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Buddy re-signed for nothing lmaoo
>The Chinese aren't interested in a show about trannies for trannies
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They'll move it to a bigger venue
>AEW: Grand Ham
Hog on wheels needs to do damage control for how many shows now? The guy really is a work hog
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Remember when tony laughed at WWE doing the same thing?
Sup Trev. After you're done getting raped by your dad don't forget >>16335888 sucks being me always being right... So like I said make sure to live steam it.
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to the shock of absolutely nobody with a brain
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not sure why they ran a stadium there in the first place
elimation chamber was embarrassing
kek and here in brisbane there’s been SOOOOO many fucking faggot wrestlers trying to get a special spot on the card

there’s literally three wrestlers all with new merchandise that have something along the lines of “SIGN ME AEW” kekkkk
I remember the Perth Gov begging WWE to come back after the resounding success. I'm sure Brisbane will do the same for AEW lol
The city gave them millions to do it unlike your tranny fed
AEW most likely saw this shit show and decided not to have a PPV there
Great news for the Jew banks that own it
kek what an unbelievably pathetic bitch of a promotion
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they saw that and then announced one of their own retard
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>I'm sure Brisbane will do the same for AEW lol
Good one brother
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Capacity: 52,500
Record attendance: 59,185 (Ed Sheeran)
Brisbane paid for this show. They have the Olympics in 2032 and have been trying to acquire a bunch of live events to get ready for it
This is now a laugh at AEW thread
>Catcha: PPV R AK
You can't make this shit up
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Let it all out Pigwheels.
apparently the attendence was 52,590
the stadium allegedly sits 70,000 for concerts. no doubt wrestling with a tiny ring + ringside fits more.
frankly i do not believe that there's only 20k seats not filled in that photo
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They literally have tickets for 20 bucks and can’t sell them….
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Rovert really trying to deflect and losing
Rovert ass status?
Don't let Trevor talking to himself distract you from the fact that he is too scared to respond to me here >>16336374 because I was right all along and he will in fact be live streaming his suicide
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Well said

Fuck you dick head
Litetally everything Aewtrannies try to brag about comes back to bite them in the ass. It's hilarious
Bro thought he cooked
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womp womp
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Free tickets with every shrimp on the barbie purchase lmao
I thought they got a new $185,000,000/year deal though? This can't be! Money was supposed to fix everything broken and wrong with this dogshit company. I'm so distraught, Swinebros....
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The trans community is not taking the news well.
We don’t use racist language here
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womp womp
i thought rovert knew the word on the streets, apparently not, what a fraud
This image gets the edrones upset
You stupid, stupid cunt.
>We would like you to pay for an arena to do a show
>No need, you can use our stadium for free
>*gets over 50,000 fans instead of the 15k they planned on*

Meanwhile AEW:
>not one penny from local government
>pay full price for a stadium
>heavily discounted tickets still don't sell KWAB
prob a good idea. having half the place tarped like elimination chamber would have been cringe
Trev is still ignoring this >>16335888 the last time I've seen him this scared he was asked to go up a flight of stairs.
Half would have been a miracle lmao
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>According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the local Brisbane government played a key role in bringing All Elite Wrestling to Queensland's capital city, much like other cities have to draw in shows from WWE and UFC recently. As evidenced by its addition of the 2032 Summer Olympics and 2032 Summer Paralympics, WON also notes that the city of Brisbane has put forth an extra effort in securing international events across the board.
WWE got paid to do the show there and the stadium (owned by government) was provided for free

