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He ain’t lying!
Did Dixie produce anything, or did she just open her purse and legs for the boys?
Um Tony is kwab and Dixie is not!
Kevin Nash got to fuck Dixie Carter and I didnt. 1992 is justified.
Every former TNA wrestler has said that Dixie Carter is a very nice woman so I will always defend her
Someone should tell Eric he isn't as good at hating Tony as Cornette is
Yeah I bet she's nice
Too nice
In an intimate way
If you get what I'm saying
Wasn't Dixie pretty hands off for the most part (except for her run as an on-screen character)? I always thought she left most of the actual producing to guys like Bischoff.
So how's that vaccine that doesn't prevent anything working out for you?
One gave Bischoff a job. One didn't. But I'm sure that has nothing to do with Eric's totally unbiased opinion.
As far as I know TNA was Jeff Jarrett and various people D'Amore, Mantell, Cornette and obviously Russo became the head writer later on.
Until Tony Khan hands over the keys of the car to some retard like Vince Russo or Eric Bischoff, Tony > Dixie.
It got me into the Morrissey show, even if I did have to put up with Rise Against for it. See, I'm a Christian so I don't fear death and I will always make the most loving choice as the Lord loves us. And getting the jab in the name of sacrificial love is one-to-one His will. I haven't gotten a single booster after the first one though because it's still 17 years away from it being effective.
Why is Bischoff so mean to the little autist? Didnt he get paid by him a few years ago?
bischoff is the only person who was more wrong than bitchtits when it came to crying about the Renewal
This is his cycle. He begs Tony for a job. Tony turns him down. He seethes for 6 to 9 months. Then he begs Tony for a job again.
Nice doesn't mean good at her job. If anything the fact that all people can say about her is that she's nice says she wasn't good at her job
Bischoff is still swinging off of Tony's nuts huh? Funny how many people need him and AEW in order to stay relevant
Eric is being wrong on purpose so he can grift off fragile marks, BT is just a fragile mark
Not everyone can be good at something but everyone can be kind
Tony being one of the worst on-screen talents of all time also doesn't help
so the same as Tony?
It just shows Mick Foley isn't over anymore being that so many fans haven't read at least his first 2 books. When wrestlers say someone is a nice guy, that's code for "the drizzling shits but they're not an asshole." So if a wrestler outright says someone sucks, that implies they're also an asshole.

So Dixie sucked but the checks cleared and you were able to ask for $500 per indie booking because you were on TV.
I was watching Dixie's TNA and she was horrible at everything but also Dixie wasn't booking or producing any of the shows fucking Eric should know that
Tony told him AEW won’t be like WCW and fail when showing him around
Damn Eric is THIS bitter?
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Im just going to add to this, i dont think ive ever heard anyone say dixie was involved in creative. And you forgot prichard.
Objectively true. More people watched TNA.
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Reminder that Bischshit unironically believed that a collaboration with KISS would save WCW in 1999
Of course. I can't say it's not a bad thing because you should be good at your job but being kind is the far more important of the two. At least to me
>It just shows Mick Foley isn't over anymore
What are you even talking about? People say Mick is kind yeah. He's also been heavily praised for his entire career's worth of work. The point i was making is that Dixie's niceness is the only positive trait people have to say about her. Weird to try and jump on that to get on your anti Foley soapbox
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This guy makes rovert seethe to the point of total incoherence. Ya gotta love Easy E, ya just gotta!
fact hard to swallow for our woodditard friends
>the Renewal
Chump change hardly counts, Trevor.
Tony bros…
Because in his book he talks about asking Owen Hart what Dan Severn was like in the ring and Owen says, "He's a nice guy." Foley presses him for details and Owen repeats himself. Foley lays out what that means in his book. And for people not to know that shows they didn't read his book.
WCW was set to turn a profit in 1999 with a December 31st PPV with a Kiss live performance. Time Warner cancelled the PPV because they were afraid of Y2K (although they still had to pay Kiss). Had that PPV happened, they would have turned a small profit in 1999. That has been sourced by every journalist in wrestling.
back to page one :)
Eazy E don't miss, ladies (trannies) and gentlemen
Kek Eric is acting like a scoured woman who got ghosted after the first date
based and true
this a fact
This got the cord punching walls
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Everyday /pw/ proves time and time again how they're even more retarded than redditfags.
her not doing anything makes her better than Tiny Con trying to book/make himself part of the show
Dixie got put through a table, what cool bumps has tony kwab ever taken?
no lies detected
Come on, he's full of shit.

I'm all for dunking on Tony, but objectively, AEW is more of a success due to gates alone.

TNA had guys from WCW who could still go and basically failed with all of them. AEW has a bunch of indie geeks who got over in a dead period of wrestling. Objectively, TNA squandered its potential more than AEW ever did just off the sheer amount of people supporting the thing.

You can say a bunch about Tony, but he at least has his daddys wallet way more open than Bob Carter did for Dixie. TNA had fucking Angle, RVD, Hardy and people jkept asking them if they retired. People don't understand how fucking awful TNA was at marketing.
>obviously Russo became the head writer later on
I hate how few people know Russo was with TNA from the start. Russo and Jarrett built a juggernaut from literally nothing. Credit Jarrett for reigning in Russo's ideas. It was Hogan and Bischoff that killed TNA when they basically rebooted every dumb ass idea from WCW. TNAs downfall came when Russo was pushed to the side, and eventually out of the company.
>AEW is more of a success due to gates alone.
Have you seen the AEW gates recently?
>TNA had guys from WCW who could still go and basically failed with all of them.
The fuck are you talking about? Dudes like AJ Styles, CM Punk, R Truth, Roderick Strong, Jay Lethal, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Abyss ... to name a few. Most of their wrestlers were either WWE cast-offs or new talent they built. They were better than WWE at the time at developing new talent and they really didn't rely on former WCW guys other than Sting until Higan and Bischoff arrived in 2011 and started the company's death spiral.
How come he didn't put tna out of business?
You're wrong. TNA was significantly lower budget and in a significantly harder marketplace.

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