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Yes we know. We've wanted this for a while and are thankful Tony has started to listen.
First smart decision Tiny has made in years
It sucks to have to do it, but they have to do it. It'll look better on TV and save them money.
Finally. I'm sure he won't put any more money into production, which will make the small buildings look super bush league.
Lmao bingo hall fed
Vince took wrestling out of the bingo halls and Tony will take it back
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>bingo halls
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>bingo halls
Finally doing something good.
Wrestling has only one pissant company, and it's called AEW
>bingo halls
Apparently they couldn't get their over the ring light set up into the smaller venues and that's why they haven't been doing this already. Tony finally sprung for new breakaway lighting.
>Being this mad
TNA size is perfect for them
Holy fucking grim
cool old pics, fuck that other poster
LMAO oh dear the days are growing shorter and the nights ever longer for pool old AEW!
Yikes AEW btfo
and none of those are AEW lmao
Secondary promotion
This is the Entertainment and Sports arena where Dynamite will be held on December 18th... KWAB
>highschool gym

Holy fuck...
Nothing lasts forever
Even cold November rain
Dynamite confirmed for the tiny church slash plays the guitar solo at.
Hogwheels you aren't just gonna take this shit are you?
Thank fuck. The atmosphere on the latest Dynamites and Collisions has been fucking abysmal. You don't get a sense of a unified crowd because there's so much empty space
Isn't this a good thing? Why do you need a 25,000 seat arena for 10,000 audience? So people can't post pictures of half the place being empty?
The idea is that you start packing smaller venues (4-5k capacity), people start seeing that there's no walk up so they book tickets in advance, then you move up to 7-10k venues and repeat the same thing.. AEW has a PR problem in that people see it as inessential and secondary, they need to give the perception that they've found their audience in order to grow their audience.

Also the TV will just look better when they don't have to use odd camera angles.
Newfriend, pro wrestling was the first mainstream sport America had, way before baseball and at the time they drew the biggest crowds for any sport. That being said, yes AEW is a pissant company and yes they're going directly into bingo halls.

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