What went wrong?
>>16300473he was bored with dealing with annoying pEdo virgin cultists
>>16300473Didn't this guy cry on stream when Punk got fired?
>>16300473This dude got mentally destroyed by Cody leaving
>>16300473Even Tranquilo turned on the tranny cult? Damn, really no one likes that pissant company anymore
>>16300490Lmao he deleted his video with the headcanon about Cody working a long term heel turn
>act like an expert and belittle everyone with different opinions>time elapses>you were wrong about everything>kys in embarrassment The aewtist
>>16300473Kek what a retarded faggot this guy turned out to be
did he deleted the 81,035 All In attendance record video? can't find it. or he changed the thumbnail?
>>16300473He's another one who used to have his shitty low IQ opinions spammed on here every day but I've not seem for a while.Like all wrestling "influencers" on social media, I hope he's dead