>counts all the wrestlers in the ring one by one >calls it mathLuh-luh-luh-Liv gimmick is dimes
>>16294028>Luh-luh-luh-Liv gimmick is dimeswhat is this obnoxious anime faggot style of posting for
>>16294459>Buh-buh-buh BraunIt's from an old Shane-Braun angle. Ya forgot old man? Ya memory slow? Ya grey matter decayin? Ya alzheimers?
Call for help I think you're having a stroke
>>16294028>gimmick She’s shoot retarded and just playing it up a little
>>16294670She's intelligent. Smarter than most of /pw/. It's a work. She wears glasses IRL. unlike Braun.
>>16294713smarter than /pw/ is not saying muchdogshit is smarter than this entire boardAlso, FUCK jannies
>>16294716>FUCK janniesDoubt it, they don't get much sex