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Yeah man. Let’s start by giving Daniel Garcia a belt.
Grim. WCW vibes.
20 years in the business, I wanted a successful competitor to WWE. I compromised. I joined AEW.
Tony won't let anyone save AEW from his notebook scribbling at NFL games ass booking.
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>Dean thinks he's gonna save AEW with his gay tough guy act
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> a wrestler believes that it’s his responsibility to fix aew and the future generation of the business
> zero accountability for Tony’s handling the product and he has made people tune out
> we demand more of the talent!
What a fucking mess. Tony is so sensitive that no one can ever point the finger at him because he’s a self made baby face .
He's still not learnt what Stone Cold was trying to teach him. He's still just trying to be the badass tough guy instead of giving the people something
sounds like a kayfabe interview where he's playing up the lame BCC shit
because I guess Wheeler Yuta is the future or something
Is it bad heel work if I agree the company has wasted the past 5 years?
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guys like this can cry about wwe being restrictive all they like but in the end they just prove that wwe was right about them
Fans want an entertaining show that has an overarching story that is worth investing their time into week upon week for years. They don't want to see self important geeks who think they're incredible artists wank in front of a camera
all these guys who were in wwe know aew is a pissant company which isnt designed to make money. they can posture and claim they are having fun but they know they are wasting time in a company that isnt trying its hardest to compete
>Fans want an entertaining show that has an overarching story that is worth investing their time into week upon week for years.
They can't be WWE fans then, because Vince and Paul haven't delivered that in twenty years.
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>there has been no flag
>aew has not nailed down its identity
>were going to plant our flag
sounds like he is in denial
Just shut the fuck up and come back to WWE already. Imagine how hype Shield reuniting would be
What a fuckin goof
Nah just the last 2 years when Tony's booking completely collapsed when he blocked out Jericho and the Elite
I mean he's got a point. AEW from 2020-2021 was it's own thing. When Phil joined and Tony hired Kevin Dunn's protégé, everything about the booking, production and even the wrestlers and promos resembled SDL. They turned AEW in to Diet Coke WWE and the ratings tumbled because of it. He repeated every mistake that WCW and TNA did despite claiming to be a "student" of wrestling history.

Hopefully Tony gets his shit together and it starts to become its own thing again.
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Has /pw/ turned into the Onion today or something?

Between this and the Toni Storm story, are you retards just posting straight up, blatant in-kayfabe comments and acting like it's behind the scenes shoot news? Is this going to be a thing now?
It's literally all real.
Moxley is running an invasion angle on AEW right now, this is just one of his promos.

It's like reporting one of the nWo video segments from WCW as news or some shit
Invasion angle? Everyone in the BCC has been on the roster for years, Mox has been there since the beginning. Who is invading?
>When Phil joined and Tony hired Kevin Dunn's protégé, everything about the booking, production and even the wrestlers and promos resembled SDL
Goddamn I hated when they got rid of the tunnels for those cringe as fuck LED sceeens
Moxley is the wrestling equivalent of jerking off into a tissue I’m afraid.
Well, a "takeover" angle, I'm sorry.
it's from a tvinsider.com interview, lil bro.
>me and the few people watching my back
You'd have to be retarded to not see it's a kayfabe interview
The weird thing about Mox's current angle is that it made much more sense when the Elite did it, but because Tony is an insecure cunt he killed the story before it took off. It should still be running, with BCC joining them, and building to Kenny's return.

