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>loses clean to Jobamura
Yeah he's done
he held the belt over 100 days its fine
youve memed it into happening. are you happy with yourselves?
>LA will retire without every touching a world title
good morning saar
>txt file of comments if LA Knight wins
>txt file of comments if LA Knight jobs
Very original content here, guys
AEWbound he's done and buried.
is it over for Knight?
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>jobs to this
Based Knight giving the rub to Nakamura.
That's not a GMS, go back.
Haitch hates Knight because he’s inspired by Dwayne.
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>works with a mortician because his career is fucking dead
Nakamura to no dimes look and no dimes music.

It's over for Nakamura. This is what they did to Eugene.

Killed his entrance music with a no dimes version and then jobbed him out till he was done.
Jobber Yeah
This is what this boring shitter deserves
Oh cool he must have done so much during his reign! What are some of your favorite moments from it? For some reason I can't really think of any except that weird botchy match vs Andrade.
He will hold it and the IC title in the near future. It's a shame he may not ever get a world title run.
Bro had a major booboo face during his entrance too
>It's a shame he may not ever get a world title run.
Why? He fucking sucks in the ring. He's too bad to ever main event a show as world champion.
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>Comes out with Boo Boo Face
>Drops the belt in his entrance
>jobbing to a jobber
is this the ultimate humiliation ritual?
fraid so
his match with carmelo hayes have all been fantastic
I liked when he beat Santos Beaner twice and yet had a more compelling, non-title match with his henchman Berto.

holy shit i forgot about santos what happened to that guy?
He actually shows up to work unlike cawdy and gutner
no it's your life
Dude needs to figure it out
Figure out the best way to lay on the mat for 3 seconds KWAB
Kek what a jobber to chinese jobbers
He was my perfect friend
He's too small, if you know what I mean
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He's old news. Let him go back to TNA and wrestle that Joe Henry guy.
We want Jordynne Grace though, she is a serious babe.
>Jobs to a guy who hasn't won a PPV singles match since 2019
Fucking grim. Knight is done.
glad I stopped watching after he beat Logan for the title, knew Paul had no clue nor intention of what to do with him.
We don't want him back
If he doesn't win it back within a month Paul is a frigging goof
Just like last year, Knight is going on the shelf because The Rock is coming back. Dont expect anything major from him until after WM

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