AEW paid out of pocket and now has to move because there's no demand KWADPC KEK WHAT A DYING PISSANT COMPANY
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>According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter
He really disappeared lmao you must have really upset him
WWE is so shit, it’s watched by retarded adults and children
It's common sense. Olympic cities have always done this.
Hmm? What does this have to do with another AEW show being cancelled?
Hahahaha you're literally having a breakdown
what retard told them to do a Stadium show in Australia cold turkey like that
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>Olympic cities have always begged for wrestling promotions like AEW to sell 2k tickets in a 40k stadium
Bacon grease dripping from that fat slob's eyes KEK
Kek he really did, what a loser
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Meanwhile Perth actually wants WWE back.
Hey why is he trying to slide this one??
They always invest heavily into their live events scene, yes. Everyone with a life knows this.
Not only did Chadtits break the news before Sean Ross Simp. He also got Hogwheels hiding to afraid to show up. Chadtits just don't miss
lol okay, 靳羽西
They don't have Rhea Ripley
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>Cities will always invest into things like AEW. They love no one traveling from other cities and having a stadium 95% empty. I have a life okay I just know!
Total Godtits victory here I fear. Screencap it and never let the hog in a wheelchair live it down :)
Hahahahaaa!!! I knew that would happen. AEW can't draw flies to shit in America, Wembley kicked them out for shitty attendance, so why would Australia want anything to do with that pissant fed.

E-Gods win again. It's gonna be a great holiday season this year laughing at AEW and KWABOTY Tony Kahn.
Worked for London
Why would Dana care that WWE had to move arenas?
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I hope my waifu doesn't get buried because Tony was an over ambitious idiot.
This was before they merged and Vegas is Dana's town. Plus, WWE had been fucking with UFC for years.
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True. Tony Khan did in fact have to pay to rent Wembely stadium
Based AEW is so popular that they have to find a BIGGER venue to hold everybody! I don't know how Tony does it!
Jesus that's grim. No wonder there's no Wembley show in 2025.
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they're back in 2026
OHHHHHHH TREVORRRRRR WHERE ARE YOUUUUU >>16335888 I just need to know what platform your going to use to stream your suicide
UFC had a Vegas show that weekend too, Dana was mad about it
kek aew troons are so retarded.
AEW won't be around in 2026 hahahahaa!!!
>wwe had been fucking with ufc
Lmao you’re so delusional
AEW will be around long after you die from morbid obesity
....but not at Wembley Stadium
They have been, you idiot.
UFC had a deal on the table for NBC around 2010. NBC told Dana to go to Vince to get hiss blessing before proceeding. Despite WWE and UFC not being in direct competition with each, Vince said no and to this day Dana doesn't know why.
>it's another bitchtits living in an alternate reality episode
those lachlan memes really did a number on him
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>moving to a smaller venue means you got cancelled
so does that mean smackdown did indeed get cancelled because they moved from fox to usa?
Sup porkwheeks, any response? >>16335888
I was wondering why Wrestletix never posted a first count for this. I guess it's because it sold so embarassingly shit
lmao how many times have you posted some variation of this today? full gear finally broke you my fat jobless friend, get your GED :)
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>He’s so broken by this news he’s resorted to le Lachlan
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This is how you do it if you're not a secondary pissant fed.
fraid so
fox has never been better, though
Hmm no. Don’t think we’ll be sliding this one :)
Does moving to a smaller place mean cancelled or not? If GS got cancelled than so did Smackdown
YOu'll finna know it!
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Goodness me. How very embarrassing for AEW, Tony Khan and the AEW fan.
Notice how Hogwheels only responds when his pedophile janny friends ban Chadtits >>16336666 he shaking in his wheelchair.
BT absolutely demolished the porkwheeler today
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>get absolutely fucking dismantled by GODtits
>cry to the jannies to run from the bullying
Nice hEadcanon
no wrestling company should be going to Australia it be like a yo-yo tournament holding their biggest event in like Botswana or something
Any reason you are avoiding this one >>16335888
They don't report when wrestling feds do embarrassing numbers. They do their best to hide AEW's failures, but like Kahnmala, they've been exposed for being ice cold trash that everyone in Australia hates.
wow sounds like bitchtits had another autistic spergout over his mortal enemy wrestling promotion, likely tied to longstanding mental health issues, and was rightly banned

hope he gets the help he needs
Just don't run stadiums.
This is a Perth arena that's perfect for wrestling that UFC ran
Awww, sounds like little porky for his feelings hurt by godtits again :(
>australiaslop got cacelled
nah i feel bad for him, i know this board and WWE as a whole basically make up his entire life(if you can call it that)

im sure getting in trouble for having a meltdown is like a knife through the heart for him
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Wrestletix confirms it was only whales that showed up
Look, I know we like to joke around and have fun here on /pw/, but this is extremely concerning news for AEW.

