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File: anon .jpg (41 KB, 975x200)
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It’s Britney bitch
How can I get that limp like you?
alright partna, what time is it?
Im not actually a handicapped piece of candy

About 7ish
What is a chocolate starfish? And does it relate to Kevin R. Nash?
A starfish made out of chocolate. Kevin Nash didn’t have a match at the Wrestlemanias I Limp Bizkit was involved in. I assume he was very bad and potentially a bitch.
You think you’re special.
Why'd you have to go and hurt somebody like me?
I didn’t.
Like a chainsaw
Did you really do it all for the nookie?
Do you mean like the actual Limp Bizkit from the game? Like the cookie covered in jizz?

Is it currently just one of those days?
No it’s Sunday
was a chainsaw really the proper tool for the job?
In some cases it’s better to use another tool. When you need to cut a piece of paper for example you should probably use a scissor instead of a chainsaw.
I suppose it is a matter of perspective then, not just in terms of the mental state from person to person but also someone's geographical location, in my time zone it is currently a Monday, often considered to be one of those days

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