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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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honestly it isn't fair. H and Schawn have top tier draws like punishment martines, j rock and ethan page. AEW has a bunch of ugly manlets who have no charisma and can't wrestle and who shoot have gay sex and who shoot have wife's black kids
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Real draws raise their wife's black son, brother.
Real Hulkamaniacs will do the right thing and give a boy the father he needs, dude! And if you don't believe that, you need to eat your vitamins and say your prayers, jack!
doesn't hogan literally believe if you are bad person the Christin God will reincarnate you as a black?
I'm not hogan, but when his son killed that guy he said it was bad because God was going to make his son come back as a black guy.
Every single one of those people are shitters

He literally has Hogan's exact same skin shade
>gassing up Priest and Reed even as a joke

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