Liv Morgan is pure trailer trash. She's lucky she found her way into wrestling. If she hadn't, she probably would've gone into porn, developed a horrible drug problem, and died by now.
>>16294315Damn Rhea fans are seething.
>>16294315Why you gotta tell us a better world anon
>>16294315>Hello, police?>An attractive and charismatic woman is acting slutty and entertaining on my television.>Yes, I'll hold.
Fetal alcohol syndrome face in porn? Nah
>>16294334You think Liv would do one of those 12 man TAP piss gangbangs, anon?
>>16294351Crazy fucking bitch
>>16294315>trailer trashShe's Italian anonItalians don't end up trailer trash they end up in loveless wife beating marriages
>>16294315Who raped (and gaped) you?
>>16294315odd not normal things to be concerned with and make a post about. if she's trash why do you feel the need to talk about her and keep her relevant. sounds like another braindead retard thread made to just shit up the board with retard seething towards females
>>16294455every single thread made on here about women is just a goon thread, do you seriously think anyone on here gives a fuck about women wrestling and their stories?
>>16294463no I dont hence why I know you subhuman virgin retards make these threads because you're virgins and simp for these ugly useless whores. and than you lame ass faggots in the closet pretend you're not seething virgin coombrain losers that can talk about anything else but impulse control issues with lust and females something non virgins dont obsess over
>>16294315You retards say this about every woman wrestler as soon as they get over. Get a life.
>>16294315> No tattoosBy definition she is not pure trash.
>>16294315Who the hell do you think you are? She's very young, still has time to do all thatYou'll see
>>16294315>she probably would've gone into pornElsa Jean already exists
>>16294315>fucks her manager at hooters because she found out he knows joe defranco who is a workout buddy of hhh and can get her in for an interview/tryout in your path
>>16294382only 1 out of my 7 aunts n uncle are divorced. fuck you anglo scum.
Why are Rhea fans mad now?
>>16294463i do, i just like goonin more, them being good wrestlers doesnt make them less sexy
Why is the internet full of autistic losers who can’t say regular things?
>>16294382Italian wives beat their husbands just as much thoughbeit.
>>16295527>>16295530Love rewatching clips of Total Sluts
>>16294315there's still time
Liv its all about angles Morgan
>>16295430They get beatThey don't divorceAlso I'm Italian too
>>16295530they took turns on her after this, didn't they
>>16295527Girls are so awesome
>>16298141How do I catch one?
>>16295530how does he not just immediately start sucking on those toes?