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kek >>16367367
Why don't you repost the other ratings thread from last week you kept necrobumping
It will last as long as your pathetic attempt to repost the Inoki thread
Which one was that Trev? The other time they plummeted? So that's 2 plummets in a row? I can if you want
I've never seen Trev try to slide a thread so quickly. He's rolling.
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I know Ayedub ain't drawing shit but this can't be real
These are the fast nationals which means the finals will be around 400k
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This can't be real? Lowest ratings for AEW yet?
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It worked for him last time >>16369373

One problem this time... I'm here. And I got 2 hours to kill.
am i getting baited?

aew really got less than 300k?
They've done 180k before.
>mfw this thread gets no traction because nobody can believe the number is so bad
one thread i actually WANT to see bumped for a week.
>check Dave's Twitter to see if it's real by chance
>Instead it's just Dave has been running nonstop damage control for Tony and his injury time clauses
Nigga's so broken. This is how he spends his holiday? kek
they don't even have dimes
Real ratings won't be out until Mon apparently there is a delay for Thanksgiving for some reason.
There's always a delay for holidays.
One day delay fellas. Meltz already confirmed the "No 300k?".
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>Real Ratings
You can just hear the cope lol.
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>It's real
JFC Tony, what the fuck are you doing?
the hennicord is seething
I don't ever want to see you AEWtists getting uppity again.
It was Thanksgiving Eve. So it was always going to be lower. But this is even lower than what was expected.

I love the C2 but this has made it clear that casual fans don't. It's plain to see.
I think it's too complicated of a system for a lot of people (it's not that complicated but the average person is incredibly dumb) for tournament with no stakes. It's all for a very forgettable championship. I love AEW to death. It's my favorite wrestling promotion if all time and even I forget about the Continental Title until I see it on screen.

I know a lot of people want to see AEW die. But not me. Which is why this all sucks. I want AEW to win.

We actually have some stories going. But I'm afraid Tony is going to abandon them because of ratings. But the key is to see them through.
The Bloodline didn't begin as th hottest angle in pro wrestling history. It built up to that because Hunter stuck with it instead of folding when early on feedback was negative. Stick it out. Follow through.
And while I love the C2 I feel like it's going take priority over stories.

I pray to God that Tony sees it through.
Real rating will be worse
holy shit
and Dave was talking about NXT losing viewers this week lmao
Reminds me of that tragedy
Can't blame Thanksgiving eve. They did way better last year.
Is /pw/ the lowest IQ board?
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No 300k was always the goal!
Well you're here so yeah
Still /v/
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you almost worked me into a shoot
i went and checked meltzer's twitter and the last thing he did was fighting randos for hours to defend tony's slave contracts lmao
Why haven’t the ratings come out yet?
Already been answered in this thread
No Thanksgiving in India?
You know Kendrick dropped last week, right?
Well, they watch wrestling.
Just go with it anon
Holy shit. Meltzer, is that you?
AEW got the moral victory.
That's all that matters
What level of virgin do you need to be to make a fake wrestling Nielson ratings thread and spend all day bumping it?
The fake ratings will end up being better than the actual ratings.
Hoggers stop crying like a bitch you fruit cake faggot.
unfortunately if the vocal internet minority dislikes it he'll feel the need to course correct
tony really needs to stick to an engaging long term storyline or two to keep people watching, rewarding them for their investment, something more than just a build up to one match
Nobody watches AEW, so who gives AF?
I have confirmed that this anon is in fact correct.
He's upset we slid the last version of this thread (along with the others he spent weeks bumping) so now he's over compensating

Don't worry we'll get to this one in time:)
Hoggers don't forget that Grand Slop was cancelled like your legs.
Has Dave ever had reason why every Dynamite episode loses 100k to 200k of the TV audience from start to finish?
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What a fucking disaster!
AEW BTFO again
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Not to my knowledge. Any guesses as to what he'd say (cope)?
youre a stupid fuck
>AEW got the moral victory.
it's a dave cope
it's all they have left
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if u aewtists stopped getting worked by shitposts, there would be less shitposts
simple logic isn't your forte.
My nephew likes WWE but says AEW is for "fags". First time I've ever heard him cuss. I'm glad he hates gays who watch AEW, one less thing I have to worry about.