I hate Tony so much it's unreal bros.
>Kayfabe, kayfabe everywhere
You're a fucking schizo. Not everything in the world is a wrestling angle.
I'm just going to assume you don't watch AEW and don't know what's going on because it's the only way you could be so dumb
>and building to Kenny's return.
And instead the whole thing was dropped and now he's debuting in NJPW and not mentioning the Bucks
The Bucks gave Kenny 6 months to be on his best behavior and then maybe they'll consider working with him but the counter keeps getting reset every time Omega says some sly shit against AEW.
>He's still not learnt what Stone Cold was trying to teach him
He's working idiots, he wants you to disagree that AEW is bad, it's called gaslighting
I watch AEW enough to know that Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, PAC, Marina Shafir, and Claudio Castagnoli have all been there for years and aren't running a fucking "invasion" angle like you said.
The hatred ol Stone Cold has for this dimeless faggot is palpable in this pic
I don't think it's a good idea to tell people your show sucks, even if it's a work. A lot of people just go like yeah yes got a point, how is he going to be a heel in that situation
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Wrestling will always be pic related. It will never change
They're trying to do an nWo thing. They're trying to be "cool heels" but Moxley just sort of rambles about violence and nonsense so the crowd can't really get behind them.
EVERYONE still watching knows and agrees it sucks and the best heels are the ones who tell the truth and have a legit point. Moxley is correct in everything he's saying about AEW sucking but his group of heels attacking everyone are clearly not the answer, they're BADASS bully heels who are hiding behind "but our ethos is correct." This sets the stage for a Darby to come in and say you're right, AEW does suck, but you're not doing anything to fix it, you aren't the light. I AM. And then he wins and finally restores the feeling once and for all.
>it's a shoot style kayfabe shoot interview
not even the smarkiest of forced ecw angles were this fucking dumb.
you're wrong

this is EXACTLY the kind of press interview wrestlers gave in the 80s and 90s because they stayed in kayfabe 100% of the time
Moxley has no social media
He does not like talking about his personal life
This is just him being a wrestler
>They're trying to do an nWo thing.
I'd argue that they're trying to do Coconut Theater (Bloodline Lite). nWo really is reserved for invasion angles, not for guys who have been the face of AEW for years.
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>We're going to demand mor-ACK
The Elite were the previous invaders trying to take over the company they're EVPs of. Before that it was the Undisputed Kingdom trying to take over all the titles and thus the company, etc.
Yeah, because it worked wonders for TNA, right?
I'm not saying it'll work, it's possible AEW flames out entirely over the next couple years but you can't just expect everyone to ignore the 90% empty arenas and silent crowds forever. Maybe if they booked much smaller venues or went back to the Daily's Zone they could fake it til they make it by kayfabing like they're a white hit promotion, but not as things stand now no.
Holy grimola
Lol, you are retarded if you think WCW was ever saying this. I'd argue WCW not considering any of their failures at all is why they failed.
>Wah wah I want to be the Undertaker and control the locker room because ONLY AAAIIII (tm) CAN FIX IT!
Hes gonna end up in shoot brawls like Punk.
Feel free to answer honestly or shitpost
>What could they even do to carve out an identity?
Don't give me that sports-feel bs or bring back the records. How in the current age could they differentiate themselves
Probably what pisses me off the most.
It's not even just "I alone can fix AEW, obey me Jobbers!!!". He says he will fix the entire industry.
I've never seen a single match of his because I just don't care, but I somehow doubt he has aura anywhere near Stone Cold, The Rock or even just Hulk Hogan.
Am I missing something or how does the show actually become better in this arc. I don't see how Darby winning is just automatically going to "restore the feeling" if they don't actually change anything. Even then, it seems like it would be better to just change this for the better instead of first announcing that the show sucks
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Unironically no clue how he lost this. It looked like he was in control 99% of the time. Any BJJbros here?
So what is the work angle here? Am I supposed to hate-watch him now that he said AEW sucks ass? Is this how Tony plans on drawing more than 10 people to his shows, by having his talent talk shit about the company?
Amazing 10D Backgammon.
AEW is literally a WCW clone if they think forming a nWo will fly in [current year] and get people interested, but let's see.
That's not what he's saying at all. He's giving some gay, meandering speech about the "soul of AEW" and other retarded abstractions they've used to death in angles
And won't people just ask questions like, why does it suck. Is it because of this random group of wrestlers? Or is it because of the owner and booker?
the NWO was a shoot invasion from WWF, they planned to destroy WCW and succeeded. One day it will be revealed.
I think they need to stop with the constant generic paint by numbers angles which exist in every wrestling booking simulator that we've all seen a million times before and try to get ACTUAL HEAT. Tone down all the "ohmygod what a violent after match attack, we now go live to an interview in the back with OHMYGOD what a violent backstage attack!" Do less with fewer people and angles on every show, let things breathe more, and for God sakes LET PEOPLE GET MIC TIME. You almost never hear from anyone in AEW more than at most once or twice a year unless they're an MJF or Moxley or Ospreay who get mic time on damn near every single show.
Is this modeled after Nick Rekeita licking Aaron amhole?
They'd absolutely have to change the way the show flows and is booked and well basically everything along the way, you can't just put the belt on Darby and call it a day but I think the idea is you say out loud what everyone who attends AEW's live weekly shows and sees the quiet crowds and dark empty arenas on TV is thinking, "something is wrong here this is an ice cold promotion," and that lets people know you're at least aware of the issue and are working to address it because how can you not be if you're openly acknowledging what is, again, obvious to most of the audience. The Darby mountaintop moment (not Everest) is there to serve as a final capstone on the Old AEW and to signify the starting point of the New AEW, but things have to be fixed along the way to that monent, not just go from night and day like a light switch because the belt is on the skinny facepaint kid now and Sting's in the ring celebrating his big win so everything's suddenly fine.
Set back how? Vince isn't in charge anymore so its not like guys aren't gonna get chances for not being 6'1+ and jacked
>The shows just need to be like muh WWE and other normie-friendly promotions