I'd hate to be an AEW fan now, having to watch the show I enjoy rapidly dying.
Rovert is now typing essays because Chadtits made him his bitch.
Assprey really lost to Feltcher for nothing LOL
>2 sentences
i can tell you're having a rough day but there's a particular educational certification you can attain if you ever decide you want to better your life
>the map was in transition
I love how you got Chadtits banned after he kept calling you out and now you're trying to act tough. You lost you crippled pedophile.
At Thanksgiving, I'm going to thank the indians, pilgrims, and jesus for the death of AEW.
But if you do it now or remind them what pieces of shit they are, they turn into victims.
>you got Chadtits banned
>>According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter,
Why would you even post this? Lmao holy shit
cope and seethe
sounds like you may need the same mental help, and possibly medication, that bitchtits does. i hope you get it and that things turn around for you.
In 2026 they are :) dumb faggot mark you
>battle of the smelts
>small in Wembley
>bland sham
all cancelled
yes you are
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That’s what he does. Getting bullied by Lordtits has completely broken him
>I have no comeback to having to get someone banned because I lost.
Just make sure to film your suicide. It better be in 4k
‘fraid so
Rovert spamming about Elimination Chamber attendance really backfired this time
Not only did it draw more fans than All in 2024 but it also wasn't cancelled like AEW's Australia stadium show
With fans like him you don't feel bad for shitting on AEW and mocking it's many many many failures
nope cancelled
kek no way that shit drew
we all saw the tarps
ahahahahaha I LOVE laughing at Trevor and Jason

and by Trevor I mean Trevor Mann (Ricochet) and by Jason I mean Jason "Solomonster" Solomon, two very well known personalities whose names have been published and available for years now

people told me australians loved gayew?
that was Perth by the way , insane number they got
GAYEW was in Brisbane LMAO
But enough about AEW at Wembley, which is why they got their asses kicked out
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It always backfires lmao
Brisbane and Perth have the same population. Perth is more isolated but they both are.
So to be clear this whole thing was a fucking disaster . My guess is they move it to a smaller arena like 6k
wanna blame someone?
blame hogwheels , he just cursed GAYEW again lmao
AEW fails again. So what's new?
>the government paid gayew to do a show there!!
this is a funny thread lol bump so the trannies 41% themselves
It was always gonna be fucked at Suncorp. We are getting raped by cost of living scams and an absolute torrent of poojeets stealing jobs
For me to fly from Sydney to Brisbane will cost me 500 bucks, hotel say 250 a night, ticket to aew 200 bucks, dinner 200 bucks etc etc
I just pirate it from home for free and save my money
another day another laugh at gayew moment
like moving from tnt to tbs?
Is someone trying to slide this? not on my watch!
tbs is in more homes, so no
So they're in more homes and still struggle to draw 600k? grim.
Tony sewed up KWABOTY with this fuck up. it's officially over.
they're drawing 185m a year so that sounds good to me
And people still don't watch that tranny shit.
Probably. And it will look even emptier.
Got a source for that number which isn't a senile jew who falls for tweets from parody accounts and believes every email sent to him if it has a fake japanese name attached to it?
Their source is Meltzer and they changed their initial figure to match what he said on twitter
tonys paying him 1m a year kek
Buddy milks that retarded money mark and fucks Rhea. He's winning.
It’s 150m over 3 years actually. Very grim
I can't believe our very own Chadtits is the one who said they were going to move venues. He's been saying this all week. Do we have our very own insider?
Sad truth? He’s never been wrong. He really runs this board.
KWAB (this means 'kek what a bitch')
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Are you having wagyu for dinner?
He's always right
Pork Slam? Canceled
>Look everyone now I'm chinese lol!
Sasha's material is not so bad after all
still Tony, still another month to go
>Grand Slam canceled
>Hampage cancelled
>No billy
>Dynamite losing to NXT
Still Tony
>ticket to aew 200 bucks
nah they'll probably be giving away free ones with a kangaroo vegemite burger or whatever the fuck it is that poor cuckstralians eat. you're a retard if you paid to go to aew, but then again, you are a fagstralian so it makes sense
>local brisbane government
that's the local council. not a state government. kek.
>Wrestlemania 7 was cancelled
Someone seriously has to answer how Chadtits knew this show was getting cancelled. Check the archive he's been saying it for weeks.
Its honestly unreal how every time AEWtists seemingly get "a win" over E-GODS they get humiliated eventually
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Trevor’s bussy was canceled
That's too bad, I was really looking forward to the HAM SLAM! I've already chopped my cock off! WHAT DO I DO NOW TRANNYBROS?
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>Cornette was right

