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Who do you want to find under your Christmas tree?
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all i want for christmas is yuu
Based, you posted all of my favorite players. Are you me?
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desperately need to shake those snow globes
Japanese Xmas feet in my mouth. Specifically Komomo, Arisu, and Aya.
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shame about the face
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>it's my dick in a box
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Why is she wearing socks?
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No christmas kouki?
need her to give me a footjob with her socks on RIGHT NOW, I'm currently Juice Robinson
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with boots
oh christmas moke
oh christmas moke
how lovely are your feeties
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christmas boober
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the best possible pick, based Hazuki chad
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I still love her, even though she bogged herself.
this evil gay elf needs correction
Sumire taking the bogpill was the worst thing to happen this year.
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I would give away everything I own to have Arisa underneath my tree
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Imagine all the racist black jokes she would tell you on Christmas Morning
Why do Asian heathens celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour?
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It got popular in postwar Japan from Americans but much like in the west most don't look at it as the religious holiday it was built on as it use to be.
Its gotten to be more like Halloween or Valantines Day and pretty much how the Japanese look at it as Christianity in Japan is a pretty small sect of the population.
Dude I’m gettin a Dell for Christmas
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japanese players are more festive then western women lol
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Have a Christmas Bee.
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Christmas Pudding
I luv me dem Jap bitches
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How about not officially retired players getting really festive?
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forced meme
Her in the same pose, but sockless
I'll stir the pudding with my magic wand
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I wonder if japs listen to Christmas music in English
Lady Cleavage
Everyone does.
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She does a Christmas song
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She's full of Christmas cheer.
Who is this milk filled player ?
I want to suckle on her fat tits
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Santa covering his boner
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Yuna Manase
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prime vanessa blue, I want to give angry white man love to her primo jungle body
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>pale natural udders
my fucking Kryptonite
thank you brother
>cuddling and sipping hot cocoa with Rian.
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Anyone have any Christmas Cougar?
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stupid asian women, teasing me with their feet..............
Thank you Anon
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No problem, you're welcome
Found one more
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Also higher res
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The Christmas Plum.
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It took me longer than I'm willing to admit to realize that the Santa hats in this pic aren't real
You ruined Christmas.
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such a shapely player should have a much more visual outfit
very unfortunate missed opportunity
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now this is more like it
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