Fuck off, AEW is for indie scene fans
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Johnny Moxley - the modern day version of flag bearer Johnny Ace!
That's not what I said at all, WWE is unwatchably awful and all of my suggestions about AEW running more current event-themed angles and characters is the antithesis of modern WWE corporate sanitized Saudi-Israeli PR slop.

I'm truly sorry that you seem to think everything is fine in AEW right now and wouldn't change anything that would enable more people to enjoy the show and maybe even create new wrestling fans instead of catering to the sicko diehards because that means you're a gatekeeping weirdo moron which is always distressing to see in a fellow Elite brother.
NTA but yes they are you retarded fucking mark. It's fucking pro wrestling, it's a work
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>"nothing worth anything has happened in the company so far but THIS angle that's literally just the same thing the company's been doing for 5 years is definitely gonna be something"
You only ever hear shit like this from an American promotion when it's definite that this shit can't be saved. I don't even think it's to that point, but why would you fucking say this out loud? In a year full of rah rah speeches about how fun and great AEW is, let's tell them that nothing has happened in 5 years and the 2nd takeover angle this calendar year will "turn things around"
I was working and really thought the "kayfabe, kayfabe everywhere" line about a wrestler doing a kayfabe interview would be obvious, sorry you got worked mark but I guess I'm just that. Damn. Good.
Tony is going to get mad at him.
>gatekeeping weirdo moron
Not a moron but yes, I will gatekeep AEW from the fucking sloppigs and people who think wrestling is Cuck Austin or Roidfaggot Hogan - fuck them, they're the reason why wrestling went to the shitter in the 90s and 00s and I want them nowhere near AEW
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Tons of people in WCW actively talked shit and then didn't fix anything
Ok I know I've seen you post about this before and actually respect your position even if I don't agree with it.
lmao so the aew talent aren't actually trying to do some self-reflection and maybe improve the product a little?
AEW sucks nigga
RAW got kicked off of USA, I'm afraid
Fuck going more realistic. Go the opposite direction because "pure sports feel" is not something people who watch wrestling give a shit about. WWE has record profits with coconut theatre. They should turn AEW into WMAC Masters or something rather than trying to do some underground fighting bloodsport shit.
TNA and WCW took a few years to get going too. Meanwhile WWE hasn't had a stretch of 5 good years on the bounce in their history. 2 at most. I wonder why people hold AEW to a different standard?
Well when you have dudes like Kevin nash at the top who never cared for the promotion and was just getting the bag, fuck do you do? Even konnan saw how shit Kevin was being
Yeah I agree with this as well.
I'm pretty sure it took fans shitting on stuff like the guys in cocksuits and basically everything WCW was doing at its lowest points for those companies to improve. Of course they were financially dependent on getting fans to pay for shows, AEW isn't since thr Khans print money and Tony would go back to paying WBD to air Dynamite before folding the company and WWE hasn't even had PPVs for over a decade now so it's a different environment these days. We can't vote with our dollar anymore so all we can do is screech online about how shit the booking and presentation is if we want anything to improve.
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It's not just the company AEW its the fans and management surrounding it that's become insufferable. WWE was at its worst period when Vince was literally ripping up scripts every show and putting on shit no one cared about and literally booking a Nickelodeon kids show. WWE fans didn't deny this was awful, fans have become battered wives at that point and just took it. AEW came along and became the much needed alternative to Vince's dogshit

