where were you when Chase U is kill?
>>16300103The same place I have been through the whole Chase U arc:Not watching NXT.
>>16300103Why is Hunter pretending he has any say in NXT?
>>16300103The fuck is Chase U?
I don't watch NXT so it means nothing to me.
>>16300597I mean he probably still has final cut
>>16300103I don't give a fuck about this developmental jobber faction
>>16300599to this
>>16300597Why do smarks pretend HHH is in no way involved? You can't just enjoy the show without pretending it is some magical independent entity not actually part of le evil WWE?
>>16300103in your house
>>16301573He has way too many actual responsibilities to have any say in developmental other than “yeah that’s good.” the aesthetic of the show is completely alien to anything he usually producesIt’s like Vince never paid attention to NXT when he was in charge or Adam Silver doesn’t focus on the g league, only Paul is a shoot sociopath narcissistic who can’t stand not getting all the credit
HHH is head of WWE's creative so that's why he gets executive producer credits even if he's not personally involved in NXT.
>>16300103>it's the end of Chase U as we know it!>Chase U just rebrands to a different name
>>16302572This. Its like Tom Clancy still getting credits for new books even though he's been dead for a decade
>>16302664And? Chase U still dead when name change