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It's been 7 months. Is he a good champion?
Well he’s a champion I can tell you that.
Easily the best champion since the last good champion (Cena)
He’s getting go away heat and the crowds are booing him every week. I knew they’d turn on him, just like everyone called it.
That's because Cody's shtick is gay and boring. AEW fans got sick of it and now WWE fans are sick of it.
Those are different circumstances though. Cody was writing his own shit in AEW and it was complete schizo booking every single week. He's being micromanaged in WWE and booked very safely
Still crazy to me that Cena is now a legend.
Has he had a feud yet that isn't just him being a bit player in the Bloodline?
I liked Brock.
Who? Can’t recall anyone by that name
yes. he's this era's john cena. smarks can't comprehend the importance of a meat and potatoes babyface
Objectively yes. The worst you can say is that his run is too safe but it's undeniable that he's a hit.
he's just been dealt an awful hand, it's obvious that everything is leading up to roman/rock so since the start of his run it's just been like can we get there already? but outside of that he's like an almost perfect face of the company
yes he is a good champion not, enough dragged out title reigns and boring bloodline promos?
Logan Paul for those 2 weeks and now he's a bit player in Kevin Owens and Randy Orton's feud.
he doesnt really have a character
The culture changed. It's not 2006 anymore. Smarks are the only people who like white meat babyfaces these days. It's the contrarian thing to like them now because they're objectively not entertaining
>Smarks are the only people who like white meat babyfaces
you revisionists are so retarded, you don't even believe what you say
Cody crybaby detected
smark falseflagger revealed
Smarks like Cody
Too predictable. Just filler feuds and zero intrigue. Post-Mania to December in WWE is just nothing these days. Yeah I'd like to see him mix it up with Rock, Punk, Cena and Orton, but back in the day you'd have had all these feuds in 12 or so months. With Paul booking we'd be lucky to get two of them in 18 months.
Without meme'ing, yes, he is. I think the super Cena era scared people away from face champions having titles for more than 3 months, but the secret to long title-runs is to make the champion actually seem like a champion instead of having them overcome the odds(tm) on a filler PPV every 3 weeks. It's kind of funny that Roman is the one who rehabilitated long-title reigns.
>it's obvious that everything is leading up to roman/rock so since the start of his run it's just been like can we get there already? but outside of that he's like an almost perfect face of the company
you've been saying this ever since he left aew and he still gets the loudest pop at shows and ppvs
aewtists can't accept that they were wrong and booed the biggest start in wrestling out of their company
Except when he wrestled in his home city and the crowd chanted 'We want Roman' and 'OTC' whenever Cody was in the ring.
>except for this event which never occurred
NTA but you proved his point
He needs to lose the belt for a month and then win it back. These long title reigns are turning the championship into the Employee of The Year belt. Have someone cheat Cody out of the belt and torture him with it until he can win it back the next PLE.
Did you even watch Bad Blood bro?
bad blood? the event reigns worked? why would they be chanting they want roman when he's wrestling in the ring.
You either can't read or you're another disingenuous dronie
Nailed his racist ass
Yes. You need a feeler champ like him. His only issue is there isn't a big heel being built for him and they blew the Gunther match.

He's basically a refresh Cena which the WWE desperately needed, and he doesn't get booed like Cena did. Roman had the belt for four fucking years, it was too much HEAT.
No, but most wrestlers first reigns sucks so I don’t put too much blame on him, plus he’s a plot device for the
Rock-Roman story anyway so that kind of takes away any suspense or intrigue from his feuds outside of the bloodline
Best face champ in a long time
based on what?

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