Fast forward now, Vince is gone and WWE has gotten far better where AEW lost its identity as "The alternative" when they haven't found its own identity other than being the counter production to WWE. When you offer CONSTRUCTIVE criticism to AEW the fans, management, and wrestlers view it as a personal attack on genuine suggestions on how to improve the show. Tony shouldn't be the head of booking since he's more focused on securing rights deals which is better suited for him. I liked AEW when it started, it really was a second opportunity for talented wrestlers who weren't succeeding in WWE but it has yet to establish its own brand and identity. Other than "potential dream matches" which was the selling point in the beginning now we see the stats and pro wrestling needs storylines and characters to propel the in ring. The in ring cannot sustain on its own.
Makes sense, people say AEW has no identity but at this point it does and that identity is All WWE-Lite. We need to force Tony to change that, if that means we have to cyber bully wrestlers and AEW defenders and shame them for being part of such an embarrassing shell of what AEW could potentially be then so be it. But something has to change, it really can't go on like this for much longer.
The only thing that can save AEW at this point and bring back attention is Tony stepping down and Vince buying it
To do what they need to do they need to thin the herd or at least move people to ROH full-time
They have over 120 guys on the roster but most of them don't matter so people don't care
WWE main roster is about 75 guys - which makes even the lowest guys like Apollo or Vinci memorable enough to meme
Guys like Moxley are making it the worst its ever been
No Jim Jonesy?
Lmao Dean botching this ruined his WWE career. Vince only saw him as a comedy act shitter after this. Dean screwed Dean
The internal politics of aew must be wild.
He doesn't like talking about his personal life?
Nigga he wrote an entire book about his personal life
So? Kenny doesn’t need them or aew
Of course he didn’t learn anything, mox is tism incarnate
gg shake my hand
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company's dead
That's what ya get for not choosing punk over the bucks
>Unironically reposts r/jerk content
What the FUCK is wrong with this board?
kek what a seething drunkard
He was choked I think?
>if not, the business gets set back another 20 fucking years
If AEW dies then the business goes back to 2004? Sounds great. Let's make it happen.
>finally restores the feeling once and for all.
The only way Darby can restore the feeling is if he drags Tony kicking and screaming up Mt. Everest and throws him off the summit desu
Mox sounds like a angry manchild in every interview. Vince was right about him
He's giving these interviews out of gimmick. Really saying that portraying a legit tough guy who sells nothing and stinks up the main event all the time will start drawing money after 3+ years of portraying a legit tough guy who sells nothing and stinks up the main event most of the time.
I think he really believes that being relegated to a containment stable so MJF or Phil could get turns hurt professional wrestling as a whole, and only he can save it when he can't even outfight tire center employees in a shoot.
I read this in Brian Last's Jon Moxley voice

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