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Rich from VOW DESTROYS media outlets for reporting Toni Storm's "retirement"
>fun? not on my watch!
>tranny dirtsheet mad that actual media outlets are used for kayfabe
This just means the work worked. More wrestlers should take notes from Toni.
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Well reporting on a storyline as if it is legitimate is pretty embarrassing.
>How dare the media play along with an obviously in character interview to promote the show/business in exchange for an interview that will drive traffic to our site?
I truly believe smarks don't want people to go these shows or enjoy anything about professional wrestling. How fucking retarded and autistic can you be to actually write a scathing review of something like this?
>heh, i'm smarter than you because i know that this is fake
Nice job shooting yourself in the foot.
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>ummm this is what is known as a work
why do """"""smart""""" marks always feel the need to remind people they know wrestling is fake
But she did say what she said in the interview. As tongue in cheek as it was. It's not like they reported an inaccurate quote or made up a headline that didn't happen. As clickbaity as it obviously is, she still did do the interview where she said what she did. Seems more like a media literacy issue than a content issue
Rich is based
>midwit not understanding that people are just playing along
absolute self-report
She should shoot retire just to son this nerd lmfao
rich from vow simply incapable of missing
Whatever happened to that one journo who was basically just Punks mouthpiece and wouldn't do any source or fact checking? He was getting called out consistently by other journalists for reporting false information that was crosschecked as false by everyone but Punk yet he kept reporting stuff as truthful. I think he also called out TK at a media scrum? Don't recall seeing him mentioned in ages, assuming he got run out of the business for getting played by Phil.

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