Testament.
>i think they're both turning heel
yeah that's what I think too. pointless making them solo when the tag division is already incredibly week whereas there's plenty of decent singles midcard guys
I don't think it would bring any credibility to book the most rundown and predictable thing out there right now again:
They already teasing and juggling Fraxiom on NXT, A-Town Down Under conflicting, New Day split tease before 10 year anniversary, Bianca and Cargrill split, Street Profits giving interviews where Montez expresses he wants his solo run, .. did I miss someone? Still more than one for every show they have
...there is no room for a midcard jobber team to fuck about wasting everyones time on if they gonna split or not, not enough people even care if they are on the show or not. Just cut the losses, rip the bandage, and find something else to do for both... preferably a new place to work but since I can't call that shot, at least something else to do
The BASED Testament.
This is so badass
Literally who cares?
That's been happening for what, 3 months? They'll probably hold it off until a PPV or something.
>New Day
This is the only significant one.
>Women lmao
>Street profits
Dimeless, but they should be rightfully mad in kayfabe just like DIY at Motor skipping the line. However, if there is anyone who actually pays attention to the shows, then yes, there is a clear OVER abundance of teams and factions splitting internally/being hinted at. NiaTiffany, Judgement Day, LudwigGoonta, New Day, ATown, DaKweens (may also include Naomi), Awesome Truth if you want to include a recent one, Bloodline shit I guess?, technically KO and Randy, etc. I have no idea why they're booking so many conflicts and betrayals, but when you notice it, it becomes obvious they're all just copying the same shit in similar manners. Maybe they have no good creative or whatever. Still, DIY is one of the better ones because Ciampa has a legitimate reason to justify his turn, that's what makes it stand out. If they just ditched it now, that would be bad writing. Happened before, like OtisGable, but my god surely it can't KEEP happening...
Anyway, it would only be good if Ciampa eventually went his own way or had a singles run alongside his tag run. You can never truly make it if you're a tag, no matter what anyone tells you. Individuals are always placed above any kind of groups.
Not reading, Kross finna BASED
Yezzir my fellow zoomer, can't wait to worship my black bvll later today with you!
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wrong show for that
Miz is so fucking based. He's the only reason I'd ever consider watching wwe garbage again.
They are just going to embarrass him again despite the effort he puts in for this company but good for him.
Sad he has to carry kross.
I still think about that segment with Stephanie from time to time. Literally what was the point of it if not a direct burial/ego power trip for Steph?
Steph and Maryse are dominatrix types and Miz and HHH like being dommed.
H I can see, but Miz I dunno.
Being dominated by a hot woman is based. You control her everywhere else, why not give her a little control once in awhile? Miz is awesome so of course he switches it up.
Kross is pure dimes
Heels. Kross is a shit stirrer/guy who causes chaos and Miz now seems completely delusional in a more unhinged way.
Kross has been good since he started fucking with Xavier. The whole shit with New Day is because of him and it works well. He can go around and manipulate people and then just move on while his stuff plays out because he's trying to cause as much damage as possible to, presumably, bring everything down. He works way better as a manipulator than whatever the fuck he was before. It actually does a better job of making him threatening because he just gets in peoples' heads and plants seeds and then lets things go from there. He doesn't even need to explicitly win all his feuds right now since in storyline he's obviously playing a longer game.
The easiest way to tie him to Cody too is to just have him be the one who egged on Kevin behind the scenes.
Damn, you are fucking retarded lol
Yeah, as long as they keep going with this he can easily be one of the top heels just by being a behind the scenes mastermind.
I’m so excited
I just hope they don't take it too far and do some Vince level Dark Ministry "IT WAS ME ALL ALONG" kind of shit.
my nigga and trips of truth

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