Evil fucking company
Back in the apartment, Leonard is confident that Sheldon will get his job back if he apologizes to Gablehauser, but Sheldon refuses, as he explains this fact is his first day off in decades. He starts out by conducting experiments with scrambled eggs. Penny comes in and asks if Sheldon needs any groceries. As his demands for various types of eggs confuse her, Sheldon tags along. He manages to annoy her after lecturing her on the distance between cars, fun facts on tomatoes, multivitamins, and buying tampons in bulk. He also mentions her check engine light for the first time. Leonard comes back to find Sheldon experimenting with luminous (glow-in-the-dark) fish. He plans to market them as night lights. Next, he buys a weaving loom, making clothes, place mats, and other odds and ends.
>>16294723brain washed woman
>>16294723Rampage = cancelled
>>16294726Yo why you posting this tho man? Who are you? What do you want? I'm serious homes.. You better ID yaself this fuckin jnstant.
>>16294726Young Sheldon > Big Bang Theory SheldonVerification not required.
>>16294799that kinda creepy anon ngl
>>16294801i was talking about the characters from those shows, you retard
>>16294819/pw/ - Worked RetardsWhopper, whopper, IDIOT!
>>16294831you probably like Missy from YS more than the one from BBT