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File: ghoulia.jpg (237 KB, 1196x720)
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What are the Kabuki’s excuse?
They know English they just choose not to use it. Japanese people are fucking insane. They are like the French in that regard.
The English language is an imperialist weapon of war.
You could probably have a conversation with them in English but I would imagine it's harder for them to learn English lines outside of the short spurts here and there we get
english is a dogshit language used mostly by inbreds/mutts and the sole reason people have to learn it is because they are the majority in this planet.
kairi mc'd the entire asuka birthday segment the fuck are you on about
it's efficient as hell. england/america probably dominated because they didnt have to spend an hour communicating basic commands like everyone else
English speakers are a minority on the planet. The reason you speak it and I don't speak your native language because America #1. You are speaking the American language on an American website while saying how much you hate it. Well, go to a website in your native tongue. What's that? Nobody uses it? Too bad. It's not because America has a majority of the worlds population, it's because we're a wealthy country.
you're awake at 2-4am, neet
stop larping

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