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EVIL fucking company
You guys were okay with this kind of bullshit when Vince was doing it. Why is it bad now?
Is Tony hoping this changes their minds and they'll stay in AEW or something? At this point it's not like he needs them when he's signed a billion lucha guys and has a CMLL deal.
Tony is still anally bleeding from Regal clowning him, lmao
You can't find one example of a Vince contract having this and you'll just slide this thread instead
Rey Mysterio, you dumb motherfucker. He was THE example
Based. Next time maybe his brother should keep his mouth shut
They just did it to Edge before he was able to leave
Holy based.
the pigs will turn on fenix and penta 6 months into their contracts
You're skipping the part where they first flip from calling them dimeless flippy shitters while they were in AEW to immediately guzzling their nutsacks once they've signed to WWE, pretending they were huge fans all along, and how they're all of a sudden a massive acquisition for the roster
they will be shit in wwe and i wont watch so i dont care
No... they didn't.
chico is an unbearable nxtranny now, never listened to him in months
zelina vega
>In regards to Edge’s career future, Fightful Select reported that their sources within WWE stated that Edge’s contract did have injury time added to make up for the time he was out injured but this was something that sources close to Edge have yet to confirm or deny.
No proof
>Sources indicate that Mysterio and WWE have not been on the same page for some time after Mysterio's WWE contract extended.
>WWE automatically extended Rey Mysterio's contract for another year because of a clause that allows them to do that if a talent misses a certain amount of time due to injuries.
btfo not once but twice lmfao
Kek she walked back that union shit so fast once they rehired her
>Fightful Select reported that their sources within WWE stated
magic 8 ball is more reputable kek
>Penta singles run
>restarts feud with Cody that was ended too quickly
Edrone got smoked in this thread ya love to see it
well it's a good thing that the source isn't them but people within wwe like it says
smoke a dick, trannoid
They did it with Drew this year.And Sheamus. Eat shit, pig
Shit you're right they did. Forgot all about that. WWE has the chance to do the funniest thing when Punk's deal is up
my sources within wwe said thats bullshit though
>this year
based retard
it's been 15 months since edge's last wwe match. if it wasn't true they would have easily come out and said so
the point: they've always done it
you: a dumb bitch
I'm pretty sure he mentioned as much in an interview he did. Either that Sam Roberts one or the one with that Chris Van Canadian guy. That they added some time after which was when he was deciding on where he wanted to go
huh? why would they do that
jeff hardy had like an extra year on his wwe time because of it lol
because if a lie was being reported that they added injury time in a case where they hadn't it'd be super easy for them to debunk that and just put out a quick statement saying 'lol no we didn't' and then make everyone reporting it lose all of their credibility. they've put out similar pr statements before on things being falsely reported

Sadly unreliable sources while OP comes from Dave
KWACOLB (KWAB What A Couple Of Lucha Bitches)
Just have Penta debut in NXT as a singles star and whenever Fenix is available have him debut by saving Penta from a 2-on-1 (preferably a tag team) beatdown.

Easily booked segment, you can't fuck it up. Creates a memorable moment and it ignites a feud with a tag team.
edge was in aew less than 2 months after leaving wwe. if any time was added it was way less than the time he was injured
Exactly. He was in AEW less than 90 days because his actual contract already expired and they just had him on the added time with an extension offered to him to sign
>Try to big league the company on your way out
They're in the "find out" stage.
His contract expired you mong. There's no 90 days when your contract expires.
I remember that, I bet she deleted the tweet too
Oh that shit was gone immediately kek

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