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Speaking with Iridian Fierro for WGN Radio, Khan addressed the negativity surrounding AEW’s historic All In event at Wembley Stadium in 2023. Despite claiming to selling a record-breaking 81,035 tickets, some critics tried to downplay the achievement, questioning the numbers.

>“Sometimes fans have a good perspective, and a lot of times it’s really worth listening to the feedback,” Khan explained. “But sometimes, if it’s disingenuous, there’s nothing you can do. Sometimes it’s fans of a different promotion that don’t really have anything positive to say, no matter what you do, and that’s fine.”

>“We sold 81,035 tickets at Wembley Stadium, and there were people trying to tear it down. People were saying, ‘Oh, they only got 73,000,’ as if that’s bad,” he said. “That’s more people than were at the Mike Tyson/Jake Paul fight, and people were trying to say that, like, it was a bad number for AEW. It’s insane sometimes.”

>“You do have to be willing to take it all with a grain of salt because we’ve accomplished a lot with AEW, and we still have so much more to do,” Khan said. “Really, it, in many ways, began here in Chicago. So, it’s very fitting that we keep coming back here to this great city.”

>Tony admits he lied about the attendance

The All In number was the straw that broke many deranged e-drones backs
If it was such a good number then why did he feel the need to lie about it and say it was higher than it was?
He was saying he broke a wwe record without actually breaking that record and was caught, that's why people make fun of him and belittle it.
You don't come home from the olympics with a bronze medal and then tell everyone you got a gold
>We sold 81,035 tickets at Wembley Stadium, and there were people trying to tear it down. People were saying, ‘Oh, they only got 73,000,’ as if that’s bad
Nobody said it was bad, they were just saying it was a lower number than what Tony initially claimed. What a lying disingenuous snowflake. I hate Tony, the single worst person in AEW.
Exactly this but Tiny is such an insecure fraud he needs to continue crying forever in interviews like this about how some people criticized him for lying.
Tony still flexing numbers from 2023 while his domestic shows are at all time lows
>Sometimes it’s fans of a different promotion that don’t really have anything positive to say, no matter what you do, and that’s fine
Just called out all of /pw/. I'm sure this will go over well and no one with seethe irrationally because of it
Tiny fears the turnstile count.
>I'm sure this will go over well and no one with seethe irrationally because of it
too late
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>lies about attendance
>says fans are disingenuous
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>Tony admits he lied about the attendance
It's what he does best
Why is he bringing up the Tyson/Paul fight? That's a false comparison.
because all other shows at Wembley mog his shit show lmao
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> Tony khan interview
> takes zero responsibility for anything
> it’s not my fault it’s the fans!!
> wwe fans!!!!
> im a babyface!
> i lied about the attendance so what?
This guy is a literal lolcow and it’s funny to watch the simps kiss his ass including Dave
Very well said.
Dear of dear...
the criticism was disingenuous because no promotion has ever used "turnstile count" as an accurate measure of attendance in the history of entertainment, there are plenty of people at any event who enter the arena without being "counted by turnstiles", it was crazy to see edrones pile on that like it was a legitimate own
imagine turnstile counts being displayed on falling monitors
kek this one got the 'cord buzzing
Dave Meltzer has been parading around the WM3 turnstile count for the past 30 years, what are you talking about?
The difference is that Tony lies out of the goodness of his heart while WWE tries to make itself look bigger than it actually is. This is why AEW will always be the moral winner.
>“But sometimes, if it’s disingenuous, t
Sums up every Meltzer post, every piece of Tony propaganda, and every gas lighting comment AEW fans have been making for 5 years. AEW's problem is that its a vanity fed not a business or a wrestling company.
>he finally admits they didn't break the record
I'm actually surprised. He tried to stick to that lie for way longer than I expected. Long after his credibility had been shredded.
>It’s insane sometimes.
So is not just admitting you didn't get some record and instead did a record gate for your company. Tony is so fucking two faced and insecure.
He printed fucking t-shirts claiming he got the record, now is trying to play the victim about people pointing out that he didn't. It's classic Tony.
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But he sold that number, you always get 6-9% of ticket holders that don't go on the day. Simple facts are 81k people bought tickets to a fed that wasn't a WWE mania
Which one the fake number or the real one?
This but unironically
>Tony lies out of the goodness of his heart

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