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kek ya gotta love this Trekkie player with her pea-brained facial expression
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very kawaii
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>duuuuuuh.... me? kawaii??
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Kurara is a work retard
Yuzuki is a shoot retard
love this player
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so does Tam
Enough about (you).
link to cop
You think Tam makes her go down on her?
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there's no proof that she DOESN'T
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kek what a sloppy company with useless diva wrestlers
Very telling that MIRAI was the only one to perform the move correctly
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Your existence is still pathetic.
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Stardomschizo's unpopular Tam thread died before bump limit so he made this one instead.
>1.29gb of Tam pics
Touch grass.
if you want to find ozcel he's seething about stdm in a dump thread
Rossy lost. Maricold will be insolvent by the end of 2025.
I got 12 GB btw
What's your point?
I accidentally 800mb of Mayu pics
what should I do... is this dangerous?
god damn dude get a grip
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holy schizo
Tengu are actually Jews if you look into Japanese history. The large noses and attracted to gold shiny things , also love to kidnap children
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as a tall, skinny, WHITE, trainee wrestler, this woman will 100% be my wife one day.
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weed mentality
what does weed mentality even mean
poor Little Ranna
kicked to the side like trash
Get on some modern software, grandpa.
She's hopped up on the marijuana pills
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she's been smoking that gas
Kek like that one K*rean revenge movie Lady Vengeance
being down to earth, simple, grounded
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stubborn. constantly sprouting up and unable to get rid of, like a weed.
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