Nissan arena in brisbane would be more suitable
>no shaney
>no becky
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Were you kwabbed in the land down under?
Where trannies rope, Tony blunders.
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>Haha, AEW sucks.
I will never understand AEWtrannies
According to the wrestling observer
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>according to AEW Pravda
I should a hope a promotion with a 60+ year headstart and nearly 20 year effective monopoly in the market was more successful, it would be fucking embarrassing otherwise
>frankly i do not believe that there's only 20k seats not filled in that photo
Thing you have to remember is that stadium usually hosts outdoor sports so the people sitting on the field would usually be in the seats, but WWE needs a ringside presence so probably 10-15k were sitting on the ground level
Fucking a dude ain't a win
So it didn’t get cancelled but it just moved to another venue?

Lmao edrones thought they had a win
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Yeah they saw what happened at WWE and thought better of it LOL
if AEW matched the sales of this show it would be their second most attended show ever and also their largest gate
Shut up Bitchtits
It's for the best they move it. An open stadium in February in Queensland is asking to be wrestling in a pool of water.
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Yeah no shit, WWE took all the tarps already.
Rampage got cancelled and so did Grand Slam at Suncorp Stadium. Sorry, faggot, thems the breaks
SlopSow got cancelled, Raw got cancelled, any future Australian shows got cancelled, and the entire WWE backlog got cancelled. Sorry, tranny, thems the breaks
If they tarp the upper decks it would probably be about right.
No idea what you're talking about, dickface. Try talking like a normal human being instead of using your 12-year-old insider discord lingo
SlopSow got cancelled, Raw got cancelled, any future Australian shows got cancelled, and the entire WWE backlog got cancelled. Sorry, tranny, thems the breaks
>purposefully mixing up Bitchtits and Hogwheels
this gimmick ain't over with me, brother
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So it's another Hogmelty then. Fun.
Shut up Bitchtits
Make yourself useful, you crippled faggot fuck. Go find another venue AEW can move their shitshow to and tweet it to your idol Uncle Tony
>Grand Slam at Suncorp Stadium

Piggie already making his concessions

afraid so
Shut up Bitchtits
>4-hour necrobump
Did I hear that Grand Ham got cancelled?
Why did the cancel the show at this stadium? Poor ticket sales?
why is Tony Khan so stupid? is he just such a nepobaby that he thought that every Australian would come to see his show just because he wanted them to?
Nah just moved to another venue but WWE Network got cancelled along with their back catalog and Slopdown and Raw and interest in another Australia show and their annual show at the Hammerstein Ballroom
you're seething, lil trannybro. try a shower, you'll feel better.
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Perhaps booking a stadium show in an isolated country where the average viewership is under 20K viewers (with maybe an extra 10K FITE/Triller subscribers in a best case scenario) and expecting a shitload of fly-ins was a bad idea.
Why does AEW have two shows called Grand Slam
Not sure why people even go to that unless they seats close to the ring. You can’t see shit if you’re further out. Waste of money especially now since ticket prices are increasing
>country where the average viewership is under 20K
because he's made it fucking impossible to watch here.

seriously, i've tried to. I don't even know where he's put it.
Changing venues isn't "getting cancelled" ya fat retard lol
Tony deserves credit for trying to establish a 2nd yearly stadium show with >40k attendance (Arthur Ashe isn't a legitimate stadium) but the AEW paying audience is too disinterested to sustain it. This is what happens when you cultivate a gatekeeping mentality and cult mindset among your online "thought leaders", your fandom will always be limited.

>LMAO special needs people like WWE
>LMAO this is slop made for children
>Wait why are AEW ticket sales so low?
>Why don't families want to go to the shows?
>but this is where the best wrestle, though
>Tony isn't wrong, everyone else is wrong!!

