How would you rate her AEW run so far?
fuckin kek
>>16304594changed the game
She's fat
>>16304594bamboozled Tony out of hundreds of thousands of dollars to wrestle twice a month and dont draw anything / 10
drones still mad they couldn't sign the virtuosa huh
>>16304625>last match was September 6>before that was August 10>2 matches since AugustThis place is funny
>>16304710nothing is stopping her from working the indies to get over like Skye Blue did
>>16304766She's clearly just taking the paycheck and not giving a fuck. Like so many other people who turn up in AEW because she's probably getting more money every other week (or weekly, IIRC AEW pay is bi-weekly) so the motivation to want to be anything than a fat, lazy wop who sucks dick all day like a gutterslut is gone.
>>16304968You make it sound like aew is giving every wrestler a contract that would make wcw hogan blush
>>16304979Like she's not getting overpaid like the rest of the shitters AEW overpays to do nothing.
It has gone pretty much as expected. She's not one of the top girls and has no chance of being one.I'm sure she's getting paid more than she was in TNA and now more people know her so it's still an upgrade for her, but it was an obvious big fish in the small pond/small fish in the big pond scenario. She has done herself no favors by refusing to lose weight and refusing to get in better shape. The time for her to sign with AEW was when it got started. She might have fared better then when the roster was worse and when they had a lot less girls under contract.The AEW women's division will never be better than WWE's until they start training their own talent and they do not seem to have any interest in doing that.
>>16304766There is something stopping them though. Its called Collision, and its the biggest reason why alot of indie dates have cut down for AEW talent
>>16304636kek it must hurt so much to read that shit
Awful she should just do a Sofia rip off of The Penguin at least that would give her a character
>>16304625>that 50/50 booking with rosa>no dq wins by ref's decicisonkek
>>16304594Another example of AEW fans signing someone their fanbase clearly has no interest in seeing. Was anyone even talking about her leaving TNA before she came in? She had zero hype, not even artificial hype. She just randomly signed one day and has done nothing