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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


12.1 TJPW 11th BIRTHDAY @ Shinagawa Prince Hotel Club eX, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:30 JST]
12.14 Winter Story @ Yokohama Radiant Hall, Kanagawa (LIVE)[13:00 JST]
12.21 Se~No, Merry Christmas! 2024 @ Tama Mirai Messe, Tokyo (LIVE)[14:00 JST]
12.29 TJPW Year-End Party 2024 @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[19:00 JST]

Hikari literally gave up on wrestling for another dog and some dick
Sad end
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
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players playing games
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instead of 7 small posters, why not 1 giant poster?
The spammer killed her marriage and we know who it is

Cough she was happily married
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I wouldn't be surprised if Hikari got pregnant. That would explain why she couldn't appear in public and why nobody ever gave an explanation about her absence. It would also explain why they didn't announce her graduation right away. Hikari probably considered an abortion, but in the end she decided to keep the baby and leave wrestling forever.
I don't choose who they use

I heard it was a size thing

Tall guys small decks
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This sloppy disinterested player will thankfully never darken our door again
Stop impregnating the players.
I'd recognize those BADSLs anywhere
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>At today's online autograph session, HIMAWARI expressed her wish to establish a 3-WAY championship belt. Yamashita also got excited, bringing up examples from overseas and talking about strong 3-WAY competitors, so it would be great if the belt actually gets created.
this could be really fun because of how unpredictable the matches would be. other belts you know when its just a filler defense but here every match would be interesting.
Love it.
3 way matches suck
>Yamashita also got excited

Goddamn shes never leaving. Childless cat lady roaming the tooj halls 4life
fuck off and leave already miyu
You'd all miss her if she left.
a theory that only the most upstanding citizen of planet retard could come up with
nope. haven't missed yuka for a second either
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>Sports history: None
>Hobbies and skills: Eating and sleeping
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>I've touched a cat before, but never a dog, so I was all nervous and excited thinking, "It's alive..." But the dog was so friendly and super cute. I wonder if I’ll get to see it again?
how does one go almost 17 years without ever having pet a dog
I fucking despise dogs.
haru doesn't go outside
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I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside - Haru Sweatshirt
haha she's just like me
why did she do it
One of her coworkers is a cat.
I would certainly pet Neko given the opportunity.
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The thrilling conclusion
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hero boomp
Yuuki Mashiro heading our way
Nodoka-pilled. She just needs Sing and Anime in there too.
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HIMAWARI when you ask her what she'll give you for helping the duck
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Make the call, Koda
She visited Nodoka at her farm. I thought she has a fat dog.

Maybe it's a work, like her being a nerd for Kamen Rider
We're still on that?
Giving the 3 way matches any extra type of stakes might be fun, but then the champ would likely be forever stuck in the 3 way division wrestling Neko and Kaya unless they establish the same rules as the Ice Ribbon one where you have to vacate the belt if you go to a time limit draw. But even then, going to a TLD with the Bird or Cat is embarrassing.

But also yes, just bring in Yuuki Mashiro. Koda, you coward.
so not a work at all then
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very cute
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Kek what a well respected player in the industry
>wota can't admit they're getting worked by a 16-year-old girl
>retard can't admit that he's a clueless gifwatcher
clout chasers are not welcome in the friendly ring
that dude is messing with her for sure
Dr Kim did a good job
I can't tell how much of her current look is surgery, and how much is just makeup/lighting/weight loss from exercising and growing up.
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i saved this like some months ago to see if it would come true and so far, this japanese fan got kinda close. all we need now are the tag and pop matches to be announced.
Why would she work everyone with that? What's in it for her?
is the rumble not for the pop belt? as for the tag belts, maybe some outsiders
miu vs aino
Except that's not close at all unless you count "Suzume is booked and wrestling for a different title altogether".

Arai vs Aino would probably be good, but I don't want to see it.
I thought the PoP would be Miu vs Aino, but Mizuki and Miu are in the same match on the next show so now I'm not so sure
>"Suzume is booked and wrestling for a different title altogether"
yea thats why i said kinda close. right contender, wrong title
koda will announce it the week of most likely
I thought (LIVE) was tonight and now I'm disappointed.
>same match
that doesnt really matter. what other match on the card would you expect them to be in?
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Personally, at least for the PoP belt, I never liked that you could just come out to challenge. seems so dumb. its like theres the big tjpw show coming up. Why not just go out there and challenge for it so you can main event it. They always say yes anyways. I like when you have to win a match in order to challenge for it. It would make it more prestigious. For example the TPC gets to challenge for it at WP. Now the rumble would be a perfect opportunity for it but I think its too close to the 1.4 show to do that.
misaofags are retarded
They're in a weird spot because the rumble is too thrown together to have stakes. I wouldn't want someone winning and challenging for the main event 5 days later because you want to promote Ittenyon with a strong main event at that point.

