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The Ruthless Aggression era was pure fuckin' insanity.
ECW and AEW did/do more insane shit. What are you on about?
Nobody gives a damn about ECW, Paul, you fat fucking Jew, go scarf down another cheeseburger.
get over it tommy you had your chance
i hate millenials
>Nostalgia for the era of roidmonkeys
Please watch something like Dragon Gate or 2003-06 ROH
Roidmonsters draw dimes, midgets don’t.
ruthless aggression era is heymans doing btw
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Ruthless Aggression was better than the Attitude Era. WWE peaked between 2002 to 2007. Nothing before or since stacks up.
Did this nigga really try to use video game footage to prove that his era of wrestling is the best?
Most of it was utter dogshit that drove away millions of viewers by thinking the key to retaining Attitude Era success was to ramp up the mean spirited edgy garbage. You're still getting worked by the year Paul Heyman booked SmackDown into thinking the rest of the era was good
The attitude era drove off attitude era fans. People grew up and were ashamed of watching the old lady giving birth to a hand show.
AEW hasn't done shit fag.
This is what wrestling figs does to a dude, it makes him retarded.
Yeah and then they drove off even more people by having Triple H rape a mannequin in a casket while dressed as Kane
Bryan Damielson literally sold out a WrestleMania on the basis it'd be his night
Fuck off with your bullshit
Exception to the rule.
Just because Mick Foley was a draw, doesn't mean fat hardcore fucks are a draw.
Came to say this. Attitude Era was only good if you watched it week to week as it happened. Being a child probably helped, too. Backlash 2000 to Wrestlemania X7 is a decent rewatch just to get the full context of that insane run of fucking awesome PPVs with one of the most stacked rosters they've ever had and literally everyone was over as fuck. Everything else is absolute dogshit when you already know most of what happened.
And how many Wrestlemanias did Danielson sell out after that? He was never the real draw. The storyline that WWE constructed for him? That was the draw. He was just an actor playing a part in a kino underdog story.
>The storyline that WWE was forced to construct for him because he was already so over they just started looking retarded trying to ignore it?
>Attitude Era was only good if you watched it week to week as it happened.
It's also good if you watch it week to week right now in 2024. If you bingewatch the Attitude Era and get burned out or try to cherrypick and lose context because you're dipping in and out of a serialized narrative, that's your own fault.
god i miss the fun wrestling games. the modern stuff is an absolute slog to try and play. i dropped them after wwe 12, trying them every few years but they are terrible.
I binged the AE and I think it's still the best period of time, but also some of the worst. RA is literally the AE but worse because none of the highs came close to AE while having similar and/or WORSE lows in some cases.
Looks like a touched a nerve on this tranny. It's funny how Danielson was never that over ever again. Why is that? It's because WWE built a story that worked perfectly for him. And without that story he's fucking nothing as evidenced by his total failure in AEW.
I WAS watching it week-to-week along with Nitro. The TV matches are all too short for them to even do anything interesting and all of the biggest moments people remember have been discussed and replayed by WWE ad nauseum.

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