Can you imagine what it would be like if you had a nephew who watched AEW? He'd come to Turkey dinner in a dress and say he's your "niece".
Tiny Con is a lock for KWABOTY isn't he?
I guess he's having a meltdown on Twitter rn, attacking random nobodies. He's a worthless cokehead.
>godtits makes a fake ratings tweet thread
>hogwheels cries
>hogwheels gets the thread archived
>hogwheels gloats
>godtits makes another thread
>hogwheels proceeds to have a bitchfit
I don't know how he does it but godtits is unstoppable
Based! I kicked my nephew in the face when he said he watches all wrestling. I snuff aewtists on sight.
I voted for Trump because I know he's going to deport AEW fans or have them locked up for shoplifting. It's kinda funny how Tony Kahn banned Hulk from AEW, but his Daddy gave the Trump campaign millions, which went to Hulkster who did a press tour for Trump.
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>NXT did double Dyinhype's viewers
How does Tiny recover?
Tiny con? More like Tiny cock lmaoooo
do demos still matter when they're that low
They've been lower for AEW so yes.
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i want to believe
>It was hurt a lot by the time change on the west coast.
Didn't that shit happen at the beginning of the month? I would've believed him more if he just blamed it on all the holiday travel, but adding that time change garbage was laying it on too thick when making excuses for the rating.
Spare a thought for the fatty who lives in a grain silo who got himself murked on Survivor Series weekend lmfao
Is rather spare a thought for the cripple who was gloating about sliding threads and is now crying because this thread is still up. On a scale of 1-10 how mad are you?
Morning. Now stop crying like the bitch you are. Oh and bump (seethe fruit cake)
we don't sign our posts here
True. So stop seething you fruit cake. Bump again bitch
So will they release on Monday or Tuesday?
these are rampage numbers
Haha fuck that guy, i hope he’s miserable right now
Horrendous rating. No wonder this slopola got cancellef
LOL Dave banned me so I can't the fag out. This is getting to TNA levels now. Collision could be under 200k.
You live in a grain silo
Spamming is a bannable offense :)
Godtits is actually more than one person.
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>Real rating will be lower, just like the last fake rating thread

How many?
NXT beat Dynamite

NXT beat Rampage

NXT beat Collision

There was a Kendrick concert. Throw the rating out
What's the floor? And how much lower will it go? Be honest
I really like this image
That's because you a fucking werido
How many times has NXT won? It's getting boring now
I LOVEEEEEEEEE laughing at gAyEW
Grim, if true
>Rovert- new anti spamming rules has rendered him useless
>Hennimore - PW chads doxed him and is currently on death row in a Swedish prison for insulting the Profit Mohammed (PBWH)
>Janny - still doing it for free
What a year we have had !
Watch Trev get really mad when I bump this thread. The best part is the real rating will be posted tomorrow and he's going to seethe all over again LOL
Fine speech
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>This week is going to have two no milly threads
Rovert might just end it all
You can tell hes getting ready to go on another hiatus. His last one was when NXT crushed Dynamite h2h. He wasnt seen for weeks lol
poor pigvert
This week was War Games. Next is NXT Deadline. And the week after that is Sat night main event. Collision gonna have 3 record low ratings back to back KWAB
Ok we can stop bumping this. The actual rating is out tomorrow. This thread served its purpose.
I heard a certain cripple keeps raging that this thread keeps getting bumped. Is there any truth to this?
no thanks you wheelchair shitting bitch
Then why NXT ratings were already up lol.
Because they are always out on Wednesday
No billy and no 300k. Terrible week for you know who
I'm hearing rumors that wbd is having second thoughts about the renewal. if they don't see big numbers from max they could terminate the deal
Ya seethe?
If he's not getting paid for this he's even more pathetic than I imagine he is.
What does this means?
You tell me
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I'd assume that was fake, but Dave's immediate cope and alluding to further coping makes me know it's real. Holy kek.
what was the card the last time they had a milly? genuinely curious
Another anon said that this week will be no milly 92. So go back 92 weeks I guess
I have a strange feeling that a certain cripple is going to be VERY mad seeing this thread at the very top again.
Holy shit that's fucking awful
It was the tribute show to Jay Briscoe. He hasn't had a milly since because no one died
It was a tribute show for one of the Briscoes. That's why Tony keeps old people like JR and Jake on his payroll, someone dying is his only chance of a milly ever again.
The Jim Ross tribute show will draw 2 millly
I see a certain cripple is still trying to slide this. Would be a damn shame if it somehow ended up back at the top
>it was
>thanksgiving eve
>the nba playoffs
>Chinese new year
Everytime AEW hits new or near historic lows there is the one constant cope of
"People had better things to do".
People always have better things to han to watch AEW, but when the ratings come out they drop everything to slide the threads
What a terrible rating. No way a certain cripple can be happy with these results.

