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Ehhhhh? AZM (22) has a bit of wiggle and a whole lot of jiggle!
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>white boys and wide shapeless asian butts
like flies to fucking shit
>joshipedos think this is a nice ass
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it's mostly just 1 schizo who throws a fit when people tell him his waifu has a deformed spine
the self proclaimed antischizo has come to reiterate his stance; he believes every poster is one person and he's being elaborately trolled
After all AZM is the Japanese Anna Jay
the joshipedos are gangstalking me every day
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Her ass is just a bonus, she is already cute
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what the hell? azm-chan... your titties have grown!
It's perfectly nice and breedable, not everything needs to be BBL ghetto booties.
Why do you people talk like utter faggots
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Love thick midgets
Nobody says this
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Ok but where is the ass?
Stop being disrespectful
I fail to see the jiggle
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Built for BBC (Big British Cock)
nah you are
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I wish to bury my face in her ass
I do.
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Your skin and eyes are brown.
No such thing
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does she like white guys?
yes, most women like men
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Ehhhhh? AZM (22) can't wrestle.
hate this gear so much on her
this guy has sucked a cock
but enough about you.
duck arse
AZM pronounced Kwabumi
kek what a brown bitch
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