Also the only person who ever got challenged and said "no" was Yuka, who Miyu had to bribe with pastries.

Turning down challenges isn't very friendly.
It's going to be Maki. There's nobody left.
Maki getting a POP match while tag champ so there's no tag defense at Ittenyon seems very much like a thing Koda would do.

But also I feel like Miu and Mizuki need to have a match eventually. Miu has beaten everybody else at that level (Miyu, Shoko, Rika, and she got a TLD in a tag match with Yuka before she graduated/ran away)
miu has not beaten kamiyu and misao
unironically cute
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> everybody else at that level

I know what I said. Kamiyu is good but has never even challenged for the POP title before. I don't think it'll be Kamiyu or Misao knocking Miu off the title perch. But I'm willing to be surprised and wrong.
They're going to put the belt on Maki in Las Vegas and the pop is going to be insane.
My man Koda is far too competent to allow this to happen
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lam of god
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Looks tasty.
Only if they do it like DDT did in NYC where she cashes in on the new heel champ. I feel like Miu is popular enough that people wouldn't like a direct change.
The beef bowl looks pretty good, too.
Yeah, but what about the food?
Oh you guys...
Wakana is awake.

Aja and Anunnaki will be part of the card
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Its dumb like that a lot of places though. Stardom they had the whole stupid 5 Star. Tam earned zero points and won the belt off of Natsuko. Maika won the tournament and earned a losing challenge. Marigold the same 5 people keep challenging for their belts. Ice Ribbon they just give the belt to whomever is willing to work for free.
Here at least sometimes the title bids are earned. This seems a good way to give a second chance to someone who already lost a bid so might be promising for Rika or Shoko.
Not her best pic.
Harukaze lost the comedy competition she had been preparing for for over a year and cried herself to sleep.
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Kira kinda looks like she's balding here
Pom's asshole on the right when I'm done with her
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Simmer down.
Maybe she didn't touch the dog
I'm so sorry, frostybutt. You tried very hard :(
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hey man can you refrain from using the -butt tag unless an actual butt has been posted... thanks bro...
Unfathomably beautiful.
gods of science....
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when Misao was injured, I did not expect her to make it back for her annual ittenyon match but since she is, theres no way we can miss out on it. the streak must continue!
Aoyama should have gone over
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>the streak must continue!
crazy how its been going on longer than the 3 big princess shows
what if koda says no this time?
Wakana's wakanas.
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yuu_tjp is taking a break from pro wrestling
too fat to do her usual spots
Her usual spot is no selling elbows. How would it stop her doing that?
Beloved dog: BiBi
I saw someone say that it's mostly just a hiatus for Japan. Yuu will likely still take the free trips and paychecks from Sukeban if they run a show in the next few months while she's on "hiatus".
What should I counter back at? US seller if that makes a difference.
Are you also in the US? Because otherwise you're being gouged. 80 bucks AND shipping costs?
>Are you also in the US?

Just make sure he busts a fat load in it before he sends it to you.
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future players
Wow, so am I! We have so much in common.
you arent haru's friend
We need an update class year power rankings.
No, Ram posted it so I assume it's Ram hiding her face in all the photos.

What's more likely, Koda books Umesaki against Arai, or Arai leaves TJPW and works Umesaki elsewhere?
arai fan fantasy booking again lmao
where's the fantasy booking?
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Predictions form for TJPW 11th BIRTHDAY
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does haru admire blonde white women?
The Protagonist desires not the fallow remains of your desiccated viscera
That price is crazy. Just wait until the online store puts out a new batch of support towels. Don’t pay that much
Yuki Arai didn't show up for work again
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fag haggo?
Stop posting her paywalled shit.
smelling her anus
that is a woman
ya gonna cry?
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lol you pay for shit that gets posted here
I'd give her everything I owned if she asked for it.
Misao had been obsessed with that person a few years back and then stopped posting about her. This is the first time Ive seen Rika mention her so I wonder if Misao got Riki into her.
did they?
You steal from asian women.
>Allen is a Japanese entertainer. He is commonly referred to as "Allen-sama" or "Great Master Allen," and his display name on social media is consistently "Allen-sama." The name of his fandom is "Kuriman." With the motto "Zena" (which means "Everything Allen-sama says is correct"), he engages in spreading his influence among "NP" (Normal People).
is this a cult
Sounds like he's a drag queen of some sort? Not my thing but some people really like drag queens
Hopefully it's new towel time soon. The Rika one sold out weirdly fast, over some more popular people. Either she's mega popular or they don't make the same amount for everybody and she had low stock to begin with.
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Fixed it
>"Everything Allen-sama says is correct"
need to smooch dem lips
which ones
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I hope Eel is a surprise entrant in the Princess Rumble.
Eel already appeared in ddt earlier this year. Former champ.
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cute outfit
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Wakana's photoshoot thing sold out immediately.
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New shirt.
>"Oh no, what will we do with this hot chick with thick legs and huge cans who is too eager to please?"

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