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aewfags should I go see dynamite live at galaxycon?
Will there be a big bang theory panel discussion as a lead in?
>AEW Dynamite on TBS
>Wed, Nov. 27, 2024: 8:00 to 10:00 pm
>536,000 viewers (P2+)
>P18-49 rating: 0.15
OOF. No Five Fitty?
That’s rampage numbers, ouch. Shame Tony went with the elite instead of Cornette.
no idea, I know fuckall about galaxycon, I just moved to columbus
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In b4 Meltzer Thanksgiving cope tweet
Yawn. They got a new deal. Proved the haters wrong. Will get even more money next time. The sky is not falling.
>They got a new deal.
A new deal that WBD is regretting. Remember when Meltzer claimed that WBD was happy as long as AEW stayed above 400k? Well it'll be averaging 400k(or worse) by this time next year. You think AEW got renewed with the expectation that its ratings would keep sinking? roru. rumao.
>Proved the haters wrong
Ratings like this prove the haters right, actually.
>Will get even more money next time
There won't be a next time.
It’s time to take back their loss in the Wednesday night wars. Move nxt to Wednesday. Deliver the killing blow
A certain cripple is trying to slide this and the real ratings thread. Why would that be? Did NXT win or something?
Fake rating or real rating. Doesn't matter. NXT won. Get fucked you fat Irish mick
Back to top you go.
I love how trannies are acting like the the real ratings are much better KWAB
Fake rating real rating here:

Fake rating = NXT won
Real rating = NXT won
Don't worry Hogwheels. Now that the real rating has been reported I will no longer be bumping this thread. Can't promise others won't keep bumping it though...
>We'll have a lot to talk about on our show tonight.
Can't wait
nah those are fake
Yo Hoggers guess what thread is back to the very top?
RECORD LOW Tranpage and Transition ratings incoming
Kek we worked you into spending all day necrobumping just like Thanksgiving

We live rent free
I know you are
Good morning Saartits
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What a fucking disaster.
But still my favorite part of the week. Let's dance!
Only 8 more weeks until no milly #100
How long until Dave starts using the new gas station excuse?
He'll use jewish math to claim that even though NXT did better ratings than Dynamite both in the key demo and overall, AEW actually still won somehow. He's already doing it.
>Well umm you see uhhh when you uhh loook at the uhhh viewers per home you uhh... AEW actually won.
Post the Rampage and Collision ratings.
Damn someone really thought they were going to slide this one huh? oh well back to the very top
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A certain cripple is trying to slide this again I see.. would be a shame if this made it to the top
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Is this true?
How mad do you think a certain cripple would be seeing this back at the very top?
Look on he bright side. This week has to be a skyrocket right?
QH1: 724K - 0.20 P18-49 FG Recap,HS Promo, MB vs SB.
QH2: 588K - 0.17 MB vs. SB cont. MM & K promo/angle.
QH3: 530K - 0.16 CJ vs TI.
QH4: 508K -0.16 CJ/TI finish, Swerve angle, JW, AP Deathriders Angle.
QH5: 532k- 0.15 CC vs Ricochet.
QH6: 479k - 0.13 CC/Rico finish, Callis/Fletcher Promo, Undisputed Kingdom promo, MJF.
QH7: 476K - 0.13 JH vs QA, Mina interview/MM.
QH8: 461k - 0.12 BK vs DA, post match with CC
Who in here shufflin still?
Not likely, no one watches aew
True. I heard NXT won. Ain't that right Cripley?
Damn no wonder NXT crushed Dynamite

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