Constant negative feedback loop
I'm not your boogeyman ya fat retarded schizo, please get a life.
Khanetty’s show at Suncorp Stadium was CANCELLED because he couldn’t sell tickets LMAO! Kek what a CANCELLED show!
OOOF! Another AEW show cancelled? First Rampage, now this. What a fucking pissant company.
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Fuck you
But that's wrong, you fucking retard. Please lose weight.
It’s actually literally true and you’re just a Coping Pig in denial, as is usual. A pathetic display.
Kill yourself fatso.
Another pathetic display from the Crippled Pig. This is all the Pathetic Pig has left after he loses an argument. Hoping that people with a better life than he has, will kill themselves. All because his favorite Poop Dick Wrestling show that he’s obsessed with is dying. LOL.
Is this the Australia show? 20 Aussie dollars is like 12 USA dollar, isn't it? Maybe even less.
You can just see the tears flowing down his fat face. He's legit crying while typing his responses now lmao
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>even the map is in transition
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Fucking hell, no wonder Shitwheels is losing his tiny mind in this thread. What a fucking dead company.
Spare a thought for the jannies, dealing with that dozy spastic spamming the report button on every post, because everyone is laughing at AEW booking a stadium they couldn't fill a quarter of.
They should have moved All In to Wembley Arena as soon as it became clear that the stadium was going to be half empty. Would have saved the river of tarp photos, which is the only thing anyone remembers from that night.
Shut the fuck up you boring cunt
We don't post our internal monologue here
Lol fucking pathetic.
Alvarez said they are gonna move it to a 4k arena. He said all the 8 to 12k arenas are already booked. That means they are going from a 50k stadium to 4k lmfao
oh no woodditard bros our promotions is dying before our eyes
Still not watching WWE faggot
Collision always does it's worse ratings against WWE PPVs. Tony Kwab is so afraid of Survivor Series he moved Collision to like 2pm lol
Australia is an enormous wrestling market. Bigger than the US at one point in history.
Yes you will. Also, we don't sign our posts here.
Shut up you boring bastard, get no (You)s because you’re so boring
They moved it to an arena 45 minutes away from the CBD and the originally booked stadium. Public transport is shit however so its more like 65 minutes if you miss your train that comes every 30 minutes
How do you know?haven't seen that announced anywwhre
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They sent an email out 2 hours ago
>same place WCW ran shows from

Based TK once again respecting tradition
LMAO! No wonder the catalog is currently experiencing a force 5 Porkwheels megamelty. This is seriously humiliating for Tony, although not the first time he has vastly overestimated AEW's popularity.
God you’re so boring.
first time he's admitted it like this though. usually he just runs the venue anyway, with 20% of the seats occupied and the lights switched off
Even when you reply to yourself you’re boring.
Type that again but this time leave out the part where you're uncontrollably crying like a little bitch hogwheels
look at all them tarps
He’s crying because I called him a boring cunt lol
WCW had been closed for 10 years before this arena even opened, what are you talking about
LMAO, Wheels ethered again. Spare a thought for the state appointed care worker who's going to have to show up to his hovel later and clean the shit from the walls. AEW lost.
You’re boring and that’s why nobody likes you.
we don't post our inner monologues here
The BEC opened in 1986 baka
I think your "boring" diss is getting to him anon, he's selling it like he does whenever you mention he still has no GED.
post diploma
This is just a tacit admission you don't have one lilbro
It's always this sort of news that really shits him up. He hasn't properly lost control like this since the All In turnstile number came out.
Rovert is taking to himself again. In case anyone didn't know he always talks about GEDs because he failed to get his which is why he is a fired bagger
Those posts aren't replying to each other.


Anybody wanna tell him?
Are you saying GEDs isn't a thing in Ireland? Sorry I wouldn't know I don't live there like you do. You really are the expert on GEDs eh Trev? LOL
EL OH EL >>16335888 poor trev
This is death spiral shit for AEW. Literally everything they do falls flat now and there isn't any realistic prospect of it getting better.
ESPN on Austar.
It sure is.
Seems to be the case.
Aussie steak is best in the world
Austar hasn't been a thing for decades cobber

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