[Scandal Update #2] As Ozawa Taishi's crusade against NOAH born Ace Kiyomiya Kaito continues, the former ALL REBELLION turned Team 2000 X member has leaked more information on Kiyomiya's personal life!>清宮、同棲中の彼女に慰められるだけでは飽>き足らず、キャバクラでも慰められてたな。>お前…ちょっと慰められすぎじゃないか…?>#noah_ghc>Kiyomiya, you weren't satisfied with just being comforted by your live-in girlfriend, you were also comforted at a cabaret club.>You...aren't you getting consoled a little too much...?>#noah_ghcHow can the current reigning and defending Global Honored Crown Heavyweight Champion let these personal detail leaks continue? Surely there will be retribution! Ozawa Taishi is determined to have a GHC Title match, but Kiyomiya believes he is unworthy. Perhaps more of these dastardly tactics will work in Taishi's favor!
incel angle
>>16295354Kiyomiya is a cheater? Isn't he supposed to be the babyface ace of the company?
